Engineering 110 Engineering Disciplines
Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering A SubDiscipline of Mechanical Egnrng Aeronautical Engineers Do All The Research, Design, Manufacturing Building And Maintenance for: –Aircraft - Both Civil And Military –Space Systems – Rockets & Satellites Representative Employers –Boeing –Lockheed Martin (Sunnyvale, CA) –NASA (Ames Research Ctr in Mountain View)
Agricultural Engineering A SubDiscipline of Mechanical Engrng Agricultural Engineers –Design Farm & Food-Processing Equip. –Construct Crop-Storage & Livestock Bldgs –Develop Systems For Drainage, Irrigation, And Waste Disposal Typical Employers –Archer Daniels Midland –Cargill –USA Dept. of Agriculture
Architectural Engineering A SubDiscipline of Civil Engineering Architectural Engineering Is concerned with the planning, design, construction, and operation of engineered systems for commercial, industrial, and institutional Facilities. –Engineered systems include –Electric power – Communications and Control –Lighting; heating, Ventilation, And Air Conditioning –Structural systems
BIO-MEDICAL ENGINEERING BioTechnology Engineering is A Relatively New, Exciting, and Growing Field BioMed Engineers design, and build revolutionary products Including –Artificial Organs & Limbs –Medical Imaging & Diagnostic Devices –Patient Monitoring Systems
Chemical Engineering CHEMICAL Engineering Combines The Skills Of The Chemist And The Engineer –ChemE’s Design & Build Facilities Involved In The Production Of Chemical Products Drugs & Other Pharmaceuticals Paints & Dyes Industrial supplies (Acids, lyes, base chemicals), Fertilizers Solvents Fuels
ChemE cont. –ChemE’s Also Oversee The Production Of Material Goods Which Use Chemicals In Their Manufacturing Process Batteries Plastics Medicines Concrete Paper Typical Employers –Dow Chemical –Dupont
Civil Engineering CE’s Design, Oversee Construction And Oversee Maintenance Of –Highways –Bridges & Tunnels –Airports –Dams & Reservoirs –Water/Oil/Gas Pipelines CE is one of the oldest branches of engineering
CE cont. CE’s Will Provide The Skills To Build Transportation Infrastructure Of The Future: Bridges, Roadways And Mass Transit Systems Typical Classes of Employers –Construction Corporations –Local Consulting/Structure- Design Firms –Government agencies; e.g. CalTrans
COMPUTER ENGINEERING Computer engineers deal with all aspects of computer systems including design, construction, and operation. –Some SubDisciplines Computer Design and Engineering -- Design new computer circuits, microchips, etc.. Computer Architecture -- Design new computer instruction sets, and combine electronic or optical components to provide powerful but cost-effective computing. Information Technology -- Develop and manage information systems that support a business or organization. Software Engineering -- Develop methods for the production of software systems on time, within budget, with few defects Controls Software – Control MicroWave Ovens to Space Ships
Electrical Engineering Electrical engineering, the discipline that employs the largest number of engineers, covers everything related to electrical devices, systems, and the use of electricity. Electrical engineers work on power plants, computers, and other electrical devices.
Environmental Engineering Environmental engineers assist with the development of water distribution systems, recycling methods, sewage treatment plants, and other pollution prevention and control systems in the water, air, and land. Environmental engineers seek new ways to reduce any undesirable Consequence of Human Activity
Industrial Engineering Industrial Engineers Organize The People, Information, Energy, Materials, And Machines Involved In The Production Process. They Are Concerned With Plant Design And Management, Quality Control, And The Human Factors Of Engineering.
Marine & Ocean Engineering Ocean engineers direct the exploration and utilization of the ocean's resources. –Often closely tied to Civil, Petroleum and Mechanical Engineering. ocean engineers might focus attention on underwater oil or gas exploration (petroleum engineering tasks), OE’s design structures such as offshore drilling platforms, harbor facilities, and underwater machines (resembles Civil or Mechanical Engineering)
Materials Engineering Metallurgical and materials engineers extract, process, refine, combine, and manufacture natural substances to create new materials that are stronger and resist corrosion. MSEs Have In Recent Years Made Major Contributions to BioTechnology and Advancement of Solid State Electronics
Mechanical Engineering The Broadest of Engineering Disciplines –Covers everything from Fracture- Mechanics to Robotic Systems to Thermodynamics to Heat Transfer
ASME Divisions 38 Total
Mineral and Mining Engineering Mining Engineering is the SECOND Oldest of the Engineering Discipline –The Roots of ME Reside within MineE –Mineral and mining engineers locate, remove, and appraise minerals they find in the earth. –Mining engineers lay out the mines, supervise their construction, create a materials transportation system, and return the area to its natural state upon mining completion.
Nuclear Engineering A SubDiscipline of ME –NUCLEAR ENGINEERING combines the disciplines of nuclear physics and mechanical engineering –Nuclear engineers design, develop, and control plants that use nuclear energy for Electrical-Power and Medical purposes.
Petroleum Engineering A Combination of Chemical, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering Petroleum engineers search the earth and the world's oceans to find and produce oil and gas supplies. –Some Important SubDisciplines »Drilling Engineer, Working With Geologists In Designing And Supervising Drilling Operations »Production Engineer, Developing Processes And Equipment To Optimize Oil And Gas Production »Reservoir Engineers Determine Ideal Recovery Processes, Estimate The Number Of Wells That Can Be Economically Drilled, And Simulate Future Performance Using Computer Models