Message Decisions. Communication Advertising is, first of all, a form of communication. Communication The passing of information The exchange of ideas.


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Presentation transcript:

Message Decisions

Communication Advertising is, first of all, a form of communication. Communication The passing of information The exchange of ideas The process of establishing a commonness or oneness of thought between a sender and a receiver.

Communication Process

Elements in the Communication Process Sender/Source: the person or organization that has information to share with another person or group of people. Receiver/Audience: the person(s) with whom the sender shares thoughts or information. Message: the information or meaning the source hopes to convey. Channel: the method by which the communication travels from the source or sender to the receiver. Personal: salespeople, word-of-mouth. Nonpersonal (mass media): broadcast, print.

Elements in the Communication Process Encoding: the process that the source puts thoughts, ideas, or information into a symbolic form (words, symbols, pictures, or video). Decoding: the process that the receiver transforms the sender’s message back into thought.

Word ASUS :華碩品質,堅若磐石。 LEXUS :專注完美,近乎苛求。 中國信託: We are family 。 全家便利商店:全家就是你家。 Nokia :科技始終來自於人性。 麥當勞:麥當勞都是為你。

第 15 屆「廣告流行語金句獎」 得獎金句企業廣告主 一把抵兩把,何需瑪麗亞?! 3M 魔布強效拖把 三不五時 愛要及時全球人壽 用你想要的方式道別 萬安生命 多喝水沒事,沒事多喝水味丹企業股份有限公司 好險,有南山! 南山人壽保險股份有限公司 信任,帶來新幸福信義房屋 便宜一樣有好貨全聯福利中心 想像力是你的超能力雄獅文具 整個城市就是我的咖啡館統一超商 city café 贏甲嘸知人 台灣彩券 永恆金句企業廣告主 全國電子 足感心ㄟ ( 台語發音 ) 全國電子 肝苦誰人知白蘭氏五味子芝麻錠



Video Dentyne – Frost Bites, IceFrost BitesIce Seat belt – 1, 212 BRIDGESTONE: Designed to save life. BRIDGESTONE Wendy's: Where Is The Beef Wendy's

Gaps between Encoding and Decoding

Elements in the Communication Process Noise: unplanned distortion or interference. Response: the receiver’s set of reactions after seeing, hearing, or reading the message. Feedback: the part of the receiver’s response that is communicated back to the sender.

Cognitive Processing of Communications The Cognitive Response Approach The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)

The Cognitive Response Approach (Greenwald, 1968) Exposure to advertisement Source-oriented thoughts Ad execution thoughts Product/message thoughts Attitude towards the advertisement Brand attitudes Purchase intention Cognitive ResponsesAttitudes

Cognitive Response Categories Product/Message Thoughts Counter arguments Support arguments Source-Oriented Thoughts Source derogation Source bolstering Ad-Execution Thoughts Ad-ExecutionThoughts Thoughts about the ad itself Affect attitude toward the ad Important determinant of advertising effectiveness

Advertising Attitude-Mediator Model Cad CbAb Aad PI 中央 周邊 中央 Cad CbAb Aad PI 成熟產品新產品

The Elaboration Likelihood Model (Petty, Cacioppo, and Schumann, 1983) Focuses on the way consumers respond to persuasive messages based on the amount and nature of elaboration or processing of information Routes to attitude change

Central route to persuasion: ability and motivation to process a message is high and close attention is paid to message content. Peripheral route to persuasion: ability and motivation to process a message is low and receiver focuses more on peripheral cues rather than message content.

Ads Following Central Route

An Ad Following Peripheral Route

Think Does a spokesman always represent a peripheral cue?

Communication Process

Message Decisions Message content (what to say) Message structure (how to say it logically) Message format (how to say it symbolically) Message source (who should say it)

Message Content Appeal, theme, idea, or unique selling proposition (USP) Rational or emotional appeals Rational Positive, e.g. SUZUKI, PHILIP 寬螢幕, 安泰人壽.SUZUKIPHILIP 寬螢幕 安泰人壽 Negative, e.g. Dia 香皂, 安全帶, Emotional, e.g. 可口可樂, 中華汽車. 可口可樂

Do Humorous Ads Wear Out Too Fast? Two opposing opinions Solution: humorous campaigns consisting of many different commercials. KFC – 會客篇, 監獄篇 AMERIQUEST – 廚房篇, 飛機篇 廚房篇 飛機篇 BRAHMA Beer – 1, 212

Fear Appeals and Message Acceptance Rejection Inhibiting effects Resultant nonmonotonic curve Facilitating effects Level of fear Acceptan ce

Message Structure Order of Presentation Conclusion Drawing Message Sidedness Refutation Verbal versus Visual Messages

Order of Presentation Primacy effect: information presented first is most effective. Recency effect: the last arguments presented are most persuasive. Most effective sales presentations open and close with strong selling points and bury weaker arguments in the middle. Target audience’s attitude: opposed, not interested, or predisposed.

Message Recall and Presentation Order Recall BeginningMiddleEnd

Conclusion Drawing In general, messages with explicit conclusions are more easily understood and effective in influencing. Open-ended ads were more effective than closed-ended arguments that did include a specific conclusion – but only for involved audiences. Factors: involvement, education, the type of issue or topic, the nature of the situation, complexity.

Conclusion Drawing

Message Sidedness One-sided message: mention only positive attributes or benefits. Two-sided message: present both good and bad points. Two-sided message may enhance the credibility of the source. E.g. Avis: “We are No. 2. We try harder.”; 全 聯福利中心. Factors: education, audience’s attitude.

Two-Sided Message

Refutation The communicator presents both sides of an issue and then refutes the opposing viewpoint. Refutational messages may be useful when marketers wish to build attitudes that resist change and must defend against attacks or criticism of their products or company. Refutational appeals are more effective than one- sided messages in making consumers resistant to an opposing message. Examples: PHS vs. GSM, 烤米片 vs. 洋芋片.PHSGSM 烤米片 洋芋片
