JRA1 6th General Meeting. LNGS, May 2007 JRA1 web page 1 LNGS, 28th May 2007 JRA1 6th General Meeting Low background techniques.


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Presentation transcript:

JRA1 6th General Meeting. LNGS, May 2007 JRA1 web page 1 LNGS, 28th May 2007 JRA1 6th General Meeting Low background techniques for deep underground sciences

JRA1 6th General Meeting. LNGS, May 2007 JRA1 web page 2 JRA1 WPs WP1 – Measurement of backgrounds in the EU underground labs WP2 – Development of a library of background simulation codes WP3 – R&D for UL background techniques and facilities in the labs WP4 – R&D on radio-purity of materials and purification techniques JRA1 participants Contractors: UNIZAR, CEA/CNRS, INFN, USFD, MPIK, TUM, JRC Non-contractors: RAL, FZK, Dortmund, Silesia, Henryk Niewodniczanski, Pol. Milano, CUPP

JRA1 6th General Meeting. LNGS, May 2007 JRA1 web page 3 DateMeetingLocation Participants Website 10/07/06 4th JRA1 General MeetingZaragoza22 ilias/JRA1/05.htm 14/09/06 JRA1 WP2 meeting at IDM 2006Rhodes40 wp2Back/wp2BackS im.htm 01/10/06 JRA1WP4 meeting at LRT 2006Aussois38 lrt2006.in2p3.fr/ 20/02/07 5th JRA1 General MeetingParis7 ilias/JRA1/05.htm 28/05/07 6th JRA1 General MeetingLNGS Meetings:

JRA1 6th General Meeting. LNGS, May 2007 JRA1 web page 4 Annual Report Sent to Gilles & Gabriela: - JRA1 Annual Report, part A - JRA1 Annual Report, part D - Photographies of deliverables - List of publications - 5 Technical Reports Radiopurity of materials, cosmogenic activations, simulation codes, U/Th, electroforming copper facility - Missing: crystal growth underground

JRA1 6th General Meeting. LNGS, May 2007 JRA1 web page 5 4th year deliverables: - ALL databases open and available for UG users (background components, MC library, and radiopurity) - Final TR on new low background facilities - Results and prospects about R&D program on purification techniques

JRA1 6th General Meeting. LNGS, May 2007 JRA1 web page 6