Creating an overdue items list A millennium circulation example
New to Millennium Setting/Releasing ownership of a list Change the current mode to Create Lists by choosing it from the Go menu. Choose a review file that is not already owned by selecting its row. Choose the Own button from the toolbar. Millennium adds the current initials to the Initials column. The initials appear in red italics. Dedupe (#105956) Remove duplicate bibliographic records from your list. A duplicate bib record may be produced if you sort by title, as the uniform title or added title will also then be listed. Grouping Search Terms You can create hierarchies of search criteria by grouping your search terms. Once you have specified three or more rows of search terms: Select the rows to group by highlighting multiple rows with your cursor. You must select at least two rows to create a group. Terms that belong to a group must be adjacent. Choose the Group button. Millennium places parentheses around the search terms you selected. See also: Ungrouping Search Terms Ungrouping Search
Open Create List Click on create list icon
This is the screen you see when you open create lists
View Empty Lists You can view empty, in process, complete or all files from the dropdown menu
Select an empty list of an appropriate size
Select an empty list Select an empty list and click the copy icon.
Select review file to copy from Use scroll down menu to find the system created OVERDUES list. You will be able to seach a subset of records instead of all records. You must have selected the right size list.
Copy overdues file into the file you selected Click O.K. when you have found the file you want to copy.
Select a different empty file Select a different empty file and click on the ‘search records’ icon.
Set up your search
Set up your search - 2 Name your file according to convention. Select what kind of record type you will search. If you are searching a review file, select the file. (In this example it is the overdues file that we copied earlier)
Specify what to search for
List is complete My list is now complete
Edit your list Displays items in review file. Click edit to see details of record.
Sort your list The overdues list is usually sorted by location and call number.
Printing your file Click ‘list’ to bring up the box for choosing how your report will look.
Empty files