Your Name Your Title Your Organization (Line #1) Your Organization (Line #2) Weeks 3-4 Update Joe Hoatam Josh Merritt Aaron Nielsen
Outline Individual Matlab results Aaron: Phase coding Josh: ML Algorithm & Clustering Joe: Clutter Analysis
Codes worked with this week example_processing_CHILL_ts.m estimate_parameters.m plot_processing_CHILL_ts.m plotRHI.m processRND.m processSZ.m
example_processing_CHILL_ts.m Reads in CHILL data and allows user to store or manipulate data Modifications made: Changed file paths Fixed configuration file error Limited input data Worked on developing estimate_parameters.m function for program to call
plot_processing_CHILL_ts.m Calls plotRHI.m to plot the range height indicator of the collected data Data was already formatted and ready to plotted for some cases (from data collected on December 28) VH Mode VHS mode with random coding VHS mode without coding
Output Results, VHS Mode Figure 1: No codingFigure 2: Random coding
Partial Output Figure 3: Partial output
Questions/Comments Storage of data using estimate_parameters.m function Partial outputs of plot_processing_CHILL_ts.m Interpretation of plot_processing_CHILL_ts.m results Next week’s work
ML Algorithm & Clustering Worked with various Matlab programs simrr.m, dbs.m, idbs.m, etc. Looked at example files that used the cluster.m and crt.m files to generate and process sample data vel_unfolding_example.m Began work on Maximum Likelihood Algorithm
Estimate parameters dual PRF Worked on getting estimate_parameters_dual_PRF.m file to work Had problem getting access to ts_file for the program to work Trying to contact Andy to get reading access