St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme REVISION PRESENTATION J3 - part 1 The practice, meaning and significance of: the sacraments of initiation.
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme special experiences of God’s grace ECEIVE GOD’s GRACE which EMPOWERS them to respond to the HALLENGE to build the Kingdom of God here and now.
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme sacraments of initiation sacraments of commitment sacraments of healing
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme baptism confirmation eucharist. Sacraments of Initiation are the means by which people are formally welcomed into the WORLDWIDE BODY OF CHRIST
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme J3 - part 2 The Mass: its structure (penitential rite, liturgy of the word, Eucharist, rite of communion; its importance to Catholics (sacrifice, real presence, transubstantiation, tabernacle); the meaning of the Eucharist in other Christian traditions
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme sacrifice real presence transubstantiation tabernacle the box like container used for consecrated hosts. A surrender of something valuable for the sake of others the belief that Jesus is really present in the bread and wine in the Eucharistic Prayer the belief that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus while still appearing to be bread & wine
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme B & W are symbols superstitious to believe in Real Presence God is more present in the W of G limiting since Jesus is present all the time in all things more important to give than receive.
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme The practice, meaning and significance of: the sacraments of healing - reconciliation (contrition, penance and absolution) anointing of the sick (viaticum). J3 - part 3
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Sacraments of Healing are the means by which people receive God’s healing grace
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme “food for the journey” the communion given in the anointing of the sick
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme J3 - part 4 How and why Christians celebrate: Α Christmas Β Lent Ω Holy Week and Easter
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme ACE
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme HOW???? Fasting Prayer Repentance
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem The incarnation The Word made flesh
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme HOW???
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme G F M
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme S ations of the cross Fasting Prayer Repentance Almsgiving starts on
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Waving palms Listening to the Passion story
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme o Priest washing feet o Attending Mass to re- enact Last Supper
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme Listening to the Passion story Venerating the Cross
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme 1.Light the Paschal Candle 2.Liturgy of the Word 3.Renew baptismal vows 4.Liturgy of the Eucharist
St. Cuthbert’s R.E. Department Revision Programme