CERN: important events Restart of the LHC: –First beam on 20 November at 0.45 TeV –First collisions on 23 November, followed by slowly ramping up the beam.


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Presentation transcript:

CERN: important events Restart of the LHC: –First beam on 20 November at 0.45 TeV –First collisions on 23 November, followed by slowly ramping up the beam energy to 1.18 TeV (= world record), corresponding to 2000A –Collisions until 16 December; now: technical shut-down until Feb. –Cost for repair: 40 MCHF (without accompanying measures) DG’s future plans: –A lot of consolidation needed (spares, He storage, cooling/electricity maintenance, tunnel overpressure requirements, busbar splices, etc) = 25 MCHF/year over approx. 4-5 years –Long-term outlook on LHC exploitation developed in the Chamonix workshop will go via SPC to Council in June –Possible change of operation mode to a bi-annual shut-down Evolution of LHC: “Install new items when they are needed” –LHC upgrade (“Phase I”) (inner triplets, LINAC4) not before 2016 –S-LHC (“Phase II”) (luminosity x10, PS2, SPL) likely in the 2020ies.

CERN: Report from Council (1) Council –elects Prof. Michel Spiro (FR) as President –extends the FC Chair Martin Steinacher (CH) for another year –notes that none of the large non-member States (Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Russia, USA, Korea) wants to become a full member. Brazil and India are looking into Associate Membership (provided the contributions are small enough…) –agrees to start at an informal level the technical verification process for the five applications received (Cyprus, Israel, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey); decision re applications will be taken later on the basis of the work of the WG Enlargement –notes the CERN Pension Fund situation, where 2’100 MCHF are missing (structural deficit aggravated by the financial crisis in 2008). Some 80 MCHF per year are needed over a period of 30 years to improve the situation.

CERN: Report from Council (2) Council agrees on the guidelines for geographical enlargement consensus on the principle of global opening of the Organization the concrete paths towards global opening need to be examined further the current Associate Status should be revised with a view to greater flexibility, balancing obligations and benefits the relationship between the status of Candidate for Accession to CERN and the status of Associate Membership is to be discussed; other options for participation in the Organization's activities will be streamlined (Observer Status, Co-op Agreements, etc) to use the LHC upgrade as a test-bed for a global collaboration project („stakeholder model“, similar to the LHC experiments: RRB, maintenance and operation aspects) to decouple the scientific enlargement from the geographical enlargement Next European Strategy update 2012?