Voice XML Application Design Issues Darshan Desai And Shreenath Laxman Pace University
Pace Speech Lab Setup Targeted audience Students Work towards developing multi-modal applications. Faculty For academic application development example grade information etc. Administrative staff For application such as on phone registration, course changes, class schedules etc.
Pace Speech lab Setup
Pace Speech Lab Setup Components Involved Cisco 1750 router IBM Voice Server Local Area Network PSTN Firewall (optional for Voice Server)
Pace Speech Lab Setup Components Involved - Cisco 1750
Pace Speech Lab Setup Components Involved - Voice over IP
Pace Speech Lab Setup Components Involved - IBM Voice Server System Management Agent VoiceXML Browser IBM ViaVoice Speech Recognition Engine IBM ViaVoice Text-To-Speech Engine H.323 Telephony Component
Pace Speech Lab Setup Components Involved - IBM Voice Server
Pace Lab Set Up Studio Architecture Registration Development Deployment The Studio essentially enables the user to load his application URL which can be referenced by the Voice Server. This URL is retrieved and loaded when the call is routed to the IBM Voice Server.
Pace Lab Set Up Studio Architecture