1 Cambridge University Library Supporting research data management: A pragmatic approach Catharine Ward, Cambridge University Library conference, Thursday, 6 th January, 2011 On behalf of: Lesley Freiman, Cambridge University Library Sarah Jones, Laura Molloy and Kellie Snow, University of Glasgow A pilot project for supporting research data management
2 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental What is Incremental? Collaborative project between Cambridge University Library and HATII, University of Glasgow. Aim: To improve research data management within our own institutions by focusing on better advice, training and support – the people aspects.
3 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Scoping study: method Building on Glasgow digital preservation study Semi-structured interviews Similar departments to allow comparison Glasgow (2009): Archaeology Chemistry Engineering English Public Health Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Cambridge (2010) Archaeology Chemistry Engineering English Public Health Scott Polar Research Institute
4 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Scoping study: findings 1.Creating and managing files File naming and structuring, lack of selection, increasing volumes. 2.Storage and back-up Variety of media, who backs up? 3.Preservation and re-use Obsolescence, best formats, available support 4.Data sharing Personal investment, practicalities, obstacles. 5.Existing guidance and training Wrong time / format, can’t find, hard to use, jargon!, want person to call…
5 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Language matters Using the phrase ‘Looking after your data’ rather than ‘preserving your data’ Suspicious of ‘policies’ which imply a mandate. More receptive to ‘guidance’ or advice’ Must translate data management from specialist to non specialist
6 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Four recommendations preservation/incremental/ documents/Incremental_Scoping_ Report_ pdf
7 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental 1. Produce simple guidance on creating, storing and managing data
8 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental
9 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental
10 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental
11 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental 2. Offer practical training resources with discipline‐specific examples ‘Curation for researchers’ course -principles of data management -case studies and breakouts to put in context -collaborate with university services to profile support -are producing online materials from this
12 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Case study of English Language projects Key considerations Local support Digital Curation for Researchers workshop
13 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Thematic seminars Lunchtime seminars (2hr) in Spring at CRASSH on: Ethics/confidential data - 19 th January 2011 – Dr Louise Corti (UK Data Archive) IPR - 2 nd February 2011 – Andrew Charlesworth (JISC/University of Bristol) FOI - 16 th February 2011 – Mike Baillie (Queens University, Belfast) Managing diverse data formats - 2 nd March 2011 – Paul Russell (English, Cambridge University), Stephen Gray (JISC/Bristol University), Fannar Haddad
14 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Online training resources Course and workshop outputs e.g. video case studies, audio-synced slides, screencasts Modular slides/resources that can be dropped into other courses More visual formats e.g. flow diagrams, factsheets
15 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental 3. Connect researchers with support staff for tailored advice and partnering Raise awareness of existing support staff and services through data management web pages and training Build links with research office to point researchers to relevant support when applying for grants
16 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental 4. Work towards a DM infrastructure
17 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Conclusions There is a need for support with day to day issues of creating and managing data. Data management is mostly a ‘people’ problem. Providing brief and accessible guidance, training and support to researchers will be effective in the long term. Data management a collaborative effort: Librarians have key skills in managing, organising and classifying information, which researchers could be drawing on to manage their data more effectively.
18 Conference 2011, 6 th January 2011 Follow our work! Blog: http//incrementalproject.wordpress.com Twitter: JISCincremental Thanks for listening Catharine Ward - Project website: Cambridge Dataman web pages: Project blog: Twitter: JISCincremental