Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and Bayesian statistics. Temperature and Precipitation mean state.


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Presentation transcript:

Projection of future climate change conditions using IPCC simulations, neural networks and Bayesian statistics. Temperature and Precipitation mean state and seasonal cycle in South America. Jean-Philippe Boulanger*, Fernando Martinez** and Enrique C. Segura** *LOCEAN, UMR CNRS/IRD/UPMC, Tour 45-55/Etage 4/Case 100, UPMC, 4 Place Jussieu, Paris Cedex 05, France. Presently at Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmosfera y los Oceanos, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina **Departamento de Ciencias la Computación, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Methodology: Training phase 20 th century model simulations 20 th century observations Transfer Function

Methodology: Projection phase 21 st century model simulations 21 sr century projection Transfer Function ?

Neural Networks and Bayesian statistics Error on the weights Model-Data fit error Two classes of error:

Neural Networks and Bayesian statistics The evidence procedure: a maximization problem Generalizing the hyperparameter concept: Define one hyperparameter for each entry neuron Compute a Model Weight index as:

Why using neural networks? The major critics to Bayesian methods is the subjective choice of the prior distribution Neural networks optimized by Bayesian methods define prior distributions linked to the NN architecture, not to the field or models under study (more objective) Most methods are based on a linear combination of model outputs (indices) NN optimized by Bayesian methods offer a non-linear combination of model spatial outputs (maps) The major limitation of NN is their reduced skill for extrapolation

What results do we expect? A set of MWIs potentially generalized to a set of linear combination weights. They indicate how much each model contributes to the model mix. To a certain extent, they should indicate a model skill (with caution). A non-linear transfer function if the NN has skills for extrapolation A universal method based on objective definitions of the prior and likelihood distributions

Observations and models Observations: CRU data interpolated onto a 2.5°x2.5° grid Models:

Temperature analysis Too warm

Temperature analysis Too zonal



MLP validation

MLP Validation for extrapolation



SSA: South of 30°S NSA: North of 30°S LPB: La Plata Basin SRES A2 SRES A1B SRES B1



General Conclusions-Method NN optimized by Bayesian method may allow: Computing MWIs representative of model skills Evaluating an optimal linear combination of climate models Defining an objective prior distrbution independent on the problem under study BUT their skill in extrapolating is case-dependent and leads to very different behavior and conclusions. Further analysis are required, with a larger ensemble of models and over different regions of the world (more regional approach).

Temperature: conclusions-1 MLP optimized by Bayesian methods lead to estimate the optimal set of weights for combining linearly IPCC climate models MLP skill for extrapolation is low due to the common and large trend of temperature among models, which make future values be out of present climate data distribution MLP projection allows deriving a level of confidence in the projection, which summarizes linear model combination error and model dispersion (or disagreement in future changes)

Temperature: conclusions-2 Large temperature increase over most of the continent with a seasonal cycle modulation SRES A2 displays the largest warming. SRES A1B projects a warming 80% that of SRES A2 in late 21st century. SRES B1 reaches about 60% of SRES A2 warming. All display the same patterns. NSA: about 4°C increase with larger amplitudes over the Chilean and Peruvian coasts, the central Amazons and the Colombia-Venezuela-Guiana region. Amplitude of the seasonal cycle would be reduced. SSA: about 3°C increase, but the penalizing function is close to zero in the southern tip. Amplitude of the seasonal cycle would increase

Precipitation-Conclusions In SRES A2, annual mean precipitation would decrease over Colombia-Venezuela-Guyana as well as part of the Amazons and the Chilean coasts, while it would increase at the equator on the Pacific side and between 20°S and 35°S along the Atlantic coasts. In the northern part of South America, precipitation increases in summer and decreases in winter. During austral summer, the South American Monsoon would be weaker. Nordeste would receive less precipitation in austral summer and fall, but more precipitation in winter and spring. Other scenarios (A1B and B1) strongly resemble the SRES A2 trends but with weaker amplitudes.

General Conclusions-Results In a much warmer climate as the one projected, it is likely that changes in winter conditions may increase the risk of development of Dengue southward of its actual position. This is only one example of potential climate impact on society, there is no doubt that other diseases as well as crop yields may also be affected in such conditions. The study of such impacts in South America is under analysis in the framework of the European CLARIS Project ( Our results must be compared to other methods to evaluate whether they all converge toward similar projections.

Sensitivity to MLP architecture

Multi-model ensemble and Bayesian methods Optimally combine models based on their skills in simulating present climate conditions Works by Giorgio et al. (2001), Giorgi and Mearns (2002) and Tebaldi et al. (2004) based on Bayesian statistics offers an interesting method to project climate indices Prior Likelihood

Neural Networks Multi-layer Perceptron

Neural Networks Multi-layer Perceptron

Neural Networks and Bayesian statistics Density of parameters for a given data set D Prior Distribution Likelihood Prior Likelihood

Neural Networks and Bayesian statistics Prior Distribution Model-Data fit error Posterior Distribution as a function of the hyperparameters To optimize

Four seasons DJF MAM JJA SON

Precipitation: A different field Climate models poorly simulate the precipitation fields (mean and variability) Climate models strongly disagree in simulating future changes BUT Most of the climate models project future mean precipitation values similar or close to the range of present climate distribution

What can we expect? MWIs are unlikely to be useful to create an optimal linear combination. BUT MWIs may represent the model skills in simulating the large scale structures. The MLPs may actually be used directly to project climate change model outputs optimally combining the models and correcting the model biases.