Types of Robots
Some Literature Motorola books not for this year
Contents about robot types in book Topics:Topics: – Driving Robots –Differential steering, synchro-drive, tracked vehicles – Omni-Directional Robots –Mecanum wheels Flying Robots– Flying Robots –Sensors, structure Balancing Robots– Balancing Robots –Inverted pendulum Walking Robots– Walking Robots –6-legged walking robots, biped android robots
Contents 0. Introduction 1. Driving Robots 2. Flying Robots 3. Balancing Robots 4. Walking Robots
Service Robots
Mobile Robot Design Mobile robots can be: Driving Walking Swimming Diving Flying
Mobile Robot Mechanical Design
Our past projects control. Examples Controller on a robot – autonomous. Lynxmotion hexapod. Hexor PC connected to controller by wire. Controller on a robot. Humanoid scientific robot theatre (current project 2007) PC connected to controller by wireless. Controller on robot. (Robot soccer 2002) Multi-processor architecture for many robots – Hahoe robot theatre.
Micro- robots
The Ants A Community of Microrobots
Solette and Hopette
Social Behaviour Clustering Around Food
Multi-Purpose Humanoid Robots This is our long-term goal This is our long-term goal. First goals: - Walking man (small) - Walking horse (big) - Torso (MuVal)
The most famous world’s robot
Honda’s Robot
Fiction to reality Now we can compare
Fiction to Reality: RUR
"Gort" from the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still."Gort
"Commander Data" from Star Trek, an android robot with a "positronic brain.""Commander Data" from Star Trek, an android robot with a "positronic brain."Commander DataCommander Data Fiction to Reality:
Intelligent Robot Definition Knowledge Acquisition Capabilities Sensors Cameras Radar Tactile Sensors Infrared etc. Decision Making System Artificial Intelligence
COG system has been demonstrat ed on autonomou s learning tasks
Rodney Brooks with COG
If you cannot afford to build a human…..
….and this brings us back to…..
ENTERTAINMENT Robots are seen on T.V. (Star Trek - The Next Generation) and in the movies (The Day the Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, Lost in Space, Blade Runner, Star Wars). These imaginary robots do a lot of things that the real ones can not do. Some robots in movies, video and computer games are made to attack people.
From a puppet theatre: Turtle
Head of Japanese Robot
And What About these?
Marylin Monroe without cloths...and skin, with her creator
There exist several companies that build entertainment robots
A leg
A Head
TOYS TOYS The new robot technology is making interesting types of toys that children will like to play with: "FURBY", which became available in stores for Christmas and continues to be very popular.FURBY
TOYS TOYS "LEGO MINDSTORMS" robot construction kit. These kits, which were developed by the LEGO company with M.I.T. scientists, let kids create and program their own robots.LEGO MINDSTORMS
The $1 million-dollar Mitsubishi robot fish.
Spiritual Robots?
What did we learn? Many types of robots exist. Progress of technology allows now to build an Intelligent Robot with Perception and Manipulation under $1000. There are several kits for high school robotics. Robotics allows to explain ideas of control, software, sensors, motors and other effectors, image processing, pattern recognition, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence Small robot that you can build in a classroom can explain all important principles at a fraction of cost You are no longer restricted to robotic arms, kits allow to build any type of robot.
Possible Programming Projects Select your favourite robot: Space, military, medical, etc Create a model of your robot: use your knowledge of trigonometry to describe kinematics of your robot Find on WWW a graphics package, you can use AUTO-CAD with Lisp Visualize the movements of your robot using the graphic package Do the tele-remote interface to your robot. When you use the mouse or joystick or keyboard, the robot executes respective commands
Sources Paul Hannah