CSC DQA Status Ken Johns, Venkat Kaushik, Caleb Lampen, Xiaowen Lei (U. Arizona)
CSC Status Other than a small number of noisy channels, the CSC performance is stable and in good shape
CSC Online DQA CSC GNAM CSC GNAM, OHP, DQMF, COOL flags running reliably CSC GNAM recently changed to Reset at Warm Start Will likely change to Reset at First Warm Start and Fill When Ready when this option is available CSC GNAM using Calib Stream Developed and tested (offline) Currently produces empty histograms as CSC’s not in Calib Stream (see later)
CSC Offline DQA CSC RawDataMonitoring CSC Tier0, HAN, DQMF, COOL running reliably Used for SHFTOFL flags In progress, PRD, Cluster monitoring being moved to the ESD-AOD xform (T. Kittelmann) Segment monitoring tested but needs tag for Tier0 Post-processing monitoring (efficiencies, Laudau mpv, etc.) tested but needs tag for Tier0 CSC-TGC correlation monitoring just starting
CSC Offline DQA History plots We also developed software to web display user specified Tier0 histograms for user specified run numbers
CSC Calibration Center Monitoring CSC Calibration Center (CC) monitoring software is being resurrected CSC data should be included in the Calibration stream (once stable beam returns) Was turned off in March for unknown reasons Once this is verified (need stable beam) processing at the CC needs to be (re)validated Software development to cross-check electronic calibration constants using CC root-tuple is in progress Thanks to A. Di Mattia and F. Petrucci for help with first two items
Pedestal and Electronic Calibration Monitoring Pedestal monitoring in place (C. Lampen) Automatically generates monitoring web pages Pedestal values Pedestal RMS χ 2 of pedestal Gaussian fit Attempts to highlight noisy channels and deviations from nominal values In development: COOL based historical survey of pedestal runs