A Sean Viers Production in Cooperation with Comm = $ Howard SternSean Viers Money
What’s so important about Radio? Growing up I have always listened to the radio, and have always wanted people to drive in their cars listening to what kind of music and things I want to do on my show A big listener and supporter of Howard Stern. Believe in 1 st Amendment and certain Air Wave rights Interested in having a show where I can say what is actually on my mind, and what I think most people what to say but don’t because they lack the “equipment” This field is what I think I can really reach out to people; everyday people like you and me, and make them laugh. The field of mass communications I am most interested in is radio broadcasting. Searched several radio station sites, and looked through various Library Sources on Broadcasting Methods and Possibilities
Music Station or Talk Show? Definitely a Talk Show I would be the kind of person to sit in a booth and not be afraid of consequences for what I would have to say. Those who know me are well aware that I easily explicate what is on my mind, and I will say it with out hesitation. So basically, I am brutally honest. However, with all the issues going on now on the radio waves, is it biting off more than I can chew?
Dangers of the Radio World Whatever I would say, will be heard by everyone, and could be interpreted in different ways Clear Channel has sent out fines totaling up to nearly $20 million to other radio stations Howard Stern, the granddaddy of receiving these fines is forced to move to Satellite radio when his contract expires Despite the FCC, Federal Communications Committee, and all their blockings, it is possible to defend oneself and beat the system.
The Arsenal of Defense for Radio Talk Show Hosts The First Amendment in the Bill of Rights clearly states the right to free speech and freedom of the press Satellite Radio, is a growing in popularity. If it turns out to have more listeners there, instead of regular stations, and the FCC is controlling way too much, a move could happen Time. College students can get a head start and maybe get some internship with radio companies. The earlier you get into the business, the more experience you have, meaning you can understand what you can get by with, and what you can’t.
I am confident in my abilities to say what I mean, feel, and think. Knowing I am a fairly interesting character, I can bring humor mixed with what the people want to my radio show. Being witty, funny, rude, and sometimes crude with a few guests on my show will never hurt the ratings right?
If You Have Any Questions…think Twice Before Asking Relax…I’m Just Kidding To View More About Me Click Here