Collaborative Models of Education ADN-BSN Top Ten Countdown of Breakthroughs and Barriers Presented by: Carolyn Fong, RN, PhD.
The Ah Ha Moments … Breakthroughs! 1.Strong program interest and enthusiasm from community college students – more applicants than spots available. 2.Loved strong support from all 4 community colleges. Best example is Chabot College who had entire faculty vote and recommend fully prepared, strong candidates prior to application deadline which helped our workflow and streamlined our evaluation process. 3.Timing is everything! It was a challenge to get students to orientation at CSUEB while in their 4th semester at the community college. Welcome orientation occurred during spring break. 4.It was a breakthrough to offer our CSUEB leadership course for FREE. Through the Consortium we enrolled all current community college students; but were unable to enroll 2 students who graduated in December, 2009 (they will enroll in course in following year when CSUEB student). 5.Helpful to have flexible, patient, newly hired faculty member and Program Coordinator. Elaine Shingleton, the coordinator, was easily accessible, She visited participating programs in person for recruitment and maintained contact with candidates and Nursing Department for continuous feedback and support to the students. 6.CSUEB Registrar’s office was extremely efficient and helpful in guiding us through the Cross-Registration process as well as the admission process. They were flexible in bypassing the published admission deadlines
I Have a Lump on My Forehead … Barriers 1.Starting program ASAP with graduating May, 2010 ADN students was a barrier. Ideally, recruitment and advising efforts should start from day one as students enter ADN program. In our case, more students might have applied if they could have completed pre-reqs during their 2 yr ADN program. Fortunately, we were able to meet and was over our enrollment target. 2.Students who graduated in Dec, 2009 were not CC students so could not take leadership course for free through the Consortium. 3.Short timelines – Most students had to make quick decisions about their participation and had little time to consider if the program was right for them. 4.Online class format was intimidating/confusing for some students. 5.Some applicants could not be considered because they could not schedule/complete prerequisites by Spring 2010 deadline. 6.Some confusion about the difference between our RN-BSN program and the ADN-BSN program; same application used for both. 7.Some students dropped program after first month due to unanticipated heavy curriculum/pressure during Spring 2010 term
Drum Roll Please … Most Surprising Outcome Cooperation and strong support across colleges, campuses and departments to allow students accessibility to this program. Everyone promoted its success with staff at all levels demonstrating collaboration, creativity, flexibility and patience throughout the entire process. Potentially, we will have 35 more RNs with baccalaureate degrees.