European Research Council The European Research Council Dr Pascal Dissard European Research Council Executive Agency Research Programme Officer - Unit B3 – Advanced Grant Unit ERC visit to Brazil May, 2010
European Research Council FP7 IDEAS Programme The ERC Calls 2007 – 2009: an overview
European Research Council Jack Metthey ERC Executive Agency Director ad interim │ 3 Prof. Helga Nowotny ERC President The ERC Board Linking strategy and operations Prof. Fotis Kafatos ERC Honorary President Prof. Andreu Mas-Colell ERC Secretary-General Dr. Daniel Esteve ERC Vice-President
European Research Council 4 ERC Executive Agency ERC Executive Agency Organisation chart per 1/12/2009 DIR Director’s Office J. METTHEY (Director Ad Interim) Scientific Management Department G. NAGY (Acting HoD) Grant Management Department P. AMOR Support Services Department Y. PATERNOSTER B1 Process Management and Review B.TUBBING B2 Starting Grant A. MARTIN- HOBDEY C1 Grant Preparation T. PROST C2 Payment and Controls M. MAY D1 IT Tools Development and Management M. VANBIERVLIET D2 Human Resources, Budget and Infrastructure C. LENARDUZZI B3 Advanced Grant G. NAGY C3 Grant Closure & Termination J. BRODERSEN CAO Chief Accountant S. WALA IAO Internal Audit Capability M. HENNESSY D3 Programming, Monitoring, Legal matters and Risk Management M. Olivan - Aviles A2 Communications M. Gaudina A1 Support to the Scientific Council P. AMOR (acting)
European Research Council A radical shift in policy: pan-European competition to advance excellent ideas of individuals Support for excellent individual researchers to push the frontiers of science Support for the early independence of young researchers Industry participation is welcome The ERC paradigm
European Research Council Budget ( ): 7.51 billion Euro (~ 15% of FP7 Budget) ~1 billion Euro/year
European Research Council │ 7 Received proposals of which evaluatedSelected* Starting Grant 20079,1678, Starting Grant 20092,5032, Total Starting Grant11,67011, Advanced Grant 20082,1672, Advanced Grant 20091,5831, Total Advanced Grant3, Grand Total15,42014,7461,059 ~ 800 panel members ~ 2000 reviewers 1059 selected PI´s ~ 1000 signed projects ERC – facts StG 2007 – AdG 2009
European Research Council The evaluation process 2 Steps Step 1: synopsis Step 2: full proposal (+ interview for Starting Grants) Panels ~ 12 panel members (inc. 1 Chair) 1 coordinator (ERC scientific officer) ~ 4 panel members / proposal (+ experts from other panels for cross-panels or cross-domains proposals) + remote referees in step 2
European Research Council │ 9 ERC Starting & Advanced grant calls 2007, 2008 & 2009 Submitted proposals by domain Number of proposals
European Research Council Success rates in ERC calls European Research Council SubmittedSelectedSubmittedSelectedSubmittedSelectedSubmittedSelected Total * success 3.3% 8.8% 12.7% 15% LS success 3.1% 7.5% 11.0% 17%? PE success 3.1% 8.4% 11.4% 14% SH success 4.2% 8.9% 11.9% 13% StG 2007StG 2009 AdG 2008AdG 2009
European Research Council │ 11 ERC Starting Grant 2009, 2010 calls Submission : Applicants from Third countries Overall number StG2009 = 154 (6%) / StG2010 = 235 (8%) Brazil By nationality at the time of application
European Research Council │ 12 Life Sciences Physical Sciences & Engineering Social Sciences & Humanities 1029 (36%) 1205 (42%) 639 (22%) 267 (34%) 358 (46%) 154 (20%) Submitted proposals Proposals retained to step2 Total = 2873 Total = 779 StG 2010: Outcome Step1 evaluation Success Rate 27%
European Research Council │ 13 Submissions in AdG 2008, 2009 and 2010 AdG2008 AdG2009 AdG
European Research Council │ 14 Submissions in AdG 2008, 2009 and PE 2167 AdG2008 AdG2009 AdG2010
European Research Council │ 15 Submissions in AdG 2008, 2009 and LS AdG2008 AdG2009 AdG2010
European Research Council │ 16 Submissions in AdG 2008, 2009 and SH AdG2008 AdG2009 AdG2010
European Research Council │ Domain distributions of submissions in AdG 2008, 2009 and 2010 PE LS SH 46% 35% 19% 47% 32% 21% 45% 31% 24%
European Research Council │ Other nationalities (< 5 submissions): CN, CY, IN, IS, LT, NZ, AL, EG, LV, AR, BR, BY, GD, GT, IR, JP, LU, MK, MT, PE, PK, TN, UA, ZA AdG 2010 submissions: domain distribution versus PI nationalities PE LS SH
European Research Council │ 19 AdG 2010 submissions: gender balance 2009 M F 7% 13% 25% 13%
European Research Council │ 20 AdG 2010 submissions: gender balance versus PI nationality 2009 M F
European Research Council │ 21 AdG 2010 submissions: proposals with Co-PI 2009 without Co-PI with Co-PI 92% 8% 89% 11% 92% 8% 91% 9%
European Research Council │ 22 AdG 2010 submissions: applicant age distribution PE LS SH Ref year: call publication
European Research Council ERC StG AdG Grants by host country Advanced grant call 2008 Starting grant 2009 Starting grant call 2007 Advanced grant call 2009 ≤5 ≤201≤10≤30≤40≤50>50
European Research Council ERC Starting & Advanced grant calls Comparison of the TOP European institutions
European Research Council ERC Starting & Advanced grant calls Submitted proposals from researchers with nationality from a Third country
European Research Council Argentina Australia Canada China Japan Korea Mexico Morocco Russia Singapore South Africa Ukraine USA ERC calls Grantees with a nationality of a Third country
European Research Council │ 27 Thank you for your attention!