HEPIX - October 1999 IN2P3 LDAP Services Jamet Hélène IN2P3 Computing Center (LYON)
HEPIX - October 1999 LDAP Project Project initiated in 1998 Already in production 16 LDAP servers located in each IN2P3 laboratory Use of replication mechanism
HEPIX - October 1999
Naming Context In CC IN2P3 –o=in2p3, o=hep, c=net In each laboratory –ou=LaboName, o=in2p3, o=hep, c=net Du to replication constraint Will return to the standard naming : o=in2p3, c=fr
HEPIX - October 1999 Deployment Prepared in CC IN2P3 –Naming context choice –Data Structure (Standard schema) –Writing documentation in order to facilitate server installation, guidelines to homogenize data Deployed in each laboratory on several platforms (Solaris, HP, AIX,...)
HEPIX - October 1999 Services Addressing mail Providing Roaming access Providing Web tools –Consultation –ModificationModification
HEPIX - October 1999 HEP Directory Meeting with CERN LDAP administrators –Keep standard tree o=HEPOrg, c=CountryCode –Discuss about alias naming context create a root : o=hep each LDAP server could be referred with : –o=HEPOrg, o=hep –Homogenize data referenced in the HEP branch
HEPIX - October 1999 IN2P3 Contacts List of discussion :