Week 2 Reading v.s. A Case Study of Implementing e-learning for a Small-sized Media Design Company in Taiwan Tuan-Ni (Annie) Lien Tuan-Ni (Annie) Lien
Point 1: E-learning bandwagon
1. E-learning bandwagon “In addition to Internet and University sites, corporate and government organizations that spend large amounts on employee training have developed proprietary computer-delivered courseware as potential cost-effective alternative to classroom training.“ (Clark & Mayer, 2003) “In addition to Internet and University sites, corporate and government organizations that spend large amounts on employee training have developed proprietary computer-delivered courseware as potential cost-effective alternative to classroom training.“ (Clark & Mayer, 2003)
The case study: motivation In Taiwan, there were over 1.14 million SMEs at the end of 2003, accounting for 97.83% of all enterprises (Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2005). According to the survey, LMS installation prices can range from $9,000 to $5,340,000, depending on the number of users. Most of the small-sized companies either cannot afford to invest in expensive computer hardware equipment or turn to e-learning providers for the establishment of e-learning platforms and courses design. For small companies, an expensive Learning Management System (LMS) is not necessary. Resort to business and e- Learning software such as Apple or Adobe and other open resource software might be a good substitute. In Taiwan, there were over 1.14 million SMEs at the end of 2003, accounting for 97.83% of all enterprises (Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2005). According to the survey, LMS installation prices can range from $9,000 to $5,340,000, depending on the number of users. Most of the small-sized companies either cannot afford to invest in expensive computer hardware equipment or turn to e-learning providers for the establishment of e-learning platforms and courses design. For small companies, an expensive Learning Management System (LMS) is not necessary. Resort to business and e- Learning software such as Apple or Adobe and other open resource software might be a good substitute.
Handy and Cost-effective Digital Tools for e-learning Content Development FunctionAppleAdobe 1.Interactive Multimedia & Presentation Tools Keynote/ SnapZ Pro X Captivate/ Authorware 2.Video/Audio EditingQicktime Pro/ iMovie/ Final Cut Pro/ GarageBand Premiere/ Flash/ After Effects 3.Image and Graphic EditingiPhotoPhotoshop/ Fireworks/ Illustrator/ Coreldraw 4.Text EditingWord/ Pages/ Keynote/ iWeb Acrobat PDF 5.Website EditingiWeb/ KeynoteDreamweaver/ Contribute 6.Video PlayerQicktimeFlash Player/ Media Player 7.Video ConferencingiChatBreez
Point 2: E-learning Design Process
2. E-learning Design Process (Clark & Mayer, 2003) Performance Analysis Content Analysis (Defining e-learning content) Design Development Testing & Implementation Performance Analysis Content Analysis (Defining e-learning content) Design Development Testing & Implementation
The case study
Methodology (2/2)
Point 3: Inform and Perform e-learning Goals
3. Inform and Perform e-learning Goals (Clark & Mayer, 2003) GoalDefinitionExample InformLessons that communicate information Company history New product features Perform- Procedure Lessons that build procedural skills (near transfer) How to log in How to complete an expense report Perform- Principle Lessons that build principle-based skills (far transfer) How to close a sale How to design a Web page
Company History (Enterprise Portal)
Content Delivered via Intranet E-Learning materials Organizational documentation Film clips photos
Organizational Policies (keynote)
Software Use (Streaming Videos)
Instructions for the Prepress Procedure (Blended Learning: PDF/ Face-to-face)
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