Sound Capital Income Properties, LLC buys Real-estate in multiple states and then Rents those properties thru HUD and other Government Subsidy Programs generating a stable income… NEXT
The purchase of 40 homes at the price points represented above will be $3.25 million. The annual income based on the worst case scenario of 60% income capacity is a little over 11.5% while at 100% income capacity the annual income will be over 19%. The purchase price will be below the appraised value with the equity range representing 80% of the appraised value. In a “fire sale” the expectations of exiting the property at 70% of the appraised value is realistic. NEXT
Based on the absolute worst case scenario of 60% income capacity off the properties we purchase and rent through HUD and other Government Subsidy Programs SCIP will easily exceed the 10% necessary to pay our Investors the ROI that we have promised… NEXT
At the low tier of 60% income SCIP will have a 11.5% revenue base while at the 100% range the income base will be at 19% and this ensures the 10% ROI promised to our Investors… NEXT
There are 3 positive indicators that other investments cannot easily show and they are; 1. Purchases property under Appraisal Value, 2. Equity Value that exceeds Purchase Price and 3. Fire Sale Value expectations that provide a viable exit strategy ! The purchase price will be below the appraised value with the equity range representing 80% of the appraised value. In a “fire sale” the expectations of exiting the property at 70% of the appraised value is realistic. NEXT
As we grow and expand the opportunity to buy more homes at below market value will give us the ability to generate more income resulting in a higher surplus that we can invest back into our business…
Given our current national economy Government Subsidy Programs are in higher demand than ever before and SCIP has the ability to capitalize by providing good single family homes in targeted demographics! In addition SCIP will explore the opportunities to purchase Apartment Home Communities as well as Townhomes and Condos… NEXT
Ownership - Security - Transparency! NEXT
A 10% ROI that can be delivered by SCIP based on absolute worst case scenario! NEXT
A “leap of faith” is not needed for this type of Investment Opportunity… NEXT