Visual System: Overview of Visual Pathway
optic nerve optic chiasm optic tract
optic nerve optic chiasm optic tract
V1 lateral view medial view
V1 lateral view medial view calcarine sulcus
Visual System: Eye
Optics of eye
1.Want to see over a huge range of light levels 2.Need a wide visual field 3.Want high resolution image Vision Challenges
neurotransmitter release
Phototransduction cascade: Several kinds of protein molecules change shape Second messenger (cGMP) gets cleaved Na + channels close Voltage inside photoreceptor goes more negative Neurotransmitter release decreases
Pencil-sharpening cascade
Phototransduction cascade, key points: Massive amplification of signal Slow Output (transmitter release) is graded
neurotransmitter release
Phototransduction cascade, key points: Massive amplification of signal Slow Output (transmitter release) is graded Same in cones as in rods
CONE PROPERTIES Not very sensitive – daytime only NEVER saturate Good acuity Provide color vision (humans)
ROD PROPERTIES Very sensitive – dusk, night Saturate in moderate-bright light Poor acuity No color vision CONE PROPERTIES Not very sensitive – daytime only NEVER saturate Good acuity Provide color vision (humans)
Distribution of photoreceptors across retina cross-section through outer segments of rods & cones
cone midget ganglion cells bipolar cells
Retinal ganglion cells have center-surround receptive fields – why? center surround
response stimulus time OFF retinal ganglion cell: receptive field, stimuli, and responses
Mach bands
Cone photopigments, human
cone midget retinal ganglion cells
green cone ON midget retinal ganglion cell
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center
green cone OFF midget retinal ganglion cell
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center
red cone ON midget retinal ganglion cell
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center
red cone OFF midget retinal ganglion cell
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center
blue-on retinal ganglion cell blue cone
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center
green & red cones ON parasol retinal ganglion cell
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center
green & red cones OFF parasol retinal ganglion cell
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center
Retinal ganglion cell receptive fields green on-center green off-center red on-center red off-center blue on-center black & white on-center black & white off-center 85%
Subcortical Visual System: LGN
left eye’s visual field
right eye’s visual field
binocular visual field
The visual system is a completely crossed system
visual field
macaque monkey LGN section through LGN (macaque monkey)
retinotopic map in left LGN visual field
input from contralateral eye input from ipsilateral eye ON cells OFF cells Each LGN layer contains a unique cell population ??