Business Communication: Process and Product, Mary Ellen Guffey, South-Western.
Identifying Your Purpose u Decide what you want your audience to believe, remember, or do when you finish. u Aim all parts of your talk toward your purpose.
Organizing the Introduction u Get the audience involved. u Capture attention by opening with a promise, story, startling fact, question, quotation, relevant problem, or self- effacing story.
Organizing the Introduction u Introduce your topic. u Preview the main points.
Organizing the Body of Your Presentation u Develop two to four main points. u Prepare transitions. Use “bridge” statements between major points (I’ve just discussed three reasons for X; now I want to move to Y). Use verbal signposts: however, for example, etc.
Organizing the Conclusion u Review your main points. u Provide a final focus. Tell your listeners how they can use this information, why you have spoken, or what you want them to do.
Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention ¶ A Promise By the end of this presentation, you will be able to.... · Drama Tell a moving story; describe a serious problem. ¸ Eye contact Command attention at the beginning by making eye contact with as many people as possible.
Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention ¹ Movement Leave lectern area. Move toward audience. º Questions Ask for show of hands. Use rhetorical questions. » Demonstrations Include member of audience.
Nine Techniques for Gaining and Keeping Audience Attention ¼ Samples/gimmicks Award prizes to volunteer participants; pass out samples. ½ Visuals Use a variety of visuals. ¾ Self-interest Audience wants to know “What’s in it for me?”
Handling Questions Understand question before answering Probe the questioner if being intimidated If you can’t answer, say so Use examples in your answers Answer question to whole audience Avoid saying “As I pointed out earlier…”
Ways to Overcome Stage Fright u Select a familiar, relevant topic. Prepare 150 percent. u Use positive self-talk. u Convert your fear into anticipation and enthusiasm. u Shift the focus from yourself to your visuals.
Ways to Overcome Stage Fright u Give yourself permission to make an occasional mistake. u Ignore stumbles; keep going. Don’t apologize. u Make the listeners your partners. Get them involved. u Just before you speak, practice deep breathing.
Making Calls u Plan a mini agenda. u Use a three-point introduction: 1. Your name 2. Your affiliation 3. A brief explanation of why you are calling. u Be cheerful and accurate. u Bring it to a close. u Avoid telephone tag. u Leave complete voic messages.
Receiving Calls u Identify yourself immediately. u Be responsive and helpful. u Be cautious when answering calls for others. u Take messages carefully. u Explain when transferring calls.