South Pasadena High School By Christian Putnam
Description High school Grades 9-12 Enrollment – th Grade – th Grade – th Grade – th Grade – 344 Schedule 100 min. blocks, every other day
Test Scores and Technology 2005 Base API – Statewide Rank – Growth Target - “A” 2005 Student Included – 1100 Computers – 275 Students per Computer – 5.5 Computers with Internet - 55
Demographics Ethnicity EthnicityEnrollmentPercentage Asian 57638% Pacific Islander 20.1% Filipino 261.7% Hispanic % African American 563.7% White % Multiple/ No Response %
My Class The Class I observed was a high school geometry class made up of mostly sophomores and freshmen. The following lesson plans are designed for that class.
Lesson Plan 1 Standard 8.0 Students know, derive, and solve problems involving the perimeter, circumference, area, volume, lateral area, and surface area of a cone. Objective Student should be able to use their knowledge of mathematics to find the perimeter, circumference, area, volume, lateral area, and surface area of a cone. Motivation I will show them an ice cream cone and ask them questions about its geometry.
Lesson Plan 1 (cont.) Input of Information I will do example problems on the board. Check for Understanding Question kids if there are any problems. Structured Practice Split the class into small groups, give them a sample problem to solve, have each group teach their problem to the class. Guided Practice Provide the studentswith a few basic problems they are likely to see on the homework. Give the students time to finish the problems then go over them.
Lesson Plan 1 (cont.) Closure Clearly write and the label the equations on the board and discuss when each should be used. Independent practice Have student find conical objects outside of the classroom, take measurements of the object and calculate its perimeter, circumference, area, volume, lateral area, and surface area Assessment Use the objects and measurements the students found to develop test questions.
Lesson Plan 2 Standard 9.0 Students compute the volumes and surface areas of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and spheres; and students commit to memory the formulas for prisms, pyramids, and cylinders Objective Students should be able to compute by hand volumes and surface areas using memorized geometric equations. Motivation Each student will bring in an object or a picture of an object along with its measurements that is either a pyramid, a cylinder, or a cone. Input of Information I will provide the students with the equations for finding the volume and surface area of prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and spheres.
Lesson Plan 2 (cont.) Check for understanding I will show the class different objects and ask them which equation I should use depending on what I want to find. Structured Practice I will give groups of students an object and ask them to find what measurements they can and use those to find the surface area and volume. Guided Practice I will give the student problems with given measurements and the shape of the object. They will hen try to compute the volume and surface area. Closure I will go back to the original equations and remind the student when it is appropriate to use each equation.
Lesson Plan 2 (cont.) Independent Practice The students will go home and take measurements of their house or local building draw the building and them compute the surface area and volume of the building. Assessment Take one student outside and show him/her an object, then ask hum/her how to find the volume and surface area with given values
Lesson Plan 3 Standard 10.0 Students compute the areas of polygons, including rectangles, scalene triangles, equillateral triangles, rhombi, parallelograms, and trapezoids. Objective Students should be able to compute areas of different types of polygons by hand. Motivation I will cut out small samples of polygons and pass them out to the students. Input of Information I will give the student the necessary equations to find the areas of polygons and use the cut outs as examples.
Lesson Plan 3 (cont.) Check for understanding I will ask the class if they have any questions regarding the material. Structured Practice In small groups the students will work out problems I will write on the board. Guided Practice The student will individually wok out sample problems from the book. Closure I will go over the equations and 1 basic example from the different types of shapes.
Lesson Plan 3 (cont.) Independent Practice I will give them worksheet with relevant math questions. Assessment The students will create pentagons, but will not provide all the measurements. They will trade with other students and will need to solve for the remaining side and the area.
Technology The student can use the internet to find examples of objects for use on their independent practices
Observations Identification of Objective The teacher would write the object of the class for that day on the board and would repeat the objective verbally during the class How Students Know What is Expected The teacher would verbally point out what the student should be able to do and provide sample problems Rational None given Check for Understanding The teacher ask if the students had questions and do sample problems and ask a couple kids for their answers Group activities None observed, the students could do extra credit projects in small groups Assessment The students had homework problems every night and quizzes at the end of each chapter
Peer Review good clear powerpoint, no distractions from the main ideas and the information. inventive lesson plans. only question i have is what grade the lesson plans are directed towards. good job. –Alison Segel Good job! I liked your motivation for each lesson plan. I would recommend saying what grade the lessons are for. -Ashley Nick I like the Trojan colors!! It was easy to read, very simple. For objectives, you should state specifically HOW they will be able to do what they're doing--verbally, on a worksheet, on the blackboard, through a project. –Celena Castillo
References California High School Geometry Standards School Information from Ed-data asp%3Flevel%3D07%26reportNumber%3D16