Why more and more British spend holidays abroad? First choices of their destinations? Why? Presented by Helen 冯柳金
Join me this way- How do British people like traveling? (compared with Chinese people ) Why do more British choose to travel abroad? What destinations are among their first choices? Why?
Tourism: different things for different people 1.Purpose 2. Things they do 3.Choices they have
Purpose B: for relaxation / stay in one place (high-standard demand for the places ) C: for sightseeing/ traveling around
Things they do B: sunshine, seaside, food C: sightseeing, shopping
Choices they have B: most on private, large range of choice C: most on business, limits 法国凡尔赛宫 俄 罗 斯俄 罗 斯
Traveling Abroad *Conditions for oversea traveling *Benefits of oversea traveling
Conditions for oversea traveling 1.More holidays 2.Transportation 3.money
Benefits of oversea traveling More sunshine, delicious food More high-level services on lower prices Trying new places and activities 韩国:浪漫相约 济州岛 别有风味 夏威夷 热爱冒险的西班牙人
First choices and reasons France Spain Iceland
Warm weather in winter and cool in summer Good accommodation Not long distance and convenient transportation Special landscape and warm spring 冰岛间歇泉和彩虹
France Sunshine and seaside (long ocean-line) Learning French French food Short distance and convenient transportation (the Channel Tunnel )
Spain Sunshine and seaside Food Short distance 西班牙奔牛节 西班牙美食
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