Greenhouse Warming By Mark Dalman Katherine Kostopoulos
Greenhouse Warming What influences it?
The contributing Greenhouse Gases Water Vapor (60%) Carbon Dioxide (20%) Methane,CFC’s,Ozone, and Nitrous Oxide(20%)
The Greenhouse Effect Is the idea of an encasing layer of gases that serves as a semi-permeable covering that allows for some heat transfer but not complete dissipation of the heat. This protects the Earth from the extreme temperature conditions. (the Earths homeostasis mechanism)
GOAL Plan to analyze [CO2] and [water vapor] data to determine if there is a correlative effect on the climatic model Increasing the concentration of Carbon Dioxide and Water vapor leads to more influential greenhouse warming.
If [water vapor] in the atmosphere remained constant and a doubling in CO2 occurred, it would heat the planet by only ~1.2 deg. C. However, if CO2 is doubled in these models, the atmosphere holds more water vapor, enhancing the warming to 3.5 deg. C +/- 1.5 degrees. POSITIVE NEGATIVE
Methodology I obtained several primary and secondary articles that dealt with the effects of CO2 and water vapor. Evaluated American Samoa, Tutuilla I got my data from: Water vapor data CO2 data
Our boat The crew Preparing to get our ice core samples
South Pole
Where I got my data from
Water Vapor … however is a whole different issue It is more difficult to obtain a substantial amount of data
Water vapor is transported by winds and air currents through the atmosphere. When the air mass cools sufficiently, the water vapor condenses into clouds, and a portion falls to the ground as precipitation in the form of snow, rain, sleet, or hail. Water that falls to the ground as precipitation follows many paths on its way back to the atmosphere. The water may be intercepted and taken up by plants; it may be stored in small depressions or lakes; it can infiltrate the soil; or it can flow over the surface to a nearby stream channel. The sun may cause the water to evaporate directly back into the atmosphere, or the force of gravity may pull it down through the pores of the soil to be stored for years as slowly moving groundwater. Some of the water flowing through the ground returns to the surface to supply water to springs, lakes, and rivers. water/cycle.htm
Water Vapor Data I obtained my data by utilizing the NOAA balloon borne frost point hygrometer
The Current State Of Our Ability To Measure Atmospheric Water Vapor A multitude of systems exist for observing water vapor. Each has different characteristics and advantages mockler.html
A cross section of the atmosphere in American Samoa With increasing height, there is less water vapor in the atmosphere
The Current Levels of Carbon Dioxide
Conclusion [CO2] is increasing on the Island of Samoa It went from in the low 300’s ppm to the upper ppm in a time period of 30 yearsIt went from in the low 300’s ppm to the upper ppm in a time period of 30 years Water Vapor concentrations are sporadic This is not accurate due to the lack of data availableThis is not accurate due to the lack of data available However, there is evidence that global warming is occurring, and this is evident due to the increase in the greenhouse effect with respect to increasing water vapor and CO2 concentrations, overall
Our Difficulties You cannot compare water vapor concentrations to CO2 concentrations in different regions It’s like comparing apples to orangesIt’s like comparing apples to oranges Finding a mixed atmosphere that would give us proper sampling Not enough Data Neither water vapor levels or CO2 levels have ever been measured from the same location in a large extentNeither water vapor levels or CO2 levels have ever been measured from the same location in a large extent