Literature Searching Beyond PubMed (CINAHL, PsycINFO, SocAbstracts) Min-Lin Fang, MLIS
Sep Agenda Database Selection Development of Search Strategies CINAHL, PsycINFO, SocAbstract Searching Search Demos
Sep Online Tutorials CSA PsycINFO, SocAbstracts online tutorials CINAHL, Basic and Advanced
Sep Developing Search Strategies Formulate a question. Break your question into multiple concepts. Locate the appropriate MeSH (indexed term) for each concept. Run the search using AND, OR, NOT Apply limit options (date, language, age, publication type, gender), major headings and subheadings Modify your search strategies and rerun your search.
Sep Why Indexed Term? MeSH terms (indexed terms) are an efficient way to find articles on “concepts” where authors may use different words to discuss the same ideas. Using Indexed Terms (Thesaurus) improves precision and accuracy of subject searching. Keyword search (title, MeSH, abstract) may not retrieve relevant articles. Example: physical therapy “Storytelling as therapy: implications for medicine.” Abstract: Storytelling is an art developed during the beginning of human history, probably to teach the wisdom of generations past, including basic mental and physical health principles…
Sep Additional Databases Go to the Databases List ( on GALEN to access a specific database. CINAHL PsycINFO, psychological literature SocAbstracts, social sciences literature
Sep PsycINFO Produced by the American Psychological Association (APA) Produced by the American Psychological Association (APA) Available through the CSA Illumina interface at the University of California, along with PsycArticles and Psychology: Sage Full-Text. Available through the CSA Illumina interface at the University of California, along with PsycArticles and Psychology: Sage Full-Text.
Sep Coverage Includes over 1,800 professional journals, chapters, books, reports, theses and dissertations, published internationally. Includes over 1,800 professional journals, chapters, books, reports, theses and dissertations, published internationally. Also includes more than 8 million cited references in 185,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters. Also includes more than 8 million cited references in 185,000 journal articles, books, and book chapters. Covers citations from 1806 to the present, with approximately 60,000 new records added yearly. Covers citations from 1806 to the present, with approximately 60,000 new records added yearly. Updates weekly Updates weekly
Sep Subject Coverage Major areas of coverage include: Applied psychology Communication systems Developmental psychology Educational psychology Experimental human and animal psychology Personality Psychological and physical disorders Physiological psychology and neuroscience Professional personnel and issues Psychometrics and statistics Social psychology Social processes and issues Sports psychology and leisure Treatment and prevention
Sep PsycARTICLES Full-text access to articles from journals published by the APA, the APA Educational Publishing Foundation, the Canadian Psychological Association, and Hogrefe & Huber. Most of the 58 APA journals included in PsycARTICLES now go back to volume 1, issue 1. Journal articles covering from 1986-present. Full-text coverage of book chapters from present Journals in this database also indexed in PsycINFO with access to citations and abstracts only.
Sep Psychology: a Sage Full-text Collection Includes the full text of 35 journals published by SAGE and participating societies. Subject Coverage: Applied Psychology, Assessment, Child Development, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cultural Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Family Studies, Group Work, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Language Acquisition, Latin American Studies, Learning Disabilities, Measurement, Neuropsychology, Personality, Philosophical Psychology, Psychiatry, Psychology of Diversity, School Psychology, Social Psychology, and Sociology of Race and Ethnicity. Each bibliographic record in the Collection links to the appropriate full-text in PDF format.
Sep Social Science Databases Multiple databases can be searched at once via the CSA Illumina interface. Multiple databases can be searched at once via the CSA Illumina interface. While PsycInfo, PsycArticles and Psychology: Sage Full-Text are the primary databases for psychological literature, relevant citations may also be found via Sociological Abstracts, Communication Abstracts, and ERIC. While PsycInfo, PsycArticles and Psychology: Sage Full-Text are the primary databases for psychological literature, relevant citations may also be found via Sociological Abstracts, Communication Abstracts, and ERIC.
Sep Search Exercises Is American Journal of Psychology available electronically at the UCSF library? Eating disorders in adolescents Recent review articles on interventions for sleep deprivation Socio cultural influences on adolescents’ body image Family caregiving burden in patients with heart failure
Sep More… Class evaluation Library Tours QuickSearch Personal Consultation: Contact Min-Lin Fang for personal consultation. Phone: