George Gordon, Lord Byron ( )
His style powerful with satires, philosophy, picturesque description tinged with strong passions and poetic lyricism.
Byronic Heroes passionate, strong-willed, determined to fight against tyranny and injustice and to strive for personal freedom ( egs Don Juan and Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage )
她走在美的光华中,像夜空 清澈无云,星光万点; 最美的明暗色泽 会聚于她的明眸玉颜, 交融成柔美的光线, 不似那耀眼的白天。 减一分明,增一分暗, 都将毁损这无名的美。 她的乌发泛起美的波澜, 她的脸庞闪烁美的清辉, 映照出她那娴静美丽的思想, 显露出何等纯洁可爱的心扉。 ( 《她走在美的光华中》 ) (谭天健等译 )