Francesco Devoto Study on Performance of First Level Muon Trigger of ATLAS experiment at LHC
Summary ATLAS Trigger System Conclusions First Level Muon Trigger Selection Algorithm Performance with Simulated Data First Test with Cosmic Rays Data LHC and ATLAS Experimental Apparatus
Ring Radius Circumference 4.2 km ~27 km Center of Mass Energy14 TeV Luminosity10 34 cm -2 s -1 Bunch Crossing 40 MHz (t bx =25 ns) n° proton for bunch~10 11 At LHC the protons will collide in 4 points where the following 4 experimental apparatus were installed: ATLAS (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) LHCb (Large Hadron Collider bPhysics) The beginning of data taking is scheduled for 2008 Proton-Proton Collider Large Hadron Collider
46 m Solenoidal Magnetic Field + Vertex Detectors: PIXEL SCT TRT CALORIMETER: Toroidal Magnet MUON SPECTROMETR : Precision Chambers (MDT and CSC) Trigger Chambers (RPC in the barrel and TGC in the end-cap) Z ( Y X 22 mATLAS Experimental Apparatus Pseudorapidity Electromagnetic Hadronic
B Physics Function period with low luminosity ( L = cm -2 s -1 ) Physics Programm LHC is a factory all of Standard Model particles as well as of potenzial new particles with mass in the TeV range Reserch of Higgs boson Sperimental Limit (LEP): m H >113.5 Gev/c 2 LHC will be able to obseve a Higgs boson with mass up to 1TeV and it will measure its mass and pairing with great precision Precision Measurements W and t high production Reserch of SuperSimmetric Particles (SUSY)
Trigger/DAQ Problem 1000 TB s -1 TRIGGER System Initial Rate R = L × p-p ≈ 1GHz DAQ ? Data Trasmission Storage
ATLAS Trigger System Level-1 Trigger The trigger system must be able to make a selection of the events that have some characteristics of interest Level 1 Level 2 Event Filter 1GHz 100kHz ~100Hz Muon Detector Muon Trigger Software Trigger High Level Triggers Hardware Trigger Calorimeter Trigger Central Trigger Processor Front-End LVL2 Trigger Region of Interest ~2.5 s ~10 ms ~1s
ATLAS Trigger System: Muon Spectrometer Barrel RPC Detector EndCap TGC Detector Barrel: | | < 1.05 EndCap: 1.05 <| | < 2.7
RPC View View Chamber Cover Barrel Barrel Muon Spectrometer
The interest physical processes happen with high p T A p T selection is necessary to eliminate the processes that are not of interest LVL1-µ: Threshold Selection Eff pTpT 1 Fluctuation energy lost in the calorimeter Uncertainty on the position of the interaction vertex Scattering Magnetic field disuniformity p T threshold
Muon pT = pT Threshold Same algorithm both for low and high-pT 3 Low-pT + 3 High-pT threshold avalaible! Side p-p Algorithm: Identification of candidate muon track coming from interaction vertex within p T range Infinite momentum track (p T ) d+ e d- depends on the muon p T d+ d- PIVOT Plane RPC 2 Low-pT Plane RPC 1 High-pT Plane RPC 3 Coincidence Windows Calculation: Associate to each pivot strip a COINCIDENCE WINDOW in the Low-pT and High-pT system LVL1-µ: Trigger Algorithm Pivot Strip Low-pT Strip
Low-pT Coincidence Matrix LVL1-µ: Coincidence Matrix (CM) 6 GeV 8 GeV 10 GeV 3 slots for Low-pT Threshold avalaible: Default 6, 8, 10 GeV/c 3 slots for High-pT: Default 11, 20, 40 GeV/c Thr= 6 GeV Thr= 8 GeV Thr= 10 GeV 6 GeV+ 8 GeV+10 GeV
LVL1-µ: Hardware and Simulation RPC segnals are sent to CMA Synchronize input signals Make coincidence Give trigger results for and projection LVL1 ATHENA Analyse Data Simulated Single The package that simulates the trigger is integrated in ATHENA the ATLAS official framework 4 CM create a PAD PAD generate the information of the RoI RoI Spatial Extension = ∆ × ∆ ≈ 0.1 × 0.1
LVL1-µ Performance: Efficiency Curves Low-pT Efficiency Plateau Region Plateau Efficiency ~82%
High-pT Efficiency Plateau RegionPlateau Efficiency ~78% LVL1-µ Performance: Efficiency Curves
LVL1-µ Performance: Geometrical Inefficiency Map Magnetic Ribs Apparatus Support Structures Lift Crack = 3 = rad
Muon Selection Asymmetry Spectrometer layout is not exactly symmetrical respect to this plane then selection asymmetries are possible Muons are deflected in the r– plane under the action of magnetic field Muons track are symmetrical respect to z=0 plane There are significant asymmetries under threshold while above it is small Events under threshold will be processed and rejected by HLTs P T = 10 GeV/c
First Level Trigger Special Configuration: First Collision p-p LHC first collision will be with a luminosity of L= cm -2 s -1 The initial program is for the tweak of machines and calibration of deterctors but also the first data on b-physics Low-p T threshold are MU4 (fully opened), MU5 (5GeV/c) e MU6 (6GeV/c) For High-p T standard threshold HLTs there are in DAQ but the algorithm disabled Fully Opened 5 GeV/c 6 GeV/c Fully Opened 5 GeV/c 6 GeV/c
Coincidence windows are completely opened! The maximum width is given by the Matrix hardware processor size (64x32 channels) Cosmic Trigger: Special Lvl1 algorithm configuration is used to maximize Trigger efficiencies with cosmic events! Cosmic Trigger: Special Lvl1 algorithm configuration is used to maximize Trigger efficiencies with cosmic events! First Level Trigger Special Configuration: Cosmic Ray
Muons hitting RPC System Muons selected by LVL1 #of muons selected by LVL1 Efficiency: LVL1 cosmic = 0.50.1% LVL1 standard = 0.10.1% MU4 Rate Expected MU4 Rate Expected ~600Hz LVL1 cosmic algorithm is applied on a semple of 300k events, P>1 GeV Coincidence matrix fully opened Standard Threshold First Level Trigger Special Configuration: Cosmic Ray
Cosmic events surface distribution triggerated by RPC Z (cm) X (cm) 18m 12 m Distribution obtened with sperimental data from sector 13 Simulated distribution First Level Trigger Special Configuration: Cosmic Ray Tracks muons reconstruction software was developed by Neaples group
LVL-1 Algorithm in M5 (November 2007) Same algorithm both projection (η e φ) Request pointing to vertex Sperimental value consistent with MC estimation First Level Trigger Special Configuration: Cosmic Ray
Using the Level-1 Efficiency curves we may estimate the rates with different threshold Level-1 Efficiency Inclusive μ Cross Section at LHC MU6 Barrel Trigger ~ 12 kHz (low lumi) Mu20 Barrel Trigger ~ 2 kHz (high lumi) MU6 Barrel Trigger ~ 12 kHz (low lumi) Mu20 Barrel Trigger ~ 2 kHz (high lumi) ThresholdLum (cm -2 s -1 ) TriggerTotal (Hz) /K Contribution MU4 (Fully Open) Low-p T % MU Low-p T % MU Low-p T % MU Low-p T % MU Low-p T % MU High-p T % MU High-p T % MU High-p T % LVL1-µ Trigger Rates
Selection Efficiency in the Low-pT Region p T (GeV/c) N events × × × × 10 6 p T (GeV/c) % events with no RPC signal LVL1 Efficiency %(1.4 ± 0.1) · %(3.4 ± 0.1) · %(4.8 ± 0.1) · %(33.4 ± 0.3) · Low-p T Events Position They are concentrated in the transition region between Barrel and EndCap
Event track with p T =2.5GeV/c that enter in the spectrometer EndCap region but it is selected by LVL1 RPC Barrel Barrel LVL1 RoI pTpT % events in the EndCap but triggerated by RPC % % % % Selection Efficiency in the Low-pT Region
Efficiency Curve LVL1, LVL2 and EF It was possible elaborate an eventual trigger menu for the first run at luminosity of cm -2 s -1 ThresholdLevel 1Level 2Event Filter Rate (Hz) MU4PS=1000~1kPT1 1 MU MU6PS=200224PT1 1 MU MU10PS=100112PT1 1 MU MU15PS=2019PT1 1 MU20i14PT14PT14 MU408PT8 8 2MU64PT4 4 2MU20< 1PT1 1
Risults and Conclusions Cosmic Rays Selection Efficiency = 0.5±0.1% MU4 Rate Expected = ~ 600Hz Rate Expected MU6 = 22kHz L = cm -2 s -1 Rate Expected MU20 = 13kHz L = cm -2 s -1 Rate value obteined completely satisfy the request of limit LVL1- pass band Elaboration of an Trigger Menu for first p-p run at luminosity of cm -2 s -1 Study on Performance of First Level Muon Trigger Selection Efficiency in the region with RPC >99% Low-p T Selection Geometrical Efficiency = 82% High-p T Selection Geometrical Efficiency = 78%
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LVL1-µ: CM, PAD e RoI Estensione spaziale = ∆ × ∆ ≈ 0.1 × 0.1 I segnali dagli RPC sono inviati alla CM Sincronizza segnali d’ingresso Effettua le coincidenze Operazioni di majority Fornisce i risultati del trigger sia per la proiezione che 4 CM costituiscono una PAD La PAD genera le informazioni relative alle RoI: Region of Interest
P T = 20 GeV/c The inversion of the asymmetry sign between Low and High-p T is due at intersection of muons trajectories Muon Selection Asymmetry
Barrel Simulation: Cosmic Trigger Coincidence windows are completely opened! The maximum width is given by the Matrix hardware processor size (64x32 channels) Cosmic Trigger RoadMap: Special Lvl1 algorithm configuration is used to maximize Trigger efficiencies wrt to cosmic events! Standard Configuration Coincidence Windows fully opened Top-Down Algorithm Cosmic Trigger RoadMap: Special Lvl1 algorithm configuration is used to maximize Trigger efficiencies wrt to cosmic events! Standard Configuration Coincidence Windows fully opened Top-Down Algorithm
40 GeV/c Fermi Function: Rates Calculus: Parameterizing efficiency curves The Rates Calculus Programm need the knowledge of efficiency curves with a step of 500MeV/c We don’t have such granularity 6 GeV/c Fermi Function Polynomial Line Fermi Function Polynomial: (p t ) = D + Ex -1 + Fx -2 + Gx -3 Line: (p t ) = H + Ix
Selection Efficiency in the very Low-p T region: p T =2GeV/c Selection Efficiency in the Barrel at 2 GeV/c= (0.14 0.01)% Number of RoI Events in the Barrel spectrometer | |<1.05 Threshold events with Roi=1 MuCTPi Position of events with RoI=1 of the Barrel muons selected by RPC
Selection Efficienza in the very Low-p T region: p T =2GeV/c Selection Efficiency in the Endcap at 2 GeV = (0.083 0.004)% Events in the EndCap spectrometer | |>1.05 Numero di RoI attivate MuCTPi Position of events with RoI=1 of EndCap muons selected by RPC Threshold events with Roi=1
Rates Calculus: Rates Value Variation The LVL1 selection efficency value contribute significantly to the uncertainly on rates Small oscillation of efficiency value in the low p T region produce considerable variation on rate value Efficiency value of 0.5% for p T ≈ 2 GeV/c produce an increase of rate value from ~13kHz to ~19kHz Nominal Value