Visual Studio 2005 Using the DataGridView Control V. Matos Cleveland State University
2 Create Windows Project: WinDB_Demo_01
3 Main menu: Data | Add New Data source …
4 Select: Database and click on Next
5 Select existing DB connection (or create a new one)
6 Save selected connection string
7 Choose Database Objects
8 You may choose a specific table (instead of ALL of them)
9 VB project now contains a local DataSet reflecting the image of selected database objects
10 From VB Toolbox drag to the form a DataGridView control
11 Choose Data Source from the current Project’s DataSet selection
12 After choosing: Department
13 Add a BindingNavigator control to allow motion and maintenace on the DataView
14 Modify the BindingNavigator Insert Standard Items
15 After adding Standard Items click/delete unwanted icons
16 Click on the BindingNavigator control. Modify its Property page (Associate the DEPARTMENTBindingSource with the BindingNavigator)
17 Final image of the DataView and its corresponding ToolStrip
18 Double-click on the SAVE icon and insert the following VB code Private Sub SaveToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveToolStripButton.Click Me.Validate() If (Me.CompanyDataSet.HasChanges) Then Me.DEPARTMENTBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.DEPARTMENTTableAdapter.Update(Me.CompanyDataSet.DEPARTMENT) End If End Sub
19 Finally…