What do Employers Really Want? Nancy Dilthey Manager, University Relations Johnson & Johnson January 25, CIEC
Short Answer: Employers want it all!
Employers Want: Top students for our openings Great partnerships with Universities Great reputation on campus Widespread knowledge of our business Pipeline of diverse candidates
In a perfect world… Students are: –Prepared –Diverse –Passionate –Articulate –Flexible
Reality for Employers: Hampered by: –Just-in-Time recruiting –Budget constraints –Limited resources –Constant change
Successful Partnerships Students Career Services Employers Seek guidanceLiaison / PartnerPartner / Provide Opportunities
Objective – We all want to help Students: Develop Strengths Differentiate Themselves Learn Keys to Success
Student Roadmap to Success Early college Assess your skills Utilize Campus Resources Develop Strong Resume Research Employers Getting the job Differentiate yourself Be a professional Demonstrate passion, flexibility & leadership
Students: Assess your skills Honest assessment Consider aptitude testing Career aspirations Personal development / strengths Develop roadmap
Utilize University Career Resources Career Services & Co-op Office Resume critiques Mock Interviews / videotape Company Info Sessions Career Fairs
Develop your resume Easy to read format Error Free Emphasizes strengths Accurate depiction Constantly update Readily available Differentiate yourself
Research Employers Start early Be open minded (location, industry, etc.) Look for culture fit Have a Plan “B” Network, network, network
Differentiate Yourself! On Campus: Look for ways to demonstrate: –Teamwork –Leadership –Campus Involvement
Differentiate yourself – campus: Leadership role in Student organizations Volunteering Mentoring others Secure scholarships Work closely with Professors
Differentiate yourself – Internship or Co-op Demonstrate your potential to company Teamwork Take initiative Professionalism: Attitude and Appearance
Differentiate yourself – Internship or Co-op Ask for feedback Be adaptable to change Act ethically/ responsibly Learn other areas of the company Network within your department
The Importance of Networking It’s never too early to start! Involvement in dept/student boards Career Fairs (volunteer/follow up) Company Presentations Seek out alums of companies
Networking – on job: Build a co-op community Learn about other dept’s Seek out alums – ask for advice Offer to champion company upon return to campus
Some Do’s: Follow chain of command/co protocol Act professional at all times Take initiative Demonstrate great teamwork Be passionate about your work “Ask” for the job
And, some don’ts…. the CEO for ANY reason Compare salaries with co-workers Trash company or co-workers Surf inappropriate web sites Be late or no-show Misuse company funds/property
Successful Partnerships Seek guidance Liaison / Partner Partner / Provide Opportunities StudentsCareer ServicesEmployer
Ways to Partner with Employers Understand their culture Flexibility Understand business needs Provide campus statistics Responsiveness
Creating a University Program Take stock of the following: -Budget -Hiring needs (disciplines, UG/MBA, volume, etc.) -Technology tools -Brand / reputation -Communication vehicles
Before You Go to Campus Do your homework What are your goals / expectations? Demands and requirements of students Advance knowledge of school Advance knowledge of campus activities Understand recruitment cycles
Best Practices “Top Down” approach / commitment Continuous improvement Program Flexibility Communication to University Partners/Students Utilize campus team model, inc. alums, interns Consistent presence Established target schools
Levels of Engagement Recruit Only – 1 or 2x year – Fairs & Interviews Recruit Plus – Recruitment activities; plus some relationship building Strategic Partner – Full commitment to University over time. Recruitment activities plus strong partnerships, sponsorships, engagement across all levels
Keys to Success Know your campus Interns are your most important resource Flexibility Communication – Internal & External Evaluate Results Continuous Improvement
Closing Great partnerships take time Yield – top students Strong relationships with schools Stay active in the field – NACE, CEIA, Regional Assn’s, etc. Network and build relationships