Traffic Models in the Traffic Management Workshop Domain 3, May 7 – 8, 2001 VIKING Alf Peterson, Vägverket Region Stockholm - SNRA
Traffic Management Plans in Stockholm - an implementation Background Operation Exemples of Models Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Traffic Operation Co-ordination between actors – Directive from Government – The Partners strive for an optimised use of the whole transportsystem, which should be seamless Multi-modal oriented –”smart” tours – get information before trip – get information en-tour Expedients for this – Public information - Road Operators, Radio etc – Customised information - Service Providers – Information along the road - Road and Public Transport Operators Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Example Essingeleden E4 Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
E4 Essingeleden – mobility in terms of speed and fuel consumption Bredäng Start tid: 07:25:01 Västberga Nyboda Stora Essingen Fredhäll TomtebodaSolnabronEugenia Genomsnittshastighet: 6.9 km/h Bränsleförbrukning: 2.56 lit/10 kml Genomsnittshastighet : 19.4 km/h Bränsleförbrukning: lit/10 km Genomsnittshastighet : 69.5 m/h Bränsleförbrukning :0.64 lit/10 km Hastighet km/h Genomsnittshastighet på vägsträckan Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Co-operation City of Stockholm Joint TMC ”Joint” roadnet - seamless ”Road assistance” Exchange of –Traffic data –Disruptions –Roadworks etc. Web Vägtrafikcentralen S T O C K H O L M Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Joint user interface Decision support system A stored and complete bedding/support fast and correct measures, TMP improved mobility and minimised damage and risks Traffic Managemet System CTS, Central Technical System IN DATA Automatic alarms from all connecting systems, Telephone, Traffic data, Video, Weatherinfo, Co-operating partners mm SCENARIOS Traffic Management Plans THE OPERATION OF MEASURES Mail, Fax,Telephone,TMP´s via connected systems, Vägassistans mm Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Generic report Create a new report Deleted report Delete the report Registered report Register the report Confirmed report Confirmr the report TMP in operation Make a choice and operate a TMP Finalised report Finalise the report without confirmation Finalise the report after restoration of TMP TMP restored Restore plan Finalise the report Without a TMP Traffic Management Plans Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Operators can intervene in different systems Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Screen view Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Development of roadside systems GIS – Maps – Joint roadnet database, NVDB Technical system – Intelligent traffic signals – Motorway Control System (MCS ) – Real-times based traffic models – Variable Message Sign Organisation – adaption and development Evaluations Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Incident Management Stockholm Road- assistance Dispatched from VTC Radius ca 10 km, main road networkt Operating time 0630 – 1930 working day Two trucks Tow-away vehicle Policé Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
The Operaters need processed information Exemple: Journeytimes between optional locations (O-D) – normal journey times – current journey times – Journey time predictions – 15 resp. 30 minutes – scenarios - descriptive Three different methods – Contram ITS, an off line modell (mezzo) – normal journey times, scenarios – Matrix, an realtime model, current jouney times related to O-D, control functions – Probes, position data from existing users, current journtey times Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Incident location Increased congestion after 30min Incident delay estimates (veh.h): Modelled 990 Observed 1500 Rear-end collision Essingeleden during am peak hour (speed difference in km/h compared with normal situation) Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover Off-line tactical use
Preliminary location of VMS in Stockholm Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover Off-line tactical use
VMS Incident location Incidents and VMS modelled Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover Off-line tactical use
Accident at Roslagsvägen during am peak (speed difference in km/h compared with normal situation) Left: No VMS and re-routingRight: VMS noticed by 50% of drivers VMS E4 at Järva Krog more congested Situation after 40min, incident just cleared Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover Off-line tactical use
Incident and no VMS Incident and VMS Total network improvment 714 veh.h. Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Test area To be extended Parameters link/lane Length nod/junction capacity v/d functions O-D pattern centroides Detectors and indata Probes and indata Calibration Flows Validation journey times Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
MATRIX a realtime traffic automation- system, a generic information and “control” platform Stockholm: Information från: MCS Image processing Traffic Signals Traditional detectors Intelligent traffic signals Probes O/D ESTIMATION ASSIGNMENT MONITORING Of road network CONTROL Via traffic- systems “FAST” CYCLE “SLOW” CYCLE Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover
Any questions? Wiking Workshop, May 7-8th, Hannover