Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France May INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
An informal consortium of observers using remote sensing techniques to conduct campaign- focused studies of the source regions and morphology patterns of Mercury’s exosphere. Mission Statement INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Teams of Observers from Japan, France, Italy and USA Observations primarily groundbased using sodium emissions. New opportunities from spacebased imagers. Organized as part of PHEBUS on the BepiColombo Mission. Near-term relevance to MESSENGER Mission. INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Scientific Goals and Objectives Identify the spatial and temporal scales of source regions for Mercury’s exosphere. Combine multi-technique observations to constrain uncertainties inherent in single-parameter observations. Characterize solar radiation acceleration effects upon sodium atoms in exospheric tail at all points in Mercury’s orbit. Use case-study data sets to constrain models of Mercury’s exosphere. Provide timely input to BepiColombo and MESSENGER colleagues and mission planners. INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Observing Strategies Participating teams make observations according to their own plans and objectives throughout each year (with support from national sources). Participating teams agree upon at least one Joint Observing Period each year, typically spanning ~1 week. This plan provides data sets appropriate for studies of long-term variability and shorter- term case-studies. INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Presentation of Results Encourage individual teams to present and publish single data set results. Encourage and coordinate case-study presentations and publications of campaign-mode, multi-diagnostic results. INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Summary of Campaigns IMW 1, 2, 3, and 4 (when two or more teams were participating) Orbital Configurations at Times of Observations INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Summary of Radiation Pressure Acceleration Conditions During IMW-1,2, 3, and 4. INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Summary of Solar Activity During IMW-1, 2, 3, and 4. IMW-1IMW-2 IMW-3IMW-4 INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Center for Space Physics, Boston University, Boston, USA November 2006 Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France May Group Meetings INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
Participants Alain Doressoundiram (Observatoire de Paris) Adeline Gicquel (Observatoire de Paris) Jean-Luc Maria (Service d’Aeronomie) Mea Wedlund (Service d’Aeronomie) Francois Leblanc (Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste; Service d’Aeronomie) Valeria Mangano (Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario) Cesare Grava (Universita di Padova) Shoichi Okano (Tohoku University) Masato Kagitani (Tohoku University) Michael Mendillo (Boston University) Jeffrey Baumgardner (Boston University) Jody Wilson (Boston University) Joei Wroten (Boston University) Sonya Sherman (Boston University) INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
AGENDA MONDAY: May 5th ---- in Salle du Conseil 9:00: Welcome---Alain Doressoundiram 9:15: Meeting Overview and Goals---Michael Mendillo Session I: Source Regions---Imaging above and near Mercury’s disk. 9:30: CFHT and NTT Results Alain Dorresoundiram 9:50: TNG Results Valeria Mangano 10:10: THEMIS Results ---- Francois Leblanc 10:30: Coffee Break 11:00: Maui Results ---- Jody Wilson 11:20: Results from Japanese Observatories ---- Shoichi Okano 11:40: Discussion: Publication of individual data sets and combined data set M. Mendillo, ALL 12:00: Lunch Break INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH
MONDAY: May 5th ---- in Salle du Conseil Session II: Mercury’s Sodium Tail 13:30: Results from Japanese Observatories----Shoichi Okano 13:50: McDonald Observatory Results (wide field)----Jeff Baumgardner 14:10: McDonald Observatory Results (narrow field)---Jody Wilson 14:30: Discussion: Publication of individual data sets and combined data sets----- M. Mendillo, ALL 14:50: Observing Opportunities in 2008 and Jody Wilson, ALL 15:10: Discussion ---All 15:30: Coffee Break 16:00: Guided Tour of Observatory, Instruments and History-----Dr. Danielle Briot 17:00: Adjourn 19:30: Group Dinner ---- Apollo Restaurant, 3 place Denfert-Rochereau INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH AGENDA
TUESDAY: MAY 6th : in Salle Danjon Session III: Science Issues and Observing Methods 09:00: Status Report on Exospheric Models -----Francois Leblanc 09:20: Crucial Data Sets Needed----Jody Wilson, Francois Leblanc, ALL 09:40: New Instruments and Techniques----Jeff Baumgardner 10:00: New Instruments and Techniques----Masato Kagitani 10:20: Discussion-----M. Mendillo, All 10:30: Coffee Break 11:00: Graduate Student Presentation: Mea Wedlund 11:20: Graduate Student Presentation: Cesare Grava 11:40: Status Report on MESSENGER Flyby TBD 12:00: Lunch INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH AGENDA
TUESDAY: MAY 6th : in Salle Danjon Session IV: Satellite Missions and Future Plans 13:30: Status of BepiColombo mission and PHEBUS instrument Jean-Luc Maria 13:50: Status of MSASI instrument on BepiColombo/MMO---- Shoichi Okano 14:10: Future Plans M. Mendillo, ALL Presentations and Publications Future Meetings 15:00 Adjourn. INTERNATIONAL MERCURY WATCH AGENDA