The retailing Sector and the Development of new Technologies Mario Cifiello Buying General Director of Coop Italia Bologna Bologna 06/09/01
Scenery of Retail, in Europe The major European operators ranking among the top 30 in the world Source: M+M & PlanetRetail 05/01. Turnovers 2000 (Mn Euro €) Grocery Other
GLOBAL COMPETITORS The European chains go ahead in fighting the Foreign countries. Source: M+M & PlanetRetail 05/2001 n. of countries% turnover from foreign countries
Scenery: trends & forecastings Significant growth in non food, only Recover in 2000 continuing partially in 2001 Inflation Source: Prometeia Club consumo Total Food Non Food Consumption
Scenery of Retail, in Italy Hyper & Super in Grocery and by Centre of Buying Source:Iri Infoscan % share, Dec Positive variation on 1999 Negative variation on 1999 Shares, by Chain In Italy
RELEVANT PARAMETERS OF COOP SYSTEM (economy & structure) Co-ops ,7 - 2,2 Outlets ,5 - 0,7 Area of sale ,7 + 2,9 Members ,3 + 7,0 Employees ,4 + 1,5 Gross Sales (Bn) ,4 + 4,0 Absolute values 2000 Variation ’00-’99 % CONSOLIDATED Source : Ancc Variationa Forec. ’01-’00 %
Private Label in Europe PL market share (value) in the most important European Countries Source: ACNielsen PLMA 2001 Year-Book 43,1 % 26,6 % 15,7 % 20,1 % 10,9 % 18,6 % 22,5 % COOP 19,2 %
Strategies of Coop products Coop branded products are based on a fundamental principle : centrality and sovereignty are to be given to consumers. To be consistent with the mission, a Coop product must be “Good” “Safe” “Ethically guaranteed” “Not genetically modified” “Convenient” “Environment-friendly” Mission
The Product Turnover Billions of Lire Suppliers 294 Items Analyses Source:Internal Data 1999 Food/Non Food
The Product Food/Non Food Our Excellent PL products : Incidence of Smk+Hpmk sales on the total category, in COOP Year ending on June 2000 Source: Iri Infoscan
On-line From July 2000 Corporate E-Business E-Commerce The Portal of COOP