EMPLOYEE Training and Development
Human Resource Management Policies, practices, and systems that influence employees’: behavior attitudes performance HRM practices play a key role in attracting, motivating, rewarding, and retaining employees
Training vs. Development Training is a planned effort by companies to facilitate the learning of job-related competencies. Focus on current job Mainly required on company time Development is formal education, job experiences, and background that prepares employees for future jobs. Focus on future jobs and preparation for change More generally applicable skills Mainly voluntary on employee’s own time.
Cost of Training 70% of employers provide some training $50-$60 billion budgeted for formal training; $13.5 billion on training products Large companies spend more than small
Why Train? Why Develop? Training & development can contribute to companies’ competitiveness Competitiveness – a company’s ability to maintain and gain market share in an industry grow the business, and improve customer service, by providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to be successful
High-Leverage Training Linked to strategic goals and objectives Uses an instructional design process to ensure that training is effective Compares or benchmarks the company’s training programs against training programs in other companies Creates working conditions that encourage continuous learning
Training and Performance Emphasis on high-leverage training has been accompanied by a movement to link training to performance improvement Training is used to improve employee performance Measure individual performance This leads to improved business results Demonstrate ROI
Training Design Process
Instructional System Design (ISD) Process for designing and developing training programs systematic flexible enough to adapt to business needs Training design is effective only if it helps employees reach instructional goals Measurable learning objectives - identify before training Evaluation is important: monitoring training effectiveness suggesting changes to training
Setting Training Objectives Align/match identified training needs with training objectives. Define objectives in specific, measurable terms: In terms of desired employee behaviors. In terms of the results that are expected to follow from such behaviors. Information for setting objectives should come from the organization’s performance management system.
Training Delivery Classroom instruction most common means of instruction Videotapes On-the-job training Formal – job shadowing / apprenticeships Informal – job rotation CBT – Computer-Based Training Technical skills Business simulation Simulations
Typical Training Methods 70% instructor-led classroom based 16% instructor-led from remote location 7% computerized training with no instructor 7% other delivery methods
Evaluation Level 1 – did they enjoy the training “Smile sheets” Level 2 – did they learn anything Pre and post tests Follow-up evaluations Level 3 – did they transfer new skills to the job Depends on the work environment Needs support of boss and co-workers Level 4 – did the training impact the business Detailed ROI study Seldom straightforward
What Every Student Should Know Learning and You What Every Student Should Know
Learning Learning is a relatively permanent change in human capabilities not a result of growth processes. Learning outcomes include: Verbal information Intellectual skills Motor skills Attitudes Cognitive strategies
Facilitating Learning Let trainees know why they should learn Objectives Provide meaningful training content Set in job context, real-world examples Provide opportunities to practice Provide feedback Opportunities to interact and experience Cater to different learning styles Concept Map can be used to help trainees facilitate storage
Facilitating Practice Learning Encourage metacognition Provide advance organizers Overlearning increases retention Error management training Improve perf, stimulate metacognition Massed vs. spaced practice more important for complex tasks Both whole and part practice
Commit training to memory Must move from STM LTM STM holds only about 5 pieces of information “Chunk” information – concept mapping Automization – task requires little thought or attention. Thus, uses little memory capacity
Learning Theories Reinforcement – reward yourself Social Learning – observe competent others Identical Elements – Learning context should mirror performance context Cognitive Theory – Incorporate new material into pre-existing knowledge structure Indentify general principles that cross situations Spaced practice is more effective than massed practice Seek feedback from practice & incorporate it Goal setting enhances learning Learning goals are more effective than Performance goals
Social Learning Theory BEFORE Dogs Before Training AFTER Dogs After Training
It Really Works!! BEFORE AFTER
Learning beliefs self assessment
Goal Orientation Learners with a high performance (prove) orientation: direct more attention to performing well devote less effort to learning Trainees with a learning orientation: exert greater effort to learn and use more complex learning strategies than trainees with a performance orientation
Goal Setting at Work Goals help crystallize the sense of purpose and mission essential to success at work Goal Setting – the process of establishing desired results that guide and direct behavior 9
Characteristics of Effective Goals M A R T Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-Bound 10
Goal Level and Task Performance High Low Difficult goals Task Performance Easy goals Low High Goal Level 11
Goal-Setting Functions Increase work motivation and task performance Reduce role stress associated with conflicting or confusing situations Improve accuracy and validity of performance evaluation
VARK Learning Style http://www.vark-learn.com/english/index.asp Visual learners –prefer graphs and symbols to represent information Aural learners – prefer listening, such as lectures Read/write learners – prefer written text Kinesthetic learners – hands on approach
Four Challenges to Organizations in the New Millennium Globalization Diversity Ethics Technology
Homework Consider the variety of skills you might develop in a training and development class or knowledge you might gain. Write one goal statement that reflects a SMART learning goal you have for yourself. Make sure you are aware of how you will know when you have met the goal. DUE next week – (1) Your goal, and (2) what your VARK results taught you about how you learn (a paragraph)