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Introduction Land of great altitudinal and ethnic diversity Many ethnic groups with different customs and languages Understanding of diseases, practices of healing systems are highly influenced by their own culture and religion. People have strong belief and faith in traditional medical system.
Ethnical diversity
Existing Health system Traditional medical system – Ayurveda – Amchi – Homeopathic – Naturopathic – Faith and spiritual healers – Others Modern allopathic medical system
Jhakri (A Faith healer)
Deo-ma (a female medium) during a healing sassion.
Einige nepalesische Begriffe Deuta aaune Phukne Jhaarne Jaal Prasaad
In Nepal, traditional healers are first consulted by people at the time of illness and trouble. People often do not go to doctors and western medical services without the permission of the traditional healer. -Poudyal B The World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that up to 80 percent of the world’s population, which mostly lives in rural areas, rely on herbal medicine as their primary form of healthcare.
It was more convenient to visit a traditional healer (Jhankri) than to come to the village health post. -Finkenbine
Tamang traditions prohibits women from practicing shamanism. -Carol Schaefer
Difficulties for female Faith Healers Women‘s duty in the nepalese society. Traditional hindernisses Family others
Conclusion Traditional medicine are still practisised in Nepal. Traditional healers plays an important role in the medical system of Nepal
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