Confounding and Interaction: Part II Methods to reduce confounding during study design: Randomization Restriction Matching during study analysis: Stratified analysis Interaction What is it? How to detect it? Additive vs. multiplicative interaction Comparison with confounding Statistical testing for interaction Implementation in Stata Before we begin today’s material, do we have any questions from last week? Here is our roadmap for today. Last week, we defined and discussed what confounding is. Today, we will spend a large part of the session discussing ways we can prevent or manage confounding and we will divide things up into what can be done in the design phase, before we start enrolling subjects and making measurements, and in the analysis phase, after all of the data has been collected. In the design phase, we’ll talk about randomization, restriction, matching, and in the analysis phase, we’ll talk about stratified analysis. We will then use the remainder of the session to discuss the counterpart to confounding, what is known as interaction. We will define it and how to detect it and describe the two different kinds of interaction: additive and multiplicative interaction. We will compare and contrast interaction with confounding and also describe how to do statistical testing for interaction, including how to implement this in Stata.
D Confounding ANOTHER PATHWAY TO GET TO THE DISEASE (a mixing of effects) Remember from last week how we used this box and stick diagram to describe confounding. Remember that the issue is whether there is an association between a given exposure, E, and a given disease, D. When evaluating this association, we want to make sure that it is not because of the presence of a third variable, a confounding variable, C. Confounding variables represent another pathway to get to the disease under study, a pathway we are not interested in studying, a nuisance pathway. That is why confounding is often called a mixing of effects. Remember also from last week that we said that for a variable to be a confounding variable, the variable must be associated with the exposure variable and with the disease. Confounder D
Methods to Prevent or Manage Confounding By prohibiting at least one “arm” of the exposure- confounder - disease structure, confounding is precluded D One of the main reasons to draw this stick diagram is that it reminds us of the ways to prevent or manage confounding. All of the methods I am going to describe for managing confounding work by one of the two ways. All of the methods to manage confounding either block or interrupt the association between the confounder and the exposure (shown in the top diagram) or the association between the confounder and the disease (in the bottom diagram). Or, actually, the method could block both arms. or D
Randomization to Reduce Confounding Definition: random assignment of subjects to exposure (e.g., treatment) categories All subjects Randomize Distribution of any variable is theoretically the same in the exposed group as the unexposed Theoretically, can be no association between exposure and any other variable One of the most important inventions of the 20th Century! Exposed (treatment) Unexposed Of the methods to deal with confounding, let’s start with randomization. If one is able to implement it, randomization is the cadillac strategy to reduce confounding. As you know, in randomization, all study subjects are randomly allocated to an exposure group. This is most commonly some form of therapy, but can also be an exposure in the sense of a diet or other behavioral modification. As usual, I’m using the word “exposure” very generally here to mean predictor or independent variable. Since the exposure groups are created by a random process, therefore, the distribution of any variable you can think of is theoretically the same in the exposed group and the unexposed group. Therefore, there can be no association between exposure and any other variable. We’ll have a lot more to say about it in our course on clinical trials, but randomization is truly one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.
Randomization to Reduce Confounding Using our stick figures, you can see that with randomization there can be no association between any would-be confounder and the exposure. Therefore confounding cannot occur. This is why randomization holds it exulted place in clinical research. It’s purpose is to prevent confounding. Explains the significant role of randomization in clinical research Randomization prevents confounding
Randomization to Reduce Confounding All subjects Randomize Of course, applicable only for intervention (experimental) studies Special strength of randomization is its ability to control the effect of confounding variables about which the investigator is unaware Because distribution of any variable theoretically same across randomization groups Does not, however, always eliminate confounding! By chance alone, there can be imbalance Less of a problem in large studies Techniques exist to ensure balance of certain variables Exposed Unexposed Now, obviously randomization is only relevant when the investigator has control over the exposure such as when we are studying drugs or other interventions. In other words, when you are doing things to people or you are instructing them to do things to themselves. There are sadly limitations to this in that we cannot, for example, randomize people to smoking or air pollution or unprotected sexual behavior. The special strength of randomization, which makes it the cadillac approach, is that not only does it prohibit confounding by known confounders but also reduces confounding by unknown confounders. Remember, the distribution of any variable you can think of is theoretically the same in exposed and unexposed groups. One note: randomization, especially in small studies, may not lead to perfect balancing of potential confounding factors in the 2 exposure arms (in the case of a drug trial, treatment and placebo, for example). Just by chance alone, there can be imbalance. The bigger the study, the less of a problem this is. For those of you in the trial business, you will want to pay attention to this and know that there are also certain specialized randomization techniques that help to assure balance of potential confounders even in small studies.
Restriction to Reduce Confounding But what if we cannot randomize? Restriction to Reduce Confounding AKA Specification Definition: Restrict enrollment to only those subjects who have a specific value/range of the confounding variable e.g., when age is confounder: include only subjects of same narrow age range Unfortunately, as mentioned, in some fields we unfortunately don’t have the luxury of randomization and hence we have to live by our wits. Fortunately, there are good techniques we can use even if we cannot randomize. Restriction, also known as specification, is one such method, and probably the most blunt one we can use. Restriction is where we restrict enrollment in a study just to those subjects who have a specific value of a confounding variable. For example, when age is confounder, like it often is because age is related to many disease states, we would restrict enrollment in our study to only those persons with a specific value or range of age.
Restriction to Reduce Confounding Graphically, what restriction does is to eliminate any possible association between the exposure and the confounder and between the disease and confounder. This is because there is no variability in the values of the confounding variable. It is constant or fixed. Remember last week when we wondered about the association between birth order and Down Syndrome but we were concerned about confounding by maternal age. One way to deal with this would be to conduct a study where you restricted enrollment to women of a certain age or narrow age range. Another example is from the field of HIV disease. There has been a lot of interest in whether HIV can be spread by oral sex but many of the analyses are confounded by anal sex. In response to this, some researchers have restricted their study sample to those persons who have never had anal sex. e.g., restrict on age Birth Order Maternal Age ? Down Syndrome
Restriction to Prevent Confounding Particularly useful when confounder is quantitative in scale but difficult to measure e.g. Research question: Is there an association between sexual behavior and acquisition of HHV-8 infection? Issue: Is association confounded by injection drug use? Problem: degree of injection drug use is difficult to measure Solution: restrict to subjects with no injection drug use, thereby precluding the need to measure degree of injection use Cannon et. al NEJM 2001 Restricted to persons denying injection drug use Restriction is particularly useful in situations where the potential confounder is quantitative (or ordered) in scale but difficult to measure. Consider, for example, the research question of whether there is an association between sexual behavior and the acquisition of HHV-8 infection. The issue when contemplating a study to look at this question is whether any association between sexual behavior and HHV-8 infection is confounded by injection drug use, because injection drug use is associated with both sexual behavior and HHV-8 infection. The problem, however, is that injection drug use is more than just a yes or no variable in that there is also a magnitude of how much injection drug use a person does. Capturing this magnitude is important if you really want to capture the essence of this variable. The solution is to restrict the study sample to person who don’t inject drug and therefore you don’t have to worry about measuring the magnitude of injection drug use in those who do. This is very clever. In fact, it was done in a recent NEJM article when the study sample was restricted to persons denying injection use and when doing so the authors showed data that persons who were commercial sex workers had 2.2 fold greater odds than non-commercial sex workers, suggestive that HHV-8 infection can be spread via sexual contact.
Restriction to Reduce Confounding Advantages: conceptually straightforward Disadvantages: may limit number of eligible subjects inefficient to screen subjects, then not enroll “residual confounding” may persist if restriction categories not sufficiently narrow (e.g. “20 to 30 years old” might be too broad) limits generalizability (but don’t worry too much about this) not possible to evaluate the relationship of interest at different levels of the restricted variable (i.e. cannot assess interaction) Let’s summarize the advantages and disadvantages of restriction. The advantage of restriction is that it is very straightforward and straightforward is good -especially when you trying to convince people who review your manuscripts. There are disadvantages, however, such as that restriction reduces the number of persons who are eligible and it may take a lot of work to sift through persons to find those with the level of the confounder you are looking for. It is inefficient to have to screen a lot of subjects and only use some of them. If you don’t restrict the values of the would-be confounder narrowly enough, you may not accomplish what you thought you did. In other words you may have what we “residual confounding”, in other words, left over confounding. For example, say if you are studying the association birth order and down’s syndrome and restrict your study population to those 20 to 30 years old. This may not be enough to preclude confounding because the older persons in this age age (the 30 year olds) may be very different than the youngest persons in terms of relationship with birth order and down’s syndrome incidence. Another drawback with restriction is that by limiting the study population to only a specific group with a certain value/range of a confounder, you limit the generalizability of the study (for example, if you restrict to younger persons, you will have a tough time generalizing to older persons). Sometimes researchers worry a lot about external validity or generalizability, but, as we have discussed informally, the first order of business in determining associations or causality is internal validity. In other words, do whatever it takes to determine a valid association in whatever restricted population you need to. If you show an association, then go on to do the next study looking for the association in other studies. All too often the politically driven motivation to include everyone in your studies leaves you with so much heterogeneity that it can be difficult to find effects. The first order of business is internal validity. Generalizability can follow later. Related to this idea of lack of generalizability is that if you restrict to only one level of an extraneous variable, you cannot evaluate the relationship of interest at different levels of the extraneous variable (ie you cannot assess interaction -something we will discuss later today). A simple example from the field of HIV is that if you were evaluating in an observational study the association between pre-therapy CD4 count and ultimate CD4 rise in patients who began protease inhibitors, the amount of prior antiretroviral use would be an important effect modifier. If you limit your study population to just those participants who had never used antiretroviral agents before, you’ll be missing a very interesting part of the story. [Insert example from literature of this.]
Matching to Reduce Confounding A complex topic Definition: only unexposed/non-case subjects are chosen who match those of the comparison group (either exposed or cases) in terms of the confounder in question Mechanics depends upon study design: e.g. cohort study: unexposed subjects are “matched” to exposed subjects according to their values for the potential confounder. e.g. matching on race One unexposedblack enrolled for each exposedblack One unexposedasian enrolled for each exposedasian e.g. case-control study: non-diseased controls are “matched” to diseased cases e.g. matching on age One controlage 50 enrolled for each caseage 50 One controlage 70 enrolled for each caseage 70 Matching is another method that can be used in the design phase to reduce confounding. I will point out at the outset that matching is actually a pretty complex topic, about which we will only scratch the surface. What we do in matching is to choose subjects (either unexposed persons in cohort designs or non-cases in case-control studies) who match those of the comparison group (either the exposed or the cases) in terms of the potential confounding factor in question. The mechanics depend upon the study design. For example, in a cohort study, if we were concerned about race as a confounder, you might match on race. For each white exposed person, you would choose one white unexposed person. For each asian exposed person, you would choose one asian unexposed. Similarly, in a case-control study, if, for example, we did a study of say diet and cancer and were worried about age as a potential confounder, we might match on age. For each case who was 50 years old, we would choose one control who was 50 years old. For each 70 year old case, we would select one 70 year old control. [Insert a contemporary example from the literature.]
Matching to Reduce Confounding Cohort design D or So, back to our schematic representation, for a cohort study, matching results in prohibiting any association between the exposure and the confounder, as seen in the top panel. In a case-control study, matching precludes any association between the disease and the confounder as shown in the bottom panel (and also illustrates one of the disadvantages of matching that I will discuss presently) Case-control design Also illustrates a disadvantage D
Advantages of Matching 1. Useful in preventing confounding by factors which would be difficult to manage in any other way e.g. “neighborhood” is a nominal variable with multiple values. (complex nominal variable) e.g. Cohort study of the effect of stop light cameras in preventing motor vehicle accidents Exposed: persons going thru stop lights with camera Unexposed: persons going thru stop lights without camera Outcome: accidents Potential confounder: ambient driving practices in the neighborhood Relying upon random sampling of unexposed persons without attention to neighborhood may result in (especially in a small study) choosing no unexposed persons from some of the neighborhoods seen in the exposed group Even if all neighborhoods seen in the exposed group were represented in the unexposed group, adjusting for neighborhood with “analysis phase” strategies are problematic Matching does have several advantages. It is the best way to manage certain confounding variables. For example, “neighborhood” is a nominal variable with multiple values; we call this a complex nominal variable. Think of all the neighborhoods in San Francisco, for example. Say you wanted to conduct a cohort study looking at the effect of these new cameras that are posted at selected stop lights in preventing motor vehicle accidents. Here, the exposed group is persons going through stop lights with these cameras. The unexposed group is persons going thru stop lights without these cameras. You want to exclude the possible confounding influence of ambient driving practices in the neighborhood. This is because reckless driving may be associated with persons of a given neighborhood and this same reckless driving may have been associated with the placement of the stop light camera in the first place. To conduct such a study, first, you pick out the stop lights with these cameras and you identify the persons who pass through these stop lights. If you had to rely upon random sampling of unexposed persons (those going thru stop lights without cameras) you might end up choosing no unexposed persons from some of the neighborhoods seen in the exposed group. This is especially true in a small study. If you have persons in the exposed group for whom there are no persons in the unexposed group with the same value of the neighborhood, you are not going to be able to use any adjustment techniques to adjust for this confounder in the analysis phase. Matching, of course, up front would prevent this from occurring; you’d always be sure that you had a comparison group. Even if you did manage to find in your random sampling of stop lights without cameras enough persons in the unexposed group to make sure that all the neighborhoods in the exposed group were covered, the actual mechanics of adjusting for these in the analysis phase is quite problematic because the neighborhood variable has so many multiple possible values and sometimes just not doable with regression techniques - matching up fronts precludes this problem.
If you chose to stratify to manage confounding, the number of strata may be unwieldy Crude Stratified Mission Sunset Richmond Schematically, even if you did manage to find in your random sampling of stop lights without cameras enough persons in the unexposed group to make sure that all the neighborhoods in the exposed group were covered, you would end up with many different strata – one for each neighborhood. . Mission, Sunset, Richmond, Marina, Pacific Heights, Castro, etc. This multitude of strata turns out to be difficult to deal with analytically, but matching up front precludes this problem Marina Pacific Heights Castro And strata for Western Addition, Russian Hill, Portero Hill, Bayview, etc
Advantages of Matching 2. By ensuring a balanced number of cases and controls (in a case-control study) or exposed/unexposed (in a cohort study) within the various strata of the confounding variable, statistical precision is increased A second advantage is that matches brings you increased statistical precision in your inferences (i.e., smaller confidence intervals). This is because matching works towards achieving a balanced number of cases and controls, in the context of a case-control study, or exposed/unexposed in a cohort study within the various strata of the confounder. This balance means tighter precision.
Smoking, Matches, and Lung Cancer A. Random sample of controls Crude OR crude = 8.8 Stratified Smokers Non-Smokers OR CF+ = ORsmokers = 1.0 An example of this is our familiar smoking, matches, and lung cancer analysis. Recall from last week that if one performs a case control study and randomly samples controls from the community, you’ll get the following: a crude or unadjusted odds ratio of 8.8 looking at the association between matches and lung cancer. After adjustment for smoking, the two smoking-specific stratum now feature OR’s of 1.0. When we pool these 2 stratum, using a method we have not yet described, we get on OR of 1.0 with the CI you see. But what if we instead matched on smoking when we sampled the controls. Again, we can choose the controls from the population at large but for every lung cancer case that is a smoker we take a control that is a smoker. For every lung cancer case that is a non-smoker, we take a control that is not a smoker. We end up with better balance in the smoking strata. Notice, in the smokers, we see 900 cases and 900 controls, in the non-smokers, we see 100 cases and 100 controls. When we pool the 2 stratum specific OR’s to get the overall adjusted OR, we get the same point estimate as when we sampled controls randomly from the population but now notice that the CI is narrower, ie better statistical precision, even though the overall sample size is the same. This is all because better balance has been achieved in the comparisons: 900 cases vs 900 controls in this stratum and 100 vs 100 in this stratum. Not an enormous amount but enough to take notice. This is the point that few realize about matching; it improves statistical precision. There exist examples where the benefit of matching in terms of precision is far greater than I show here. [Describe literature example of more dramatic effect] Advanced topic: What about 1:K matching? Provide explanation as to why the balance results in greater precision. Maybe an examination of the MH weights may hold some clues? OR CF- = ORnon-smokers = 1.0 ORadj= 1.0 (0.69 to 1.45) B. Controls matched on smoking Smokers Non-Smokers OR CF+ = ORsmokers = 1.0 OR CF- = ORnon-smokers = 1.0 ORadj= 1.0 (0.75 to 1.34) Little known benefit of matching: Improved precision
Disadvantages of Matching 1. Finding appropriate matches may be difficult and expensive and limit sample size (e.g., have to throw out a case if cannot find a control). Therefore, the gains in statistical efficiency can be offset by losses in overall efficiency. 2. In a case-control study, factor used to match subjects cannot be itself evaluated as a risk factor for the disease. In general, matching decreases robustness of study to address secondary questions. 3. Decisions are irrevocable - if you happened to match on an intermediary factor, you have lost ability to evaluate role of exposure in question via that pathway. e.g. study of effect of sexual activity on cervical cancer. Matching on HPV status precludes ability to look at sexual activity 4. If potential confounding factor really isn’t a confounder, statistical precision will be worse than no matching. Think carefully before you match and seek advice Disadvantages, however, can sometimes outweigh advantages. First of all, it may be time-consuming to sift through people to find appropriate matches. There may even be occasions when you have to toss out a case, for example in a case control study, because you cannot find a control. In general, the inefficiencies of having to find matches may outweigh the benefits gained in statistical precision, that we just discussed. Second, in a case-control study, because you have artificially precluded any association between the potential confounder and the outcome, you cannot directly assess in the study whether this factor is indeed related to the outcome. This illustrates how matching in general works toward reducing the robustness of a study for secondary research questions. Third,the decisions you make about matching are irrevocable. For example, say if you did not understand last week’s lecture and matched upon an intermediary variable, then you have likely lost the ability to look for an effect of your exposure through that pathway. An example of this is if you were studying the effect of sexual activity on cervical cancer. If you happened to match on HPV status, you would have precluded your ability to detect an effect of sexual activity and there would be no ability to undo this. In other words, you cannot undo matching that has already occurred. [note: consider also the issues with overmatching.] Fourth, although you will have to accept this without proof, if the variable you are concerned about producing confounding really isn’t a confounder than you will actually suffer losses, not gains, in statistical precision compared to a situation where you did not match. Suffice it to say, that the heyday for matching was clearly in the past before the advent of newer mathematical regression modeling techniques and the computers to run them. Think carefully before you match and seek advice! [Note: show some recent examples of problems caused by this]
Stratification to Reduce Confounding Strategies in the analysis phase: Stratification to Reduce Confounding Goal: evaluate the relationship between the exposure and outcome in strata homogeneous with respect to potentially confounding variables Each stratum is a mini-example of restriction! CF = confounding factor Crude Let’s now turn to what we can do in the analysis phase. We have already described what stratification is in our example regarding smoking, matches and lung cancer and other examples last week. In this table is the crude or unadjusted data. In stratification, we create strata that are homogeneous with respect to the different values or levels of the potential confounder. In doing so, we have in each stratum created a mini-example of restriction. Everyone in the stratum has the same level of the potential confounder and therefore confounding theoretically cannot occur in that stratum. Stratified CF Level I CF Level 2 CF Level 3
Smoking, Matches, and Lung Cancer Crude OR crude Stratified Smokers Non-Smokers Recall, in our initial example, when we were concerned about the confounding effect of smoking on the relationship between matches and lung ca, we stratified on the two values of smoking: smoking present and smoking absent. Each of these strata is now unconfounded with respect to smoking status. In each smoking specific-stratum, the odds ratio became one. OR CF+ = ORsmokers OR CF- = ORnon-smokers ORcrude = 8.8 ORsmokers = 1.0 ORnon-smoker = 1.0
Stratifying by Multiple Confounders with More than 2 Levels Crude Potential Confounders: Age and Smoking To control for multiple confounders simultaneously, must construct mutually exclusive and exhaustive strata: Our smoking, matches, lung cancer example was the simplest case of stratifying by one potential confounder with two levels, but in fact stratification can also be used when there are multiple potential confounders with more than two levels. To do this, we want to look at the joint effects of these potential confounders, in other words these potential confounders working together, by forming mutually exclusive and exhaustive strata. Let’s say we are looking at the association between chlamydia pneumonia infection and CAD and are wary of the potential confounding effects of age and smoking. To perform stratification, we would form six strata where we could put each subject only once by crossing smoking by age. This would result in strata of <40 smokers, <40 non-smokers, 40-60 smokers, 40-60 non-smokers, >60 smokers, and >60 non-smokers.
Stratifying by Multiple Potential Confounders Crude Stratified <40 smokers 40-60 smokers >60 smokers Schematically, it would look like this with six mutually exclusive and exhaustive strata based on the two potential confounders looked at jointly. Each of these strata is unconfounded by age and smoking; ie all members of the strata have the same value of the two confounders. <40 non-smokers 40-60 non-smokers >60 non-smokers Each of these strata is unconfounded by age and smoking
Summary Estimate from the Stratified Analyses After the stratum have been formed, what to do next? Goal: Create a single unconfounded (“adjusted”) estimate for the relationship in question e.g., relationship between matches and lung cancer after adjustment (controlling) for smoking Process: Summarize the unconfounded estimates from the two (or more) strata to form a single overall unconfounded “summary estimate” e.g., summarize the odds ratios from the smoking stratum and non-smoking stratum into one odds ratio Now that we have formed our strata and gotten rid of confounding in each stratum, what is the next step in the process that we are calling stratification? How do we summarize what the unconfounded estimates from the two or more strata are telling us? In other words, how do we take the information from the different strata and come up with one number (one single measure of association) for for the exposure and disease in question that is adjusted for the potential confounder or set of confounders?
Smoking, Matches, and Lung Cancer Crude OR crude Stratified Smokers Non-Smokers In the smoking, matches, lung cancer example, the measures of association from the different strata were identical; they are both equal to 1. Here the summary of these two strata is easy: the summary is 1. But, in real life it is seldom the case that the estimates from the various strata are identical. OR CF+ = ORsmokers OR CF- = ORnon-smokers ORcrude = 8.8 (7.2, 10.9) ORsmokers = 1.0 (0.6, 1.5) ORnon-smoker = 1.0 (0.5, 2.0) ORadjusted = 1.0 (0.69 to 1.45)
Smoking, Caffeine Use and Delayed Conception Crude RR crude = 1.7 Stratified Heavy Caffeine Use No Caffeine Use Consider this example from a study of the effects of smoking and caffeine use in the occurrence of delayed pregnancies among women hoping to conceive. The principal exposure in question is smoking but say we are concerned about the effects of caffeine use because we know that smoking is related to caffeine use. Look what happens after we stratify by caffeine use. In those women who do not use caffeine, smoking is associated with over a two-fold risk of delayed conception. But in women who use lots of caffeine the risk of smoking is 0.7, if anything a protective effect. Would you think it is appropriate to try to summarize these two effects, 2.4 and 0.7, into one overall number? RRcaffeine use = 0.7 RRno caffeine use = 2.4 Is it appropriate to summarize these two stratum-specific estimates?
Underlying Assumption When Forming a Summary of the Unconfounded Stratum-Specific Estimates If the relationship between the exposure and the outcome varies meaningfully in a clinical/biologic sense across strata of a third variable, then it is often not appropriate to create a single summary estimate of all of the strata i.e. the assumption is that no “interaction” is present No, I think most of us would agree that it does not make much sense to try to summarize these two very different numbers into one. If we did, we are very much missing an important aspect of the system under study. This illustrates the one assumption that is needed before one embarks upon attempting to form a summary estimate between the different strata in stratified analyses. The assumption is that the different strata are basically all estimating the same thing. If the relationship between the exposure and disease under study differs meaningfully (and we’ll talk about what we mean by meaningful later) according to the level of a third variable, then it is not appropriate to form an overall summary estimate of the stratum. More concisely, the assumption is that STATISTICAL INTERACTION is not occurring!
Statistical Interaction Definition when the magnitude of a measure of association (between exposure and disease) meaningfully differs according to the value of some third variable Synonyms Effect modification Effect-measure modification Heterogeneity of effect Proper terminology e.g. Smoking, caffeine use, and delayed conception Caffeine use modifies the effect of smoking on the risk for delayed conception. There is interaction between caffeine use and smoking in the risk for delayed conception. Caffeine is an effect modifier in the relationship between smoking and delayed conception. The example using smoking, caffeine use, and delayed conception illustrates statistical interaction, which is what we call the situation when a particular measure of association (between an exposure and disease; for example a risk ratio) meaningfully differs according to the level of some third variable. Synonyms for statistical interaction include effect modification, effect-measure modification and hetergeneity of effect. You will hear interaction and effect modification most commonly. What’s the proper usage in this situation? For example, we would say: . . .
RR = 3.0 RR = 3.0 Our text, like many others, uses a graphical approach to depict interaction. Let’s look at the top graph. Risk of disease (in a log scale which remember is a multiplicative scale) is shown on the y axis; exposure status (exposed vs unexposed) is on the x axis. Let’s look at the line with the red symbols first; it is for persons who have a third variable present, say something you are evaluating as a potential confounder. In the presence of a third variable, the risk of disease in the unexposed group is 0.05 and it goes up three fold to 0.15 in the exposed group. When the third variable is absent (the black squares), risk in unexposed is 0.15 which goes up to 0.45 in the exposed group, again a 3 fold increase. In other words, the risk ratio does not change according to the third variable. The lines are parallel; this means that there is not statistical interaction in terms of the risk ratio. In the bottom panel, you can see that the risk ratio of disease does change according to the level of the third variable. With the third variable present, the risk ratio is 3.0. When the third variable is absent, the risk ratio is 11.2. Non-parallel lines equals statistical interaction. Does does this make sense to everyone? RR = 11.2 RR = 3.0
RR = 2.5 RR = 0.72 What’s going on there? In the presence of the third variable, exposed persons appear to be protected relative to unexposed, but in the absence of the third variable, exposed persons are at over two fold increased risk. This is what we see in the smoking, caffeine use, and delayed conception example. The effects in the two levels of the third variable are on the opposite sides of 1.0. This is what we call qualitative interaction; in other words, the interaction is huge!
Interaction is likely everywhere Susceptibility to infectious diseases e.g., exposure: sexual activity disease: HIV infection effect modifier: chemokine receptor phenotype Susceptibility to non-infectious diseases exposure: smoking disease: lung cancer effect modifier: genetic susceptibility to smoke Susceptibility to drugs (efficacy and side effects) effect modifier: genetic susceptibility to drug But in practice to date, difficult to document Genomics may change this If you think about it for a moment, I think you will agree that interaction is likely everywhere. As an example from infectious diseases, if the exposure is sexual activity and the outcome is HIV infection, we know that certain persons are more apt to become infected than others. One such effect modifier that has been discovered is the presence of a particular chemokine receptor phenotype. From non-infectious diseases, we have the example of smoking and lung cancer. Although not well worked out, we can imagine that there are host genetic factors that modify the effect of smoke and make some persons much more susceptible to the harmful effects of smoke. How about the effectiveness of drugs? We all suspect there is substantial heterogeneity in terms of how people respond both in terms of therapeutic efficacy and toxicity and that this likely due to various genetically coded susceptibilities. These are just beginning to be described. However, although we all believe that interaction is likely everywhere around us, it has been - to date- in practice actually relatively difficult to find and document these factors. This is one hope of the genomics revolution, that we will be able to find these different host susceptibility factors.
Multiplicative interaction Smoking, Caffeine Use and Delayed Conception: Additive vs Multiplicative Interaction Crude RR crude = 1.7 RD crude = 0.07 Stratified Heavy Caffeine Use No Caffeine Use Back to our example, you know that the risk ratio is not the only measure of association we have to choose from when characterizing the association between an exposure and disease. The other measure is an absolute difference between exposed and unexposed - called a risk difference, shown here as RD. In these 2x2’s, this is simply the risk in the exposed minus the risk in the unexposed. When there is statistical interaction in terms of the ratio measures of association (in this case, the risk ratio), we call this multiplicative interaction. So, just as there could be interaction in the risk ratio there might also be an interaction in the risk difference. In fact, here there is. Among caffeine users, the risk difference is -0.06. Smokers have a 0.06 less risk. Among non-caffeine users, smokers have 0.12 more risk Interaction in the risk difference is called additive interaction. RRcaffeine use = 0.7 RDcaffeine use = -0.06 Multiplicative interaction RRno caffeine use = 2.4 RDno caffeine use = 0.12 Additive interaction RD = Risk Difference = Risk exposed - Risk Unexposed
Additive vs Multiplicative Interaction Assessment of whether interaction is present depends upon the measure of association ratio measure (multiplicative interaction) or difference measure (additive interaction) Hence, the term effect-measure modification Absence of multiplicative interaction typically implies presence of additive interaction Additive interaction present So, when talking about interaction, we have to be precise about whether we are talking about interaction of ratio measures (i.e. multiplicative interaction) or interaction of differences measures ie (additive interaction) or both. That’s why some like to call this effect-measure modification, because whether or not interaction is occuring depends upon the measure of association in question. Let’s go thru a few scenarios. Absence of multiplicative interaction typically implies presence of additive interaction. As you can see here, although there is no interaction for the ratio of risks, there is interaction in the risk differences. When the third variable is present, the risk difference is 0.1, but when the third variable is absent the risk difference is 0.3. What this illustrates is that when we talk about interaction we really have to tie it to the measure of association. RR = 3.0 RD = 0.3 Multiplicative interaction absent RR = 3.0 RD = 0.1
Additive vs Multiplicative Interaction Absence of additive interaction typically implies presence of multiplicative interaction Multiplicative interaction present Additive interaction absent RR = 1.7 RD = 0.1 Absence of additive interaction (when an effect is present) typically implies presence of multiplicative interaction. Here, the risk difference is 0.1 in both strata of the third variable but the risk ratio differs between strata - multiplicative interaction is present. RR = 3.0 RD = 0.1
Additive vs Multiplicative Interaction Presence of multiplicative interaction may or may not be accompanied by additive interaction RR = 2.0 RD = 0.1 No additive interaction RR = 3.0 RD = 0.1 The presence of multiplicative interaction may or may not be accompanied by additive interaction. In the top panel, we see that despite the presence of multiplicative interaction, the risk difference is 0.1 in both strata of the third variable - ie no additive interaction. In the bottom panel, there is again multiplicative interactive, but this time the risk difference in one stratum is 0.1 and 0.4 in another - i.e., additive interaction is present. RR = 3.0 RD = 0.4 Additive interaction present RR = 2.0 RD = 0.1
Additive vs Multiplicative Interaction Presence of additive interaction may or may not be accompanied by multiplicative interaction RR = 3.0 RD = 0.4 Multiplicative interaction present RR = 2.0 RD = 0.1 Likewise, the presence of additive interaction may or may not be accompanied by multiplicative interaction. In the top panel, we see additive interaction and multiplicative interaction. In the bottom panel, we see additive interaction but no multiplicative interaction. RR = 3.0 RD = 0.2 Multiplicative interaction absent RR = 3.0 RD = 0.1
Additive vs Multiplicative Interaction Presence of qualitative multiplicative interaction is always accompanied by qualitative additive interaction Multiplicative and additive interaction both present One thing that you can count on for sure is that the presence of qualitative multiplicative interaction is always accompanied by qualitative additive interaction. We saw this in our example of smoking caffeine and delayed conception.
Additive vs Multiplicative Scales Additive measures (e.g., risk difference): readily translated into impact of an exposure (or intervention) in terms of number of outcomes prevented e.g. 1/risk difference = no. needed to treat to prevent (or avert) one case of disease or no. of exposed persons one needs to take the exposure away from to avert one case of disease gives “public health impact” of the exposure Multiplicative measures (e.g., risk ratio) favored measure when looking for causal association (etiologic research) So, hopefully these past few slides point out the importance of paying attention to what measure of association you are dealing with. For example, there’s no need to look for additive interaction if indeed the relative risk is the right measure of association for you. Knowing which measure of association to care about gets us back to the material covered by Dennis Osmond earlier in the course. Additive measures (like the risk difference) are most readily translated into the impact an exposure (or intervention) has in terms of actual number of actual cases of disease. For example, as I think you all know, 1/risk difference is the number of exposed persons in whom you would have to eliminate exposure in order to avert one case of disease. Or, when the exposure is a drug, 1/risk difference is the number of persons you would to treat to avert one case of disease. In clinical trials, this is known as the number needed to treat. The background incidence of disease in the unexposed group is an important component of this. This gives you the public health impact of the exposure. Multiplicative measures (like the risk ratio) are the favored measures when looking for causal relationships, in other words, etiologic research. Here you are simply asking whether a given exposure causes a given disease. These relative measures are favored when studying causality because they don’t depend upon the background incidence of a disease in unexposed persons.
Additive vs Multiplicative Scales Causally related but minor public health importance Risk ratio = 2 Risk difference = 0.0001 - 0.00005 = 0.00005 Need to eliminate exposure in 20,000 persons to avert one case of disease Causally related and major public health importance RR = 2 RD = 0.2 - 0.1 = 0.1 Need to eliminate exposure in 10 persons to avert one case of disease How about some examples? In the upper panel, we are working with a disease that is very rare but nonetheless the exposure in question is associated with a two fold risk of disease. While this may be causally related, the risk difference between exposed and unexposed is very small, just 0.00005. That means you have to eliminate exposure in 20,000 persons just to avert one case of disease. A simple way to infer this is if you took 100000 exposed persons and then took away their exposure, you would end up 5 cases of disease (the background) and 5 cases of disease averted. In other words, take away exp from 100000 and avert 5 cases, translates into take away exposure in 20,000 to avert 1 case. Contrast that with the lower panel. Here, the disease is more common in unexposed but the relative risk of the exposure is still 2, just like above. In this case, the risk difference is 0.1 which translates into only needing to eliminate exposure in 10 persons to avert one case of disease.
Smoking, Family History and Cancer: Additive vs Multiplicative Interaction Crude Family History Present Stratified Family History Absent Let’s look at this hypothetical example of a cohort study. Smoking is the exposure, cancer (say, one type of cancer, or a variety of cancers) is the outcome, and family history of cancer is the third variable in question. We see that there is not multiplicative interaction, the risk ratio’s are the same in both strata. However, there is apparently additive interaction. The risk diffference is 0.2 among those with a family history and 0.05 among those without a family history. If your goal was simply to assess whether smoking was a risk factor, you would probably go with the risk ratio of 2 and not bother to report the additive interaction to your readers, afterall, it is much easier to report just one number instead of two particularly when your study may have many different risk factors. But say you already had a pretty good sense that smoking was a risk factor and now your goal is to see where you can have the most impact in terms of getting persons to stop smoking. So, if your goal is to identify subgroups of persons to target with an intervention (say a smoking cessation intervention), then you have actually found something interesting. The impact of an intervention would differ depending upon the third variable, family history. In the stratum with a family history present, you just need to eliminate smoking in 5 persons to avert one case of cancer. In the family history absent stratum, you need to eliminate smoking in 20 persons to avert one case of cancer. Hence, the most efficient group to intervene upon is those with a family history. Hence, it is well worth to report the presence of interaction based upon family history. This is the mathematical basis of choosing high risk groups when for such interventions. Risk ratiofamily history = 2.0 RDfamily history = 0.20 Risk rationo family history = 2.0 RDno family history = 0.05 No multiplicative interaction but presence of additive interaction If etiology is goal, risk ratio’s may be sufficient If goal is to define sub-groups of persons to target: - Rather than ignoring, it is worth reporting that only 5 persons with a family history have to be prevented from smoking to avert one case of cancer
Confounding vs Interaction An extraneous or nuisance pathway that an investigator hopes to prevent or rule out Interaction A more detailed description of the relationship between the exposure and disease A richer description of the biologic or behavioral system under study A finding to be reported, not a bias to be eliminated Recall, it was in an attempt to prevent potential confounding of an association between an exposure and a given disease by some third variable by performing stratification that we discovered the concept of interaction. Sometimes there is a lot of confusion about the differences between confounding and interaction and there really need not be. How do confounding and interaction differ? Well, confounding is an extraneous pathway that we want rule out or avoid when looking at the direct association between our exposure in question and the disease under study. Interaction, however, when present, is a more detailed description of the biological or behavioral system under study. It is not extraneous but rather a richer description of the system. When present, it is not a bias we are seeking to eliminate but rather a new finding we should report.
Smoking, Caffeine Use and Delayed Conception Crude RR crude = 1.7 Stratified Heavy Caffeine Use No Caffeine Use Backed to our delayed conception example. If we ignored the presence of interaction and simply formed an adjusted summary estimate (i.e. an average) of what is going on in the two strata (using techniques I will show you next week),we would come up with an adjusted measure of 1.4 which actually is not even statistically significant by conventional limits. Would you want this to be the final answer for this question? Absolutely not! There is much more going on here - such as that smoking appears to be very important risk factor in those persons who do not use caffeine. It may, however, be protective in non-caffeine users. So, when interaction is present, the issue of confounding becomes irrelevant. You would never want to control for caffeine use given the interaction you have found. RRcaffeine use = 0.7 RRno caffeine use = 2.4 RR adjusted = 1.4 (95% CI= 0.9 to 2.1) Here, adjustment is contraindicated When interaction is present, confoundng becomes irrelevant!
Chance as a Cause of Interaction Chance as a Cause of Interaction? Are all non-identical stratum-specific estimates indicative of interaction? Crude OR crude = 3.5 Stratified Age < 35 Age > 35 Is every time the stratum specific estimates differ indicate that we have interaction going on and that we should not adjust for the third variable but rather report all the stratum-specific estimates. This could get kind of messy especially with multiple potential effect modifiers and multiple different levels for the different effect modifiers. We could have dozens of different measures of association to report? Here is an example looking at the association between spermicide use and Down’s syndrome and we are wondering about the influence of age on this association. There is fairly marked differences in the OR in the two stratum but look at the sample sizes. Some of the cells are rather small and therefore we know these numbers are not very statistically precise. Somehow, we need to take this possibility of random variation (i.e., sampling error or chance) into account when we assess the presence of interaction. ORage <35 = 3.4 ORage >35 = 5.7
Statistical Tests of Interaction: Test of Homogeneity (heterogeneity) Null hypothesis: The individual stratum-specific estimates of the measure of association differ only by random variation (chance or sampling error) i.e., the strength of association is homogeneous across all strata i.e., there is no interaction A variety of formal tests are available with the same general format, following a chi-square distribution: where: effecti = stratum-specific measure of assoc. var(effecti) = variance of stratum-specifc m.o.a. summary effect = summary adjusted effect N = no. of strata of third variable For ratio measures of effect, e.g., OR, log transformations are used: The test statistic will have a chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom of one less than the number of strata There are statistical tests available to assess the role of chance or random variation in causing apparent interaction. The null hypothesis of these tests is that there is no difference between the strata - the apparent difference is only because of random sampling error; i.e. the strength of association is homogenous across strata; there is no interaction. We won’t dwell into the mechanics of these tests only to say that they follow a chi-square distribution with the degrees of freedom equal to the number of strata minus one.
Interpreting Tests of Homogeneity If the test of homogeneity is “significant”, this is evidence that there is heterogeneity (i.e. no homogeneity) i.e., interaction may be present The choice of a significance level (e.g. p < 0.05) for reporting interaction is not clear cut. There are inherent limitations in the power of the test of homogeneity p < 0.05 may be too conservative One approach is to report interaction for p < 0.20 if the magnitude of differences is high enough i.e., if it is not too complicated to report stratum-specific estimates, it is often more revealing to report potential interaction than to ignore it. However, meaning of p value is not different than other contexts Not a purely statistical decision So, if the null hypothesis is that there are no differences, the alternative hypothesis is that there is a difference. A small p value for a test of homogeneity means that there is a substantial evidence to reject the null hypothesis of uniformity; ie there is evidence for heterogeneity What p value to use for a cutoff is somewhat controversial. Most studies don’t have enough subjects to enable these tests to have a high level of statistical power. Hence, p=0.05 may be too conservative. Hence, it may be worthwhile to use a higher threshold - not for declaring statistical significance of interaction but for when deciding when to report stratum-specific estimates as opposed to pooling them. In other words, if it is not too complicated to report stratum-specific estimates, it is often more revealing to report potential interaction than to ignore it. Hence, one approach is to use a threshold as high as 0.2. However, this is not to say that the interpretation of the p value is any different in this context versus any other context. The point is simply that reporting it shows something of interest to readers and this can be an impetus for future work. There is no right answer here and as I hope to show you in a few minutes, this is not purely a statistical decision.
Tests of Homogeneity with Stata 1. Determine crude measure of association e.g. for a cohort study command: cs outcome-variable exposure-variable for smoking, caffeine, delayed conception: -exposure variable = “smoking” -outcome variable = “delayed” -third variable = “caffeine” command is: cs delayed smoking 2. Determine stratum-specific estimates by levels of third variable command: cs outcome-var exposure-var, by(third-variable) e.g. cs delayed smoking, by(caffeine) Let’s implement this test in Stata, and to do this we use the epitab set of commands that you have already used. First, lets look at the crude association. You already know this command, its cs outcome exposure. Then, look at the stratum-specific. . .
What does the p value mean? . cs delayed smoking | smoking | | Exposed Unexposed | Total -----------------+------------------------+---------- Cases | 26 64 | 90 Noncases | 133 601 | 734 Total | 159 665 | 824 | | Risk | .163522 .0962406 | .1092233 | Point estimate | [95% Conf. Interval] |------------------------+---------------------- Risk difference | .0672814 | .0055795 .1289833 Risk ratio | 1.699096 | 1.114485 2.590369 +----------------------------------------------- chi2(1) = 5.97 Pr>chi2 = 0.0145 . cs delayed smoking, by(caffeine) caffeine | RR [95% Conf. Interval] M-H Weight -----------------+------------------------------------------------- no caffeine | 2.414614 1.42165 4.10112 5.486943 heavy caffeine | .70163 .3493615 1.409099 8.156069 Crude | 1.699096 1.114485 2.590369 M-H combined | 1.390557 .9246598 2.091201 Test of homogeneity (M-H) chi2(1) = 7.866 Pr>chi2 = 0.0050 Here’s what the output looks like. First the crude association, and then the stratum-specific measures of association. When looking at the crude association, note the 2x2 table and the output of both the risk ratio and the risk difference. The chi square statistic for the table follows as does the p value. When looking at the stratum-specific estimates, the “by( )” option is used. You don’t get two separate two by two tables but instead you get the risk ratio for the primary exposure under study separated by values of the third variable. Here is the risk ratio (2.4) when no caffeine is used and here is the risk ratio 0.7 when caffeine is used. In Stata, the test for homogeneity is automatically calculated as part of epitab command that you learned in Mark Pletcher’s course and that also used earlier in the course. Here it is. The p value is: 0.005. What does this p value mean? This low p value reinforces your initial instinct that these two strata are not telling you the same thing and you don’t want to report them pooled together. What does the p value mean?
Report vs Ignore Interaction? Some Guidelines Is an art form: requires consideration of both clinical and statistical significance Let’s finish by going through several examples to get a feeling for when we should report, rather than ignore interaction. You’ll see that this an art form and requires consideration of both clinical and statistical significance. Let’s say we are looking at the association between a given exposure and a given disease and we have to then look at the effect of a potential effect modifier that has two levels: present and absent. In these two columns you see the stratum-specific measures of association, in this column, the p value for the test of homogeneity, and here is our verdict. If the two strata give results of 2.3 and 2.6 and a p-value for the test of heterogeneity of 0.45, what should we do with it. Ignore it. What if the p value is 0.001, this is an example of where we should still ignore it because because this difference really is pretty small from a clinical or biologic perspective -- likely not meaningful. What if we got 2.0 in one stratum and 20 in another and a p value of 0.001. Here, this is worth reporting. However, if we saw a difference of 2 and 20 and a p value of 0.2, we still might want to report or show this interaction rather than ignoring it. As the p value gets higher, I would be less and less interested in reporting and more and more interested in just lumping the stratum together. How about a difference between 3 and 4.5? This is not that big a difference in clinical or biological terms. Hence I would probably ignore it if the p value was 0.3 and be on the fence about it even if the p value was very small. Finally, how about in the presence of what appears to be qualitative interaction. I would have a lower threshold to report it, perhaps even up to a p value of 0.2.
When Assessing the Association Between an Exposure and a Disease, What are the Possible Effects of a Third Variable? No Effect Intermediary Variable: ON CAUSAL PATHWAY I In summary, when we are assessing the association between an exposure and a disease, what are the possible roles of a third variable? Depending upon your research question, a third variable could be acting as an intermediary variable on the causal pathway and if so, we would not want to adjust for it or control for it any way. Hence, this is the first decision to make. If you are not conceiving the third variable as an intermediary variable, then you need to assess whether it is an effect modifier or confounder. If it is none of these, neither an intermediary variable nor an effect modifier nor confounder, then we simply say that is has no effect. C + EM _ Confounding: ANOTHER PATHWAY TO GET TO THE DISEASE Effect Modifier (Interaction): MODIFIES THE EFFECT OF THE EXPOSURE D