SWE 423 Multimedia Systems Section 01 – 10:00-10:50am – 24:108 Fall Semester (071) King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Information & Computer Science Department
Instructor: Dr. Wasfi Al-Khatibوصفي الخطيب Office: (22) Office hours: –SM 11:00am – 01:00pm, W: 11:00am – 12:00pm. –Appointment. Phone: Important Preliminaries
Important Preliminaries (Cont.) Prerequisite: Senior Standing Resources: –(Required Text): R. Steinmetz, K. Nahrstedt: Multimedia Fundamentals, Vol. 1: Media Coding and Content Processing. Prentice Hall: 2002, ISBN: –Ze-Nian Li: Fundamentals of Multimedia. Pearson Prentice Hall,2004 –Handouts (Lecture Notes, papers,...etc.)
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of this semester, I hope that you will: –Identify various properties of audio, image, video and animation data and how different they are from text. –Describe some compression techniques of various media types. –Write programs that process raw audio and image data. –Develop a multimedia presentation. –Describe basics and latest advances in multimedia databases.
Course Contents (Very Tentative) Introduction Chapter 1 Media and Data StreamsChapter 2 Optical Storage MediaChapter 8 Audio TechnologyChapter 3 Graphics and ImagesChapter 4 Video TechnologyChapter 5 Computer-based Animation Chapter 6 Data CompressionChapter 7 Content AnalysisChapter 9
Grading Policy Homeworks & Programming Assignments 15% Quizzes10% Pop Quizzes and/or Class Work5% Project20% Two Major Exams30% Final Exam20% Absences-4.5%
Important Dates TaskDate [and Time]LocationWeight Quiz 1Saturday September 22, 2007In class2.5% Quiz 2Saturday October 20, 2007In class2.5% Major Exam ISaturday November 3, :30-7:30pmTBA15% Quiz 3Saturday November 17, 2007In class2.5% Major Exam IIWednesday December 12, :30-7:30pmTBA15% Quiz 4Wednesday January 9, 2008In class2.5% Final ExamSaturday January 26, :30-9:30amIn class20%
Final Important Remarks Homeworks: –Late homeworks are not accepted. –Discussing homeworks with others (especially on WebCT) is highly encouraged. However, copying homeworks is NOT permitted and will be considered CHEATING. Quizzes: 15 minute. Each covers material given since the last quiz or major exam. Pop Quizzes: 5-10 minute. Each covers material given during the same lecture. Exams HWs, & quizzes are generally CHALLENGING. MAKE USE of my office hours.
Attendance Attendance will be checked each class. A bonus of 0.5 point (out of the maximum 100) will be given for each “additional” hour attended above the 45 lectures –This shall come from the help sessions conducted for the two major exams and the final exam. Unexcused Absences Policies: –The first four absences are FREE of charge. –The fifth absence is worth – 2.5 of your maximum 100 total. –Each subsequent absence, up to the ninth absence, is worth – 0.5. –The tenth absence will result in an automatic DN grade. –An unexcused absence can become an excused absence ONLY by an official letter from the Dean of Student’s office.
Your 24-Hour Right One has 24 hours to object to the grade of a homework, [pop] quiz or a major exam starting from the end of the class time in which the graded exam papers have been distributed. –i.e. if you were not present in class during the distribution of exam papers, you loose this right. If for some reason you cannot see me in person, within this period, send me an requesting an appointment. The , though, should be sent within the 24-hour time period.
Cairo Envelopes How much can they increase your letter grade? NONE…………..even if you bring an elder! Examples: –Slept after Fajr –Checkpoints long lines –I got married / I had a divorce –I am graduating and the job is waiting for me
So, What Can Increase my Grade? Active participation –In Class –On WebCT –In my office hours The bottom line is: Trying
Cheating Policies Cheating in one category will result in a zero for the whole category. For example, if cheating is confirmed in homework 3, this will result in 0 out of 10% [which means that there is no need to submit any additional homework]. An additional 5% will be deducted from the overall total (out of 100).