Barrel Module Database - Status Status of upload utilities Review of uploading SCTDAQ info Flagging Hybrid re-work Module Quality uploads Module Signoff Uploads Comparison Utility for MacroAssembly Sites Dave Robinson SCT Week December 2003
Database Actions by each Cluster Sensor-Baseboard Assembly Receive Sensors Receive bmBB Hybrid Assembly Receive Hybrid Receive ASICs Module Assembly Send bmSB Datasheet Assembly Datasheet Assembly SCTDAQ Datasheet Assembly SCTDAQ XY Metrology Z Metrology QA Institute SCTDAQ Macro Assembly SCTDAQ Send bmHASIC Receive bmHASIC Receive bmSB Send bmMODULE Receive bmMODULE Assembly Baseboard QC Sensor QC Datasheet Sensor Data ASIC QC Hybrid QC Send bmBB Send Sensors Receive Sensors Uploads Shipments Quality
Summary of Upload Utilities ActionStatus Item RegistrationAvailable ShipmentsAvailable Assembly UploadsAvailable SCTDAQ UploadsAvailable Metrology UploadsAvailable Datasheet UploadsAvailable Module Quality DataAvailable Module Signoff DataAvailable ProfilesNot yet started SCTDAQ Uploader: All other uploads:
Uploading SCTDAQ data Four methods, ordered by increasing convenience: 1.Directly using java application java DBUpload/uploadSCTDAQ “D:\\sctvar\\results\\” “D:\\sctvar\\uploads\\” “X:\\archivedData\\” “ *” 2.From within SCTDAQ (Rint).x DBUpload.cpp(“ *”); 3.Via a perl script (wrapper to java application) perl “ *” 4.Add new script to Dave C’s suite of perl scripts: perl Module_Reception perl Module_Reception Special Options: Serial numbers as regular expressions “ *” implies to ‘-noupload’ option (upload files processed/created – then your responsibility to upload) ‘-nogui’ option (generates upload files without being promped by the spreadsheet gui.
How to flag rework in the SCT database Eg chip replacement: dis-assembly / re-assemble of hybrid/chip using Geneva web interface Put replaced chip in third column of datasheet Re-upload datasheet (if original uploaded)
perl Module_Reception perl Module_Reception perl Module_Reception
New Barrel Database Interface New tabs ‘Quality Summary’ and ‘Module Signoff’ Invoke by ‘java Barrels/gui’
Module Signoff Uploads Uploaded when all QC work is completed, and when the module is ready for assembly on to a barrel. Uploaded once by a senior physicist, after reviewing all data (sctdaq, metrology, etc ) and any other sources of information. CategoryGood, Pass or FAIL Barrel Assignment‘Any’ or B5/6 Overall CommentGeneral comments Reason for FAIL (if category is FAIL) Sensors Damaged Baseboard Damaged Gross mechanical error Abnormal leakage Too many bad channels ASICs non-replaceable Others... Reason for B5/6 assignment (if B5/6) Preseries Sensors Microdischarge>350V Poor current behaviour Bad visual features Hybrid Tdiff>2C Facing angle b>3mrad Others...
Module Quality Uploads Comments and flags uploaded by the QC institute after all SCTDAQ tests have been performed by that institute. Module quality information is essential for the physicist who signs off the module (who may not have been involved with the SCTDAQ testing), because SCTDAQ data alone is not enough to be able to make a judgement on the module’s electrical quality. IV PerformanceGood or FAIL IV CommentsComments on IVs and long term current stability Electrical PerformanceGood or FAIL Electrical CommentsComments on warm and cold characterisations and LTT. S Curves CategoryGood Wiggles at –ve threshold Wiggles at +ve threshold Wiggles above 0.5fC S Curves CommentComment on S curves One set of quality data uploaded per QC insitute (but an institute can upload/edit previously uploaded information).
UK-B Module Quality and Signoff Universities performing QC (QMUL, Cambridge, Birmingham) upload their quality information to the RAL database via web interface on RAL server All module data, including quality information, available on a module summary webpage Signoff info entered into RAL database via web interface on RAL server. Script then generates SCT database upload files for signoff and all quality information (from all universities) and uploads them. Non UK-B clusters Quality information uploaded directly to SCT database via barrels java application For module signoff, physicist reviews java module summary report (via barrels application) Signoff info then uploaded directly to SCT database
UK-B Quality and Signoff Handled by web interfaces to RAL local database.
UK-B module Summary page
Uploading/editing Module Quality Info
Uploading Signoff Information
Top of module summary report Report behaves like a web browser: clickable links forward/back buttons
Example of Sensor Test Report
Module Summary Report.. continued
Example of SCTDAQ Characterisation Report
Comparisons Utility for MacroAssembly Sites Compares reception tests at macroAssembly site with previously uploaded data Easy to use interface for non-experts Compares: - Noise (enc) from Response Curve Tests - Gain from Response Curve Tests - Noise (enc) from Noise Tests - Occupancy from Noise Tests - Currents at 150V, 350V and 500V - Defect count Significant deviations highlighted in RED Agreement highlighted in GREEN
Eg Cambridge as ‘macroAssembly Site’
Old pre-series Electrical module at Oxford