Chapter 6 Iteration Goals To be able to program loops with the while, for, and do statements To avoid infinite loops and off-by-one errors To understand nested loops To learn how to process input To implement simulations
Investment with Compound Interest Invest $10,000, 5% interest, compounded annually 1. When will the balance be at least $20,000? 2. What is the new balance after 5 years?
Syntax 6.1. The while Statement Syntax while (condition) statement repeats the statement while the condition is true Example: while (balance < targetBalance) { year++; double interest = balance * rate / 100; balance = balance + interest; } Purpose: To execute a statement while a condition is true
Flowchart for while Loop 1 /** 2 A class to monitor the growth of an 3 investment that accumulates interest at a fixed annual rate 4 */ 5 public class Investment 6 { 7 /** 8 Constructs an Investment object from a 9 starting balance and interest rate. aBalance the starting balanece aRate the interest rate in percent 12 */ 13 public Investment(double aBalance, double aRate) 14 { 15 balance = aBalance; 16 rate = aRate; 17 years = 0; 18 } 20 /** 21 Keeps accumulating interest until a target balance has been reached. targetBalance the desired balance 24 */ 25 public void waitForBalance(double targetBalance) 26 { 27 while (balance < targetBalance) 28 { 29 years++; 30 double interest = balance * rate / 100; 31 balance = balance + interest; 32 } 33 } 35 /** 36 Gets the current investment balance. the current balance 38 */ 39 public double getBalance() 40 { return balance; } 44 /** 45Gets the number of years this investment 46has accumulated interest. the number of years since the 48start of the investment 48 */ 49 public int getYears() 50 { 51 return years; 52 } 54 private double balance; 55 private double rate; 56 private int years; 57 } 1/** 2 This program computes how long it takes for an investment 3 to double. 4 */ 5 public class InvestmentTest 6 { 7 public static void main(String[] args) 8 { 9 final double INITIAL_BALANCE = 10000; 10 final double RATE = 5; 11 Investment invest = new Investment(INITIAL_BAL ANCE, RATE); 12 invest.waitForBalance(2 * INITIAL_BALANCE); 13 int years = invest.getYears(); 14 System.out.println("The investment doubled after " 15 + years + " years"); 16 } 17 }
Common Errors with while statement Infinite Loop –while (year < 20) { balance = balance + balance * rate / 100; } while (year > 0) { year++; // oops, -- } –Loops run forever--must kill program Off-by-1 Error –year = 0; while (balance < targetBalance) { year++; double interest=balance*rate/100; balance = balance + interest; } System.out.println("Reached target after “ + year + " years."); Should year start at 0 or 1? Should the test be < or <=? Avoiding Off-by-1 Error Run through a simple example: target balance = $20,000, interest rate 50% after one year: balance = $15,000 after two years: balance = $22,500 Therefore: year must start at 0 interest rate 100% after one year: balance = $20,000 loop should stop Therefore: must use < Think, don't compile and try at random
do Statement Syntax: do statement while (condition); Purpose: Executes loop body at least once Flowchart for Flowchart for do Loop Example: Validate input double value; do { String input =JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Please enter a positive number"); value =Integer.parseInt(input); } while (input <= 0);
Syntax 6.2. The for Statement Syntax: for (initialization; condition; update) statement Example: for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { double interest = balance * rate / 100; balance = balance+interest; } Equivalent to initialization; while (condition) { statement; update; } Purpose: To execute an initialization, then keep executing a statement and updating an expression while a condition is true for Loop Flowchart for for Loop 1 /** 2 A class to monitor the growth of an investment that 3 accumulates interest at a fixed annual rate 4 */ 5 public class Investment 6 { 7 /** 8 Constructs an Investment object from a starting balance and 9 interest rate. aBalance the starting balanece aRate the interest rate in percent 12 */ 13 public Investment(double aBalance, double aRate) 14 { 15 balance = aBalance; 16 rate = aRate; 17 years = 0; 18 } /** 21 Keeps accumulating interest until a target balance has 22 been reached. targetBalance the desired balance 24 */ 25 public void waitForBalance(double targetBalance) 26 { 27 while (balance < targetBalance) 28 { 29 years++; 30 double interest = balance * rate / 100; 31 balance = balance + interest; 32 } 33 }
35 /** 36 Keeps accumulating interest for a given number of years. n the number of years 38 */ 39 public void waitYears(int n) 40 { 41 for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) 42 { 43 double interest = balance * rate / 100; 44 balance = balance + interest; 45 } 46 years = years + n; 47 } 49 /** 50 Gets the current investment balance. the current balance 52 */ 53 public double getBalance() 54 { 55 return balance; 56 } 58 /** 59 Gets the number of years this investment has accumulated interest. the number of years since the start of the investment 62 */ 63 public int getYears() 64 { 65 return years; 66 } 68 private double balance; 69 private double rate; 70 private int years; 71 } 1 /** 2 This program computes how much an investment grows in 3 a given number of years. 4 */ 5 public class InvestmentTest 6 { 7 public static void main(String[] args) 8 { 9 final double INITIAL_BALANCE = 10000; 10 final double RATE = 5; 11 final int YEARS = 20; 12 Investment invest = new Investment(INITIAL_BALAN CE, RATE); 13 invest.waitYears(YEARS); 14 double balance = invest.getBalance(); 15 System.out.println("The balance after " + YEARS + 16 " years is " + balance); 17 } 18 }
Common Errors: Semicolons A semicolon that shouldn't be there sum = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) ; sum = sum + i; System.out.println(sum); // A missing semicolon for (i = 1; i <= 10; sum = sum + i++) System.out.println(sum);
Make triangle row is another loop for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) r = r + "[]"; r = r + "\n"; Put loops together => Nested loops Nested Loops Create triangle pattern [] [][] [][][] [][][][] Loop through rows for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // make triangle row } 1 /** 2 This class describes triangle objects that can be displayed as shapes like this: 4 [] 5 [][] 6 [][][] 7 */ 8 public class Triangle 9 { 10 /** 11 Constructs a triangle. aWidth the number of [] in the last row of the triangle. 13 */ 14 public Triangle(int aWidth) 15 { 16 width = aWidth; 17 } /** 20 Computes a string representing the triangle. a string consisting of [] and newline characters 22 */ 23 public String toString() 24 { 25 String r = ""; 26 for (int i = 1; i <= width; i++) 27 { 28 // make triangle row 29 for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) 30 r = r + "[]"; 31 r = r + "\n"; 32 } 33 return r; 34 } private int width; 37 } 1 /** 2 This program tests the Triangle class. 3 */ 4 public class TriangleTest 5 { 6 public static void main(String[] args) 7 { 8 Triangle small = new Triangle(3); 9 System.out.println(small.toString()); Triangle large = new Triangle(15); 12 System.out.println(large.toString()); 13 } 14 }
Reading Input Values General pattern: boolean done = false; while (!done) { String input = read input; if (end of input indicated) done = true; else { // process input } } "Loop and a half”: The true test for loop termination is in the middle of the loop, not at the top 1 /** 2 Computes the average of a set of data values. 3 */ 4 public class DataSet 5 { 6 /** 7 Constructs an empty data set. 8 */ 9 public DataSet() 10 { 11 sum = 0; 12 count = 0; 13 maximum = 0; 14 } /** 17 Adds a data value to the data set x a data value 19 */ 20 public void add(double x) 21 { 22 sum = sum + x; if (count == 0 || maximum < x) maximum = x; 24 count++; 25 } 27 /** 28 Gets the average of the added data. the average or 0 if no data has been added 30 */ 31 public double getAverage() 32 { 33 if (count == 0) return 0; 34 else return sum / count; 35 } 37 /** 38 Gets the largest of the added data. the maximum or 0 if no data has been added 40 */ 41 public double getMaximum() 42 { 43 return maximum; 44 } 46 private double sum; 47 private double maximum; 48 private int count; 49 } 1 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 3 /** 4 This program computes the average and maximum of a set 5 of input values. 6 */ 7 public class InputTest 8 { 9 public static void main(String[] args) 10 { 11 DataSet data = new DataSet(); boolean done = false; 14 while (!done) 15 { 16 String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter value, Cancel to quit"); 17 if (input == null) 18 done = true; 19 else 20 { 21double x = Double.parseDouble(input); 22data.add(x); 23 } 24 } System.out.println("Average = " + data.getAverage()); 27 System.out.println("Maximum = " + data.getMaximum()); 28 } 29 }
String Tokenization StringTokenizer breaks up string into tokens By default, white space separates tokens " " breaks into three tokens: "4.3", "7", "-2" StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); // process token } 1 import java.util.StringTokenizer; 2 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 3 4 /** 5 This program computes the average and maximum of a set 6 of input values that are entered on a single line. 7 */ 8 public class InputTest 9 { 10 public static void main(String[] args) 11 { 12 DataSet data = new DataSet(); String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "Enter values:"); 15 StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(input); 16 while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) 17 { 18 String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); 19 double x = Double.parseDouble(token); 21 data.add(x); 22 } System.out.println("Average = " + data.getAverage()); 25 System.out.println("Maximum = " + data.getMaximum()); 26 } 27 }
Traversing Characters in String s.charAt(i) is the ith character of the string s –for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); process ch } Example: Count vowels s.indexOf(ch) is the index of the first occurrence of ch in s, or - 1 if ch doesn't occur in s int vowelCount = 0; String vowels = "aeiouy"; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (vowels.indexOf(ch) >= 0) vowelCount++; }
Random Numbers Random number generator Random generator = new Random(); int n = generator.nextInt(a); // 0 <= n < a double x = generator.nextDouble(); // 0 <= x < 1 Throw die (random number between 1 and 6) int d = 1 + generator.nextInt(6); 1 import java.util.Random; 2 3 /** 4 This class models a die that, when cast, lands on a random 5 face. 6 */ 7 public class Die 8 { 9 /** 10 Constructs a die with a given number of sides s the number of sides, e.g. 6 for a normal die 12 */ 13 public Die(int s) 14 { 15 sides = s; 16 generator = new Random(); 17 } /** 20 Simulates a throw of the die the face of the die 22 */ 23 public int cast() 24 { 25 return 1 + generator.nextInt(sides); 26 } private Random generator; 30 private int sides; 31 } 1 /** 2 This program simulates casting a die ten times. 3 */ 4public class DieTest 5 { 6 public static void main(String[] args) 7 { 8 Die d = new Die(6); 9 final int TRIES = 10; 10 for (int i = 1; i <= TRIES; i++) 11 { 12 int n = d.cast(); 13 System.out.print(n + " "); 14 } 15 System.out.println(); 16 } 17 }
Buffon Needle Experiment Needle Position Needle length = 1, distance between lines = 2 Generate random y low between 0 and 2 Generate random angle a between 0 and 180 degrees y high = y low + sin( a) Hit if y high >= 2 Simulating of random events On each try, a needle, of length 1 is dropped onto a paper ruled with lines of length 2 If needles drops onto a line, hit Conjecture: ties/hits π 1 import java.util.Random; 3 /** 4 This class simulates a needle in the Buffon needle experiment. 5 */ 6 public class Needle 7 { 8 /** 9 Constructs a needle. 10 */ 11 public Needle() 12 { 13 hits = 0; 14 generator = new Random(); 15 } 17 /** 18 Drops the needle on the grid of lines and remembers whether the needle hit a line. 20 */ 21 public void drop() 22 { 23 double ylow = 2 * generator.nextDouble(); 24 double angle = 180 * generator.nextDouble(); 26 // compute high point of needle 28 double yhigh = ylow + Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); 29 if (yhigh >= 2) hits++; 30 tries++; 31 } 33 /** 34 Gets the number of times the needle hit a line. the hit count 36 */ 37 public int getHits() 38 { return hits; } 42 /** 43 Gets the total number of times the needle was dropped. the try count 45 */ 46 public int getTries() 47 { return tries; } 51 private Random generator; 52 private int hits; 53 private int tries; 54 } 1 /** 2 This program simulates the Buffon needle experiment and prints the resulting approximations of pi. 4 */ 5 public class NeedleTest 6 { 7 public static void main(String[] args) 8 { 9 Needle n = new Needle(); 10 final int TRIES1 = 10000; 11 final int TRIES2 = ; for (int i = 1; i <= TRIES1; i++) 14 n.drop(); 15 System.out.println("Tries / Hits = " + (double)n.getTries() / n.getHits()); for (int i = TRIES1 + 1; i <= TRIES2; i++) 19 n.drop(); 20 System.out.println("Tries / Hits = " + (double)n.getTries() / n.getHits()); 22 } 23 }