GENESIS - Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific and Technical Basis for Assessing Climate Change and Land- use Impacts on Groundwater Systems.


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Presentation transcript:

GENESIS - Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific and Technical Basis for Assessing Climate Change and Land- use Impacts on Groundwater Systems Paul Andreas Aakerøy GENESIS administration Bioforsk-Norway

Content of presentation Participants and roles GENESIS main objectives and concept Expected impact

GENESIS in Facts and Figures Large scale integrated project in FP7 25 partners: 15 universities, 8 research institutes and 2 SME Advisory board 5 members 13 EU states, 4 Associated states Multidisciplinary proposal Research proposal that provides scientific basis for the update of the EU GWD Budget 10 M€ with EU finance 7M€ Duration 5 years (from ) Coordinated by Bioforsk, Norway

Bioforsk, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental ResearchNorway UOULU, University of Oulu, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering LaboratoryFinland Joanneum Research ForschungsgesellschaftmbHAustria ETH, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichSwitzerland LTU, Lulea Tekniska UniversitetSweden UNIBUC, University of BucharestRomania GIS, GIS-GEOINDUSTRY, s.r.o.Czech Republic INRA, Institut National de la Recherche AgronomiqueFrance Alterra, Wageningen University and Research CentreThe Netherlands HMGU, München Gesundheit UmweltGermany Eawag, Eidgenössische Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und GewässerschutzSwitzerland AGH, University of Science and TechnologyPoland UCSC, Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreItaly IGEM, Integrated Global Ecosystem Management Research and Consulting Co.Turkey IAMA-UPVLC, Technical Univ of ValenciaSpain DUTh, Democritus University of ThraceGreece CUT, Cracow University of TechnologyPoland UNINE, University of NeuchâtelSwitzerland UNIFE, University of FerraraItaly AUEB-RC, Athens University of Economics and Business-Research CentreGreece UNIDUN, University of DundeeUnited Kingdom UNIZG-RGNF, University of Zagreb- Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum EngineeringCroatia UFZ, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental ResearchGermany SMHI, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological InstituteSweden UNIMAN, University of ManchesterUnited Kingdom 25 Partners

16 Case Study Areas More information about case studies:


Expected impact Provide a scientific basis for the update of the EU GWD (starting July 2011) by developing tools for groundwater modeling and assessment Total > 30 deliverables (conferences to scientific papers) First important deliverable: a review of pollutants in the groundwater directive: Input to Annex I and II –Annex 1 include limit values set for single pesticides, total amount (sum) of pesticides and nitrates. –Annex II lists pollutants in three categories I) naturally occurring substances, II) synthetic substances, and III) electrical conductivity as indicator for salt water intrusion and metals and pollution. –Why have the present been selected, and what should be added? –Review pollutant properties and the reason for risks to groundwater degradation etc

– increased knowledge on different groundwater systems – development/improvement of methods to determine flow paths and residence time – better understanding of leaching processes through the unsaturated zone to groundwater – knowledge on groundwater dependent ecosystems – tools for modeling and assessment – integrated management considering sociological, legal and economic aspects – dissemination of knowledge (publications, courses, seminars) 8 Zagreb Aquifer, Croatia Leaching experiment, Bitterfeld, Germany

GENESIS concept Scientific research is needed to improve the understanding of how different drivers affect groundwater systems. New process understanding must be incorporated into mathematical models and assessment tools. Scenarios will be simulated to assess impacts in an integrated way taking account of uncertainties present in such simulations.

8 Work packages

Future events Future conferences, cources and workshops open for all – GENESIS tracers seminar: Munich 29th June 2010 – IAH conference September 2010 Cracow (GENESIS session)

Thank you for your attention! 12 De Kromme Rijn, The Netherlands