Intelligence Chapter 8
What Is Intelligence? Intelligence is the overall capacity of an individual to act purposefully, think rationally, and deal effectively with the environment
Theories of Intelligence: One Ability or Many A key issue is whether there is one intelligence or many
Wechsler’s Theory Wechsler argued that intelligence tests involving spatial relations and verbal comprehension reveal little about someone’s overall capacity to deal with the world In his view, intelligence is not mathematical functioning or a problem-solving ability, but rather the broad ability to deal with the world
Factor Theories Factor theories use factor analysis to explore what makes up intelligence Factor analysis is a statistical procedure designed to discover the independent elements (factors) in a set of data With regard to intelligence, factor analysis attempts to find clusters of items that measure common abilities
Jensen’s Two-Level Theory Jensen suggests that intelligence consists of associative and cognitive abilities Associative abilities enable people to connect stimuli and events Cognitive abilities involve reasoning and problem solving
Vygotsky’s View Vygotsky saw intellectual development as occurring in a social context that includes communication with the self and others
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Gardner proposed that there are multiple types of intelligence and traditional intelligence tests do not measure them Gardner defines intelligence as an ability to solve a problem or create a product within a specific cultural setting
Gardner’s Intelligences Linguistic Logical Mathematical Spatial Bodily-Kinesthetic Naturalist (Relational) Interpersonal (Social) Intrapersonal (Self/Meta)
Evidence Neurological studies of parallel processes Development of independent processes Talents and deficits
Emotions: A Different Kind of Intelligence? Golman claims that one’s emotional life can matter much more than one’s intellectual abilities Emotional intelligence includes self- awareness, impulse control, persistence, ability to recognize emotions in others, and social agility