Affective Computing Lecture 5: Dr. Mark Brosnan 2 South:


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Presentation transcript:

Affective Computing Lecture 5: Dr. Mark Brosnan 2 South:

Picard (1997) Affective Computing: Computing that relates to, arises from, or deliberately influences emotions (p.3) Recognise emotions Express emotions ‘Have’ emotions

Is Mr. Spock intelligent? Spock is only rational Descarte’s Error (Damasio, 1994) Elliot searches unlimited search space to make a rational decision Missing ‘somatic markers’ that associate feelings with decisions

Artificial Intelligence? AI is like Elliot Turing Test (1950; French 2000) Emotion is required for artificial intelligence (Hofstadter, 1981) Emotional Intelligence?

Affective communication Social rules extended to computers Media Equation (Reeves and Nass, 1996) Anthropomorphism Mechanomorphism

Recognise Emotions Vision to recognise facial expression Multimodal GSR – polygraph Which emotion: happiness, guilt ‘Emotional Turing test’ Person dependent Person independent

Criteria for recognition Input Pattern recognition Reasoning Learning Bias Output

Express emotions Kismet (Breazeal and Scassellati, 2002) Emotional expression for communication and social co-ordination Emotion for organisation of behaviour (action selection, attention and learning) Arbib and Fellous (2004)


More effective expression than humans Human expression identified 50% of the time Computer expression identified 70% of the time (Elliott, 1997) Computers having non-human emotion?

Criteria for expression Input Intentional vs. spontaneous pathways Feedback Bias exclusion Social display rules Output

Have emotions Can machines feel? How would we know?

Criteria for having emotions System has behaviour that appears to arise from emotions System has fast ‘primary’ emotional responses to certain inputs System can cognitively generate emotions System can have emotional experience System’s emotions interact with other processes (e.g. memory)

Do computers need bodies to have emotions? Robot emotions? Arbib (2005) Recognition of own emotion Recognition of other computer’s emotions Consciousness? Real or simulation? Sci Fi: 2001!

Design questions 1. Should computers be allowed to keep their emotions from their designers? 2. Should what is considered good and bad be hard-wired or learned? 3. Should a computers mood be affected by others’ moods? 4. Do computers need negative emotions, anger, fear, misery?

Interacting with Computers Special Issue (2002, 14(2)) Affective Computing

Scheirer et al. (2002) Frustration Slow computer game Mouse clicking behaviour

Klein and Picard (2002) This computer responds to user frustration Affect-support agent Text and buttons in a GUI Demonstrate empathy to support user Control 1: Emotions ignored Control 2: Vent frustration

Experiment Game 1 Agent intervention Game 2 Affect support agent lead to greater involvement in longer play with Game 2

Picard and Klein (2002) Emotion skill needs: Emotional self awareness Manage emotions Self-motivate Affect perception Empathy Experiential emotional needs

Hone (2006) Empathetic agents more effective Embodied Female embodied agents more effective

Tractinsky (2004) Affective HCI is difficult to study Affective HCI is hard to do Design interactive technologies that help users help themselves

Muller (2004) 2 Criticisms: Computers Are Social Actors (CASA)? Other technologies are anthropomorphised too (boats, cars, toys etc) Need to better understand emotions

Artefact: Potential course work idea is to analyse the affective nature of a piece of technology Or to investigate agent mediation of affective states Or evaluate the impact of emoticons Frustrate users and see what happens!

References: Journals: Interacting with Computers Trends in Cognitive Sciences Both available on line Book: Picard, R. (1997) Affective Computing. MIT Press.

In Future: Develop an understanding of anxiety, specifically computer-related anxiety Develop an understanding of emotion and the neuropsychology of HCI