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KISS We will say in the key of C no flats or sharps unless indicated. For our purpose we will stick to 4/4 time If a child chooses music that is not in the key of C have them label all the flats or sharps on the music before beginning.
Notes are labeled A,B,C,D,E,F,G and refer to a part of a musical instrument. From A to A is an octave. Middle C on the piano is the center key. From C to C is an Octave. G to G etc.
Middle C Octave An Octave is eight white keys or twelve keys in all. Do you see Fibonacci? Listen to an octave. Octaves
More Info Same note - middle C
Middle C - Play [c] Each Space and line gets a letter
Sharps # and Flats b are the black keys. # black key above b black key below A # is the same key as B b
Tempo Tempo is the length that a quarter note is played. Tempo 60 would play a quarter note for 1 sec. The default is 120- a quarter note for 1/2 sec.
Be held for 4 beats 2 beats 1 beats.5 beats.25 beats
What a beat? This determines the relative value of how long a note is played. Beats in a measure Which note gets one beat.
4 beats -1D 2 beats -2A 1 beats 4C or C.5 beats - 8E.25 beats -16G
Play [list] I(#) indicates instrument. Default is piano. Ex I0 T(#) Tempo. Default 120. Ex T120 Format for a note (duration)(letter)(#orb) (octave) Defaults 4. 4C4 is the same as C. R - resets all to defaults. O# raises all following notes one octave. Ob lowers an octave. L# resets note default for duration. L8 would make C same as 8C. + like sustain pedal stops with P or R. If you do not stop this it may not stop.
PLAY [2A#3 2P Ob Ab] sounds an A-sharp half note below middle c, pauses for the duration of a half note, lowers all following notes by one octave, and sounds an A-flat quarter PLAY causes the computer's synthesizer to play musical notes as specified by its input list. Musical Notes: A B C D E F G P (for pause or a rest). R resets all to default values. It is not rest. Note prefixes: An integer immediately preceding a note determines its duration. 1 is a whole note, 2 is a half note, 4 is a quarter note, 8 is an eighth note, etc. Note suffixes: # following a note indicates it is a sharp note, b following a note indicates it is a flat note;. following a note extends its duration to 3/2 time Octaves: O followed by an integer between 0 and 6 sets the octave which is preset to 4. O# raises one octave, Ob lowers an octave (duration of the note) (note- ABCDEFGP)(#, b)(octave)
Instruments: I followed by an instrument number selects a specific instrument for a channel.
23456 C to B Default Range 8G2 would play this key 1/8 note. Middle C
Play two notes together (Chords) Play[ [C E G] C5] Plays CEG together then C above middle C. Play can also be used to play a sound. The sound must be in the sounds folder. It can be any mp3 aif of wav sound format. Play “ blowing_nose.wav If it is not in the sound folder then a direct path to it has to be included. PLAY “/Users/student/Desktop/blowing_nose.wav See documentation for Windows.