Venture Capital Firms and Alternative Energy Sources Aaron Lum BA 469 Article
Article Summary Venture Capitalist (VC) hope to develop and capture the oil dominated energy market share with alternative energy sources. Not for environment’s sake… “It's not because we want to do great things for the environment or great things for the world” Cleantech represented 1.2% of total dollar amount of VC in $520 million accounts for 2.6% of total VC pie in Translate into a 20 billion dollar VC energy investments. Federal and State Government taking to opposite roads to solving this energy problem. State: Finance R & D into renewable energy sources. Federal: Corporate fossil fuels, scale back alternative energy sources. Opens doors for private companies to capitalize on alternative energy.
The Players…
Summation With oil prices soaring alternative energy becomes a viable option. Companies attracted to possibility of new “untapped” industry. State also attracted to alternative energy and cost savings.
Work Cited RedNova Technology Partners Nanosolar CleanTech Venture Network Energy Innovations Alternative Energy Institute