Biblical Fellowship An Illusive Ideal Class – 1: The Ideal of Biblical Fellowship Class – 2: Fellowship – The Master Speaks. Class – 3: Fellowship: Complexity and Perplexity – Today.
Class – 1, Saturday The Ideal of Biblical Fellowship ************************ I John 1: 3, 7 “…. That you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son, Jesus Christ.” “…. we have fellowship one with another.” (Bro. Gerald Sankey Ontario Spring Gathering – 5/2011)
Biblical Ideals Fellowship Fellowship God - Manifestation God - Manifestation Marriage Marriage Holiness Holiness Perfection Perfection Purity of the Truth Purity of the Truth Discipleship Discipleship Love (Agape) Love (Agape)
“ Men were not ushered into being for the purpose of being saved or lost, Eternal “ Men were not ushered into being for the purpose of being saved or lost, Eternal Fellowship, by means of Fellowship, by means of God Manifestation, not human salvation, was the great purpose of the Eternal Spirit. The salvation of a multitude is incidental to the manifestation but was not the end proposed. The Eternal Spirit intended to enthrone Himself on the earth, and in so doing, to develop a Divine family from among men….. and that this family shall be large enough to fill the earth when perfected ……” (J. Thomas, Herald of Kingdom, 1858)
Webster’s Dictionary “Ideal” a norm of perfection to be aimed at. a norm of perfection to be aimed at. Idealism Idealism a tendency to seek the highest spiritual perfection. a tendency to seek the highest spiritual perfection.
Fellowship – koinonia – a word study The word koinonia occurs about twenty times in the New Testament. It can refer to: The word koinonia occurs about twenty times in the New Testament. It can refer to: A. Sharing of one’s goods: A. Sharing of one’s goods: + To make a certain contribution for poor saints + To make a certain contribution for poor saints (Rom.15:26) (Rom.15:26) + fellowship (joint participation-Diag.) of the + fellowship (joint participation-Diag.) of the ministering to the saints. (2Cor.8:4) ministering to the saints. (2Cor.8:4) + They glorify God…for your liberal distribution unto + They glorify God…for your liberal distribution unto them. (2 Cor.9 : 13) them. (2 Cor.9 : 13) + But to do good and to communicate forget not. + But to do good and to communicate forget not. (Heb. 13 : 16) (Heb. 13 : 16)
B. Participation in a common life of faith B. Participation in a common life of faith + They continued in the apostle’s doctrine and + They continued in the apostle’s doctrine and fellowship, and breaking of bread, and in prayers. fellowship, and breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts 2 : 42) (Acts 2 : 42) + The right hand of fellowship (Gal.2:9) + The right hand of fellowship (Gal.2:9) (A partnership of preaching the gospel). (A partnership of preaching the gospel). + For your fellowship in the gospel…(I thank God)….” + For your fellowship in the gospel…(I thank God)….” (Phil.1:5) (Phil.1:5) + “Fellowship of the Spirit” (Phil. 2:1) + “Fellowship of the Spirit” (Phil. 2:1) + “For your fellowship is with the Father and his Son…If + “For your fellowship is with the Father and his Son…If we walk in the light…we have fellowship one with we walk in the light…we have fellowship one with another” (I John 1:3,7). another” (I John 1:3,7).
C. Association with Christ and his FatherC. Association with Christ and his Father + “By whom (i.e.,God) ye were called unto + “By whom (i.e.,God) ye were called unto fellowship of his Son. (I Cor.1:9) fellowship of his Son. (I Cor.1:9) + “The cup… communion of the blood of + “The cup… communion of the blood of Christ; the bread … communion of the Christ; the bread … communion of the body of Christ.” (2 Cor.10:16) body of Christ.” (2 Cor.10:16) + “What communion hath light with + “What communion hath light with darkness.” (2 Cor.6:14) darkness.” (2 Cor.6:14)
+ “The fellowship of the mystery (Eph.3:9) shared effort (The shared effort in preaching to the gentiles). + Fellowship of his sufferings (Phil. 3:10) + Our fellowship is with the Father and his Son, If we say we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie….” (I Jno.1:3,6)**************************************** Koinoneo (verb)
A. Giving to those in need: + Distributing to the necessity of the saints (Rom. 12:13) + “If the Gentiles have been partakers of their spiritual things… (they should) minister in carnal things” (Rom.15:27) + “Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth” (Gal. 6:6) + “No church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but ye on only” (Phil. 4:15)
B. The relationship between believers B. The relationship between believers + Romans 15:27, i.e., “partakers” + Romans 15:27, i.e., “partakers” of their spiritual things. C. Association with our Lord: C. Association with our Lord: + “The children are partakers of flesh and + “The children are partakers of flesh and blood… (and) he (Jesus) also….” (Heb.2:14 blood… (and) he (Jesus) also….” (Heb.2:14 + “Rejoice, Inasmuch as ye are partakers + “Rejoice, Inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings” (IPet.4:13). of Christ’s sufferings” (IPet.4:13). D. Association with forbidden deeds and doctrine: D. Association with forbidden deeds and doctrine: + “Neither be partakers of other men’s sins.” + “Neither be partakers of other men’s sins.” (I Tim. 5:22). (I Tim. 5:22).
+ “For he that biddeth him God speed is + “For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds” (2Jno.11). partaker of his evil deeds” (2Jno.11). + “What communion hath light with darkness?” + “What communion hath light with darkness?” (2Cor. 6:14). (2Cor. 6:14). As a summary of the use of these words in the New Testament, it is to be observed that: As a summary of the use of these words in the New Testament, it is to be observed that: 1. They are used in the positive sense, e.g., to be 1. They are used in the positive sense, e.g., to be shared, 25 times; while in the negative shared, 25 times; while in the negative sense, to be withheld, only 3 times – which sense, to be withheld, only 3 times – which should certainly reveal to us the more important should certainly reveal to us the more important of the two! of the two!
2 Fellowship is with the Father and Son 10 times; and with one another only 6 times. (Even here, however, only because we have been called out of the world by God, by the gospel, may we have fellowship one with another). another). Fellowship is Gods’ to bestow, not ours. We share “fellowship” with our brethren, and certainly, not that we have earned it, but only because Yahweh has given this to us as a gift. Fellowship is Gods’ to bestow, not ours. We share “fellowship” with our brethren, and certainly, not that we have earned it, but only because Yahweh has given this to us as a gift.
Fellowship in Apostolic Times ************************** Acts 2: 41 – 47; Acts 4: They continued steadfastly: They continued steadfastly: * in the apostles doctrine * in the apostles doctrine * and fellowship * and fellowship * and in breaking of bread * and in breaking of bread * and in prayers * and in prayers And all that believed: And all that believed: * were together * were together * and had all things in common * and had all things in common And the Lord added to the ecclesia daily And the Lord added to the ecclesia daily
Hymn 268, (1964) Brethren, let us walk together Brethren, let us walk together In the bonds of love and peace. In the bonds of love and peace. Can it be a question whether Can it be a question whether Brethren should from conflict cease? Brethren should from conflict cease? Tis in union Tis in union Hope and joy and love increase. Hope and joy and love increase. When we think how much our Father When we think how much our Father Has forgiven, and does forgive, Has forgiven, and does forgive, Brethren, we should learn the rather Brethren, we should learn the rather Free from wrath and strife to live; Free from wrath and strife to live; Far removing Far removing All that might offend or grieve. All that might offend or grieve.
Then let each esteem his brother Then let each esteem his brother Better than himself to be; Better than himself to be; And let each prefer another, And let each prefer another, Full of love, from envy free; Full of love, from envy free; Happy are we Happy are we When in this we all agree. When in this we all agree.