Andy Keane Director, Southampton Regional e-Science Centre Welcome Southampton Regional e-Science Centre Opening
Today’s Agenda Welcome by Andy Keane Formal Opening by Prof Bill Wakeham (VC) Lunch (12:30-13:30) Tours and Access Grid demonstration for those staying after lunch Close (14:30)
The Vision ‘e-Science is about global collaboration in key areas of science, and the next generation of infrastructure that will enable it.’ ‘e-Science will change the dynamic of the way science is undertaken.’ John Taylor Director General of Research Councils Office of Science and Technology
Instruments People Appliances e-Science & the Grid Data Bases PDAs e-Science is the large scale science carried out through distributed global collaborations enabled by the Internet. It is characterised by very large data collections and computing resources being used by collaborating but geographically separated engineers or scientists. The e-Science computing infrastructure is known as the Grid. The vision of e-Science involves substantial computer science research challenges in grid computing.
UK e-Science Initiative £120M Programme over 3 years £75M is for Grid Applications in all areas of science and engineering £10M for Supercomputer upgrade £35M ‘Core Program’ to encourage development of generic ‘industrial strength’ Grid middleware
Cambridge Newcastle Edinburgh Oxford Glasgow Manchester Cardiff Southampton London Belfast DL RAL Hinxton UK e-Science Grid
The Southampton Regional Centre Supporting projects and encouraging industrial applications Increasing awareness of the techniques of e-Science Helping people to kick off e-Science projects and activities Helping co-ordinate activity across the University, region, national & international communities GRID deployment Managing an Access Grid node Newly refurbished building
Centre Structure Management team is Andy Keane, Simon Cox, Dave De Roure, Mike Chrystall (Engineering) and Pete Hancock (SUCS). Regional remit from Bath to Brighton. Strongly supported from IBM Hursley, Microsoft & Intel. First outreach event held Friday 8 Feb See
Generic Grid Middleware All e-Science Centres donating resources to form a UK ‘national’ Grid –Supercomputers, clusters, storage, facilities All Centres are running the same Grid Software – Starting point is Globus and Condor Work with Global Grid Forum and major computing companies (IBM, Oracle, Microsoft, Sun,….) –Aim to ‘industry harden’ Grid software to be capable of realizing secure VO vision
Access Grid Nodes Technology Developed in USA at Argonne National Laboratory Access Grid will enable informal and formal group to group collaboration Distributed lectures and seminars Virtual meetings Complex distributed grid demos
e-Science Centre Projects Each centre has £0.5M block grant and further £1M to fund industry facing middleware projects Projects require 50% matching resources from industry Projects aim to exploit Grid technology to allow e-Science based working
Current Projects Civil Engineering Site Monitoring Ship Motion Simulation Yacht Design Marine Structural Analysis Photonic Device Design Centre also houses Geodise Pilot (EPSRC), Genie (NERC) & Grid BioSim (BBSRC)
Geodise EPSRC Pilot “Grid-enabled Optimisation and Design Search for Engineering” £2.8M project is led by Simon Cox with Andy Keane (SoES), Nigel Shadbolt (ECS) Partners at the Universities of Manchester and Oxford 11 research posts at Southampton Collaborating companies are Rolls Royce, BAE Systems, Fluent, Intel, Microsoft, Compusys, and Epistemics.
Geodise will provide grid-based seamless access to an intelligent knowledge repository, a state-of-the-art collection of optimisation and search tools, industrial strength analysis codes, and distributed computing & data resources APPLICATION SERVICE PROVIDER COMPUTATION GEODISE PORTAL OPTIMISATION Engineer Parallel machines Clusters Internet Resource Providers Pay-per-use Optimisation archive Intelligent Application Manager Intelligent Resource Provider Licenses and code Session database Design archive OPTIONS System Knowledge repository Traceability Visualization Globus, Condor, OGSA Ontology for Engineering, Computation, & Optimisation and Design Search CAD System CADDS IDEAS ProE CATIA, ICAD Analysis CFD FEM CEM Reliability Security QoS
External activities Southampton represented on national e-Science committees: –e-Science Technical Advisory Group (Shadbolt) –Architecture Task Force (De Roure) –Security Task Force (Surridge) –Grid Engineering Task Force (Cox, Baker) –Grid Network Team (Chown) –JISC Research Committee (De Roure) –… N+N meeting, semantic grid (De Roure, Webb) Reports commissioned from De Roure et al and Cox Intel Virtual Centre for Grid Computing with Imperial College (Cox)
Other e-Science Projects at Southampton
Comb-e-Chem EPSRC Pilot “Structure-Property Mapping: Combinatorial Chemistry and the Grid” £2.3M project led by Jeremy Frey in Chemistry (with Mike Hursthouse and Jonathan Essex), Dave De Roure (ECS) Mike Surridge (IT Innovation) and Sue Lewis (Maths) 11 Southampton posts, Bristol is partner Collaborating companies are Roche Discovery Welwyn, Pfizer, IBM UK Ltd, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre and Southampton Combinatorial Centre of Excellence. Includes Exploring Chemical Structures using e-Science demonstrator X-Ray e-Laboratory
MyGrid EPSRC Pilot “MyGrid: Personalised extensible environments for data-intensive in silico experiments in biology” £3.3M project led by University of Manchester Other partners are Southampton, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield and the European Bioinformatics Institute. Southampton team led by Luc Moreau (ECS) and Matthew Addis (IT Innovation) Collaborating companies are IBM UK Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline, SUN Microsystems Ltd, AstraZeneca UK Ltd, Merck KGaA, Epistemics Ltd, Network Inference and GeneticXchange.
IRC e-Science Projects AKT – CoAKTing: Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid. Equator/MIAS – Grid-based Medical Devices for Everyday Health. AKT/MIAS – Grid Enabled Knowledge Services: Collaborative Problem Solving Environments in Medical Informatics.
Grid Enabled Knowledge Services – Collaborative Problems Solving Environments in Medical Informatics Southampton, OU, Sheffield, Oxford, Kings Grid will be used to fuse images, align them over visits etc MIAKT will develop ontologies to annotate and label features, map between viewpoints Generate natural language reports from labelled features, patient history to support collaborative problem solving GradeClinicalImagingCytological 1NormalNormal or benign Inadequate 2BenignProbably benign Benign 3UncertainIndeterminateSuspicious probably benign 4Malignant? Suspicious probably malignant 5Malignant
MRC project Integration of maps to support disease gene mapping and studies of of biological properties of chromosome location £ 216k project Andy Collins, Human Genetics
NERC project GRID for Environmental Systems Diagnostics and Visualization Reading (Coordinator) Prof. K. HainesAssimilation, Modelling SouthamptonProf. J. Marotzke Thermohaline Modelling ImperialProf. A. Goddard Engineering Fluid Models ManchesterDr J. BrookeHPC, RealityGrid RutherfordDr D. BoydCommodity Visualization
European projects GRIA “ Grid Resources for Industrial Applications ” 2.8M euro project led by IT Innovation Collaborators are ENEL (an Italian energy utility) and Kino (a Greek TV and movie production company), the National Technical University of Athens and Dolphin from Norway. GRIDStart “ Grid Dissemination, Standards, Applications, Roadmap and Training ” IT Innovation. Exploit synergies between European Grid projects, contribute to international standards and stimulate early take-up of Grid enabled applications.
European projects (cont.) DISTAL-TU 0.8M euro project, IT Innovation will develop and prove business models for users, service providers and technology providers. Atos Origin Engineering Services in the Netherlands will use the technology to provide services for the European Space Research and Technology Centre GRIP 1.9M euro project, aims to demonstrate that the different perspectives of two distinct grids can successfully complement each, focusing on weather prediction and biomolecular applications as inter-grid applications. Southampton ’ s participation is led by Denis Nicole (ECS) with Simon Cox.
European projects (cont.) GEMSS “Grid-Enabled Medical Simulation Service” 3.3M Euro project, IT Innovation will develop a system with security compliant to complicated and demanding legislation, and quality-of-service appropriate to various time-critical processes. It will demonstrate how Grid technologies can be used to transform healthcare and enable Europe to lead that transformation.
We are up and running. The building is ready. Projects are agreed. Staff have been recruited. The Centre is making a contribution. Summary We just require the building to be opened …