Atlantic (blue fin) tuna: 26/the-tuna-tragedy-of-the-commons/ 26/the-tuna-tragedy-of-the-commons/ /DC2 podcast from Sciencehttp:// /DC2 Salmon: Alexandra Morton ‘s Salmon fight
Fisheries management press_releases/2008/com08_90_en.htm press_releases/2008/com08_90_en.htm
The Unnatural History of the Sea By Callum Roberts Aberdeen, Scotland, North Sea
Black Sea Bass, 146kg, Santa Catalina Island, 1909 Common Skate, Ireland, early 20 th century
Sharks catch, Pacific coast of Panama, 1920, that day they landed 3 TONS of sharks by three anglers! Groupers ( pounds), Key West, Florida, 1950
Heaps of abalone shells in Santa Barbara, Calif., from a 1920 postcard. (Census of Marine Life)
Fishing down the food web…..Dr. Daniel Pauly
Coast of Mexico, rays Why so abundant?
/science/ /fishing-with-carl- safina.html /science/ /fishing-with-carl- safina.html