Bandwidth sharing: objectives and algorithms Jim Roberts France Télécom - CNET Laurent Massoulié Microsoft Research
Motivation Optimize TCP for Web-like traffic transport adequate rate sharing principles? control laws realising such rate shares?
Outline Rate sharing objectives – max-min fairness [ Bertsekas & Gallager ] – proportional fairness [ Kelly ] – “minimum delay” Distributed implementation (users / network) – fixed window control / scheduling + buffering – stochastic algorithms and adaptive sending rates
Network model – links l, capacity C l – users r (for route), r subset of links –feasible rate allocations: rate r to route r so that l, r l r C l –e.g., a naïve approach: maximize r r (e.g., 0 =0, r =1, r>0) route 1 route 2 route L route 0 link 1 link 2 link L linear network :
Rate sharing objectives max-min fairness: r, bottleneck l r so that r’ l r’ =C l and r =max r’ l r’ (e.g., r =1/2 r) proportional fairness: choose r so as to maximise r log( r ) (e.g., 0 =1/(L+1) and r =L/(L+1) r>0) minimum delay criterion: choose r so as to minimise r 1/ r (e.g., 0 =1/(1+ L) and r = L/(1+ L) r>0)
Fixed window control route r window size B r, round trip time T r –fluid model (packet size 0) –greedy sources –buffering at links ’ access –no congestion on return path some relevant work: [Hahne&Gallager], [Mitra&Seery], [Mo&Walrand] source destination packets ack’s
Fixed window control (ctd) Theorem: assume scheduling among different routes at each link is FIFO (resp., Longest Queue First, Fair Queueing, Q-proportional). Then system admits unique static regime, with r characterized as: –argmax r B r log( r ) - r T r (FIFO) –argmax r B r r - (1/2)T r ( r ) 2 (LQF) –max-min fair allocation with bound (B r / T r ) on r (FQ) –argmin r (B r / r ) + T r log( r )( Q- prop.)
s1s1 s2s2 d2d2 d1d1 Example FIFO scheduling if B 1 /T 1 +B 2 /T 2 1 then i =B i /T i, i=1,2 otherwise = 1, where 1 as a function of T 1, T 2 (B 1 = B 2 =1)
Stochastic algorithms for rates updates route r sending rate r, for integer-valued r user r adapts r randomly according to r : n n+1 at rate b(n) if compatible with capacity constraints, 0 otherwise, r : n n -1 at rate d(n) distributed mechanism based on binary information “rate increment by feasible or not” simplifying assumptions: – no queueing at links – feedback information instantaneously available
Stochastic algorithms (ctd) Stationary distribution: ({ r }) r [b(0)…b( r -1)] / [d(1)…d( r )] 1 {constraints satisfied} e.g., b(n) b, d(n) d: ({ r }) exp [ log(b/d) r r ] 1 {constraints satisfied} as b/d increases, concentrates on argmax r r e.g., b(n)=(n+1)a, d(n)=(n-1)a: ({ r }) exp [ a r log( r )] 1 {constraints satisfied} as b/d increases, concentrates on argmax r r
Deterministic increase/decrease rules Smooth deterministic sending rates updates, based on same binary information: d r /dt = f r ( r ) if capacity available, = - g r ( r ) otherwise. e.g., TCP-like additive increase/multiplicative decrease: f r , g r ( r )= r Theorem: these dynamics admit as stable points argmax
Deterministic increase/decrease rules (ctd) e.g., additive increase-multiplicative decrease mechanism: f r , g r ( r ) = r stable points at argmax argmax r log( r ) “additive increase / multiplicative decrease achieves proportional fairness” (cf. [Kelly et al.], [Leboudec et al.]) e.g., f r ( r )=1/ r, g r ( r )= r stable points near argmin r 1/ r “logarithmic increase / multiplicative decrease achieves minimum delay”
Conclusions Introduction of minimum delay rate sharing principle Analysis of fixed window control impact of scheduling and round trip delays New class of stochastic algorithms impact of end user reaction to congestion For further study: –consideration of dynamic users population –combination of end users reaction, scheduling and round trip delays