HER and LER radiative bhabhas The next two figures show the trajectories of the off-energy beam particle from radiative bhabhas. The first figure shows various paths of the degraded electron from the HEB. The paths range from a 0.5 GeV particle to an 8 GeV particle in 0.5 GeV steps. As one can see from the plot, the electrons with an energy between 4 GeV and 6 GeV strike the septum mask in front of the Q2 magnet. The lowest energy particles (0.5 GeV to 2.5 GeV) are also lost locally and most of these particles strike the beampipe either under or just after the QD1 magnet in the support tube. All other particles cleanly leave the local area and are lost at distances of 10 m or more from the IP. The second figure shows the paths of the radiative bhabhas for the LEB. Most of the off-energy positrons strike the beam pipe either under or just behind QD1 with only those particles with an energy greater than 2.5 GeV having a chance of escaping from the local area and getting lost at least 10 m from the IP. M. Sullivan Feb. 9, 2004