You have just been given an aerial photograph that is not registered to real world coordinates. How do you display the aerial with other data layers that have real world coordinates (I.e. map projection) In this lesson, you will learn how to: Register an aerial photograph to vector data Open an orthophoto that is already registered Lab1: Aerial Photographs
Scanning: Automated method to extract data from maps & photographs The image to the left is a scanned image. The original photograph is placed in a scanning device; a photoelectric cell or “eye” passes over the photo or document and records any mark on the photo. The resulting data is stored in pixels or cells. Each cell may consist of a defined value. The scanned image is in Raster GIS format.
Satellite imagery maps can be easily scanned since the output is diplayed in pixels or cells. Landsat satellite image Detailed satellite image view
To overlay an aerial photograph, it must be registered to a reference: Select control points on the aerial photograph Select the corresponding locations on a locationally referenced vector data layer. Register an Aerial Photograph
a b & c b & e f d g Selecting control points on the aerial and the vector layer:
Scanning is useful: Scan & register the image Use heads-up digitizing to capture the spatial objects In this example, 1. The aerial was scanned & registered (control points were known). 2. Trace or heads-up digitize the river as a polygon
You are now ready to begin MapInfo Exercise- Lab 3 Aerial Photographs. The main objectives are: Register an aerial photograph to vector data Open an orthophoto that is already registered Begin exercise- lab 3