Week 10 CSSE 375 Steve Chenoweth & Everybody
Today Get back Exam 2 This week’s schedule – this Reflection on the course Talk about final assignment Decide who talks Thurs & Fri In-class work time – reflection on your projects
Rest of week’s schedule Tomorrow – In class work time Do course evals Thurs & Fri – You do final team report presentations With peer evals from other teams Fri midnight – Turn-in final project 2 report Next Mon noon (a week from today) – Turn in peer eval of your own team
Reflection on the course How we planned it… Organized like real software engineering projects: Product manager Project manager / process people Technical gurus Actual work assignments And…
Reflection on the course How we led it… Run like the flow of real maintenance projects: Small teams Put together by management Process expectations – from lectures Short project activities With frequent reports / milestones Sometimes more personal choice than others
Reflection on the course Results we hoped for… Feels more like your first job will feel Learn what processes you can rely on, in construction & maintenance Learn how unfamiliarity tends to drive risk Both with technical and process sides Team decisions about how to handle these
Reflection on the course Please take a few personal notes for tomorrow’s in-class course evals – We’ll have final 20 min of class tomorrow for them We need your detailed ideas! We use these to improve courses And we need your ratings to support & direct what we do
Reflection on the course Note that the course delivery we used (above slides) goes beyond the course eval format We’d like you to evaluate everything and everybody, even so. E.g. – Projects and the “like real work” course experience Lectures & other assignments, done in support of that Steve, Tori, Jon and Sandor as a part of all this Your team’s success / growth / confidence Your personal success / growth / confidence
Talk about final assignment Let’s look at it…
Decide who talks Thurs & Fri Thursday PDF Edit 3D Desktop Chords Sudoers Friday Audacity Pidgin Plugin Notepad++
In-class work time – reflection on your projects Go for it…