3.5 km PV, troughs n jets, 1km potential T. Precipitation rate 3.5km troughs n jets, wind vectors and 1km streamlines. T+24 to T+48 T+48 to T+72T+72 to T+96T+96 to T+120T+120 to T+144
System following area means, 10x10 box centred 5 degrees south of TJIP
Total diabatic heating rates for 50km and 2km runs. - 50km has larger values. - The mean vertical gradients are very close below 6km (within 20%) - consistent with similar net PV. - In 2km run MP and in 50km (MP+CU) accounts for ~80% of the total.
PV/ Animation (dry run):
Simulated radar reflectivity at F+66hrs Domain 1: 50km, 120s Domain 2: 10km, 40s Domain 3: 2km, 8s, no Cu
Quick look at the PV structures at different scales (all valid at F+66). Domain 1: 50km, 120s Domain 2: 10km, 40s Domain 3: 2km, 8s, no Cu